I realise it's a bit unrealistic that Damon hasn't been in contact with the vervain at all, so can you picture him with a couple of light burns on his arms and hands please? :)
I also decided to write from Damon AND Stefan's POV :)
Thank you all for your reviews!

Jess: At first I didn't know it was you, because it said 'Guest' :P Thank you for your review! You've reviewed every Vampire Diaries story I've written so far, thank you! :D I know, I know read above about the vervain ^ :) I think I should stop worrying about Damon from now on! :)

Guest: Thank you for your review :)

Chapter Two Part 1 (Stefan's POV):

Stefan was in pain - so much pain.

It hadn't hurt this much even when Sheriff Forbes and her cronies had shot him with wooden bullets and injected vervain inside his system.

He remained in a dazed state as Caroline and Elena's arms cradled him, shouting that it would be all okay.

But he wouldn't let go of Damon. He spied some burns on Damon's hands from where he'd lifted him up, but Damon was - for once - acting like a martyr, not showing any signs of hurt.

Stefan began to recollect himself slowly and blinked his eyes, gasping with the shock.

Damon came into his eyesight and leant over him. "Hmm...he's going to need blood."

Stefan saw Elena look around for a sharp rock to prick her hand with, but Damon lightly pushed her away.

"Damon what are you - "

"Shh Elena, he's going to need stronger blood than a human's."

As Stefan was registering the meaning of this, Caroline stepped forward. "I'll do it."

Damon rolled his eyes without replyng, instead showing his fangs and biting his wrist.

Stefan had difficulty drawing his eyes away from the blood and, when Damon propped his head up for him, he began to attempt to scramble away, violently shaking his head.

"No no, I can't have your blood...no!"

"Come on Stefan don't be a drama queen, please?"

"I can't...NO Damon..."

Damon's tone became distinctly steelier. "You don't have a choice."

Then he all but shoved his wrist into Stefan's mouth.

Struggling at first, Stefan soon relented when he heard Damon say "There's nothing to worry about. I will help you through this."

Whether Damon meant Stefan's recuperation from the vervain, or his overpowering thirst for blood, Stefan could only guess.

Part 2 (Damon's POV):

Those words replayed themselves in Damon's head as he waited for Stefan to take a shower and regain his dignity and sanity.

If he had just kept Mason alive a little longer...then he could have taken the satisfaction of torturing him all over again.

What a dick hiding the moonstone in a place filled with vervain...had he really loved Katherine as much as he had let on?

Although, if Katherine was telling the truth about taking vervain every day for 145 years, she'd be able to endure the pain.

But now he'd have to get Alaric to go down sometime and fetch the bloody moonstone, as he was the only human Damon could trust, after Elena.

He straightened up when he heard Stefan coming down the stairs and into view. Elena was with him.

"Feeling better?" Damon nonchalantly asked.

"Uh yeah, much better thanks."

Damon waved his hand.

"No, I mean it." Stefan went and sat on the chair opposite him, with Elena standing behind.

"I know how much you wanted the moonstone and I'm sorry I got in the way of your search for it..."

"Oh please, Stefan you were the priority."

Damon saw Elena raise her eyebrows at this out of the corner of his eyes.

Glancing up, he indicated with his head that she should leave - now.

Smiling slightly, she kissed Stefan's head and walked out the room.

Damon turned back to Stefan.

"Anyway, as I was saying, it doesn't matter..."

Stefan lightly scoffed at this and Damon sat forward on his seat, and held his gaze.

"Stefan, you will always be the priority."

Swallowing, Damon realised that it was the truth.

He hadn't given a second's thought to the moonstone when he'd seen Stefan submerged in the vervain.

Stefan's expression changed from one of scorn to disbelief.

"But - the moonstone - "

"You could have died searching for that stupid stone, I won't let you - I won't let anyone - risk their lives for it again."

There was a moment of silence while Stefan reached into his pocket and Damon got up to escape.

No matter what he told his brother, he really did need Alaric to help him find it. For all their sakes.

"Damon, wait."

Damon was so close to the door...

"Damon please. It's about the moonstone."

Damon rolled his eyes as he turned around "How many times do I have to tell you, I couldn't care less about the - "

He shut up when he saw what was in his brother's hands.

"I'd already found it before you pulled me out."

For once Damon was speechless, as his eyes travelled to Stefan's face - his cheeky half grin to be exact.

Walking forward, he extended his hand, but was gobsmacked when Stefan appeared behind him.

"I thought you couldn't care less about this...?"

"Hey Stefan, give it here!"

Stefan shook his head, laughing and left the room.

Damon frustratingly followed.

For once, he had been outwitted by his little brother.

THE END. Please review :D

I'm quite pleased with this story, I think your reviews have contributed a lot to it :)