Give your heart a break
The day I first met you, you told me you'de never fall in love.
A young tan skinned girl stood by a looping river, her hair was up in a wild, wolf tail ponytail, and she wore a tight blue tanktop and a pair of khaki shorts. Her parka was around her small waist, the parka much to large for the girl, but the girl not caring, ignored it and a pair of flip-flops on her feet.
The girl stook her hand under the water, reveling in the feeling of it beneath her hand. She was a young girl, no older than nine and her blue eyes darted around.
She had run away, not so long ago, from her home. She had been told she was being visited by an important young boy and that she would have to be nice to him when he arrived, well, she didn't know when he was going to arrive but she didn't care if he already had. Honestly, she was tired of meeting stuck up boys and girls that thought they were all that, it was annoying and a chore to have to meet them. Every so often she would meet a kind boy or girl, like Iroh the II, he was kind and funny but one of the few who were like that.
The young girl tensed, her brow scrunched in concentration, as she focused on a fish in the water. She lifted her dripping hands out of the water, and manipulated them in directions, if you didn't know who she was then you may be confused, but those who knew her knew she was a very special person. Blessed with the power to manipulate more than one element, in a world where if you could bend, you could only bend one element.
She gestured with her hands a lift, and the fish escaped the river in a small bubble to keep it alive, and swam in the air, still surfaced in the water sphere Korra had created for it.
She smiled, genuinely, as it flipped and flopped in her bended water. Gentlest as she could, the girl set the fish free in the water and watched as it swam away down river. The young girl enjoyed having her powers, being able to currently bend three out of the four main elements, she was graced with the name the Avatar. A gruesome name for such a small girl, but she would live up to the name, not that it was her true name. The Avatar was the name of the guardian spirit that lived within her, a spirit over thousands of years old containing the soul of each of the earlier Avatars within the spirit within her. Wow right? It was a hard concept for her to understand too.
The young Avatar stopped briefly as she noticed how long she had been out at her secret river, not even the white lotus body guards she had could find her here, and swiftly stood up with a gasp.
"Shoot! He should've left by now, my parents are gonna be so mad at me!" She began as she turned from her spot at the river, she turned, but not fast enough to not see a discoloration in the water
"Huh?" The Avatar took off her flip-flops and stepped into the water
"Red? Rivers aren't supposed to be red..." She murmered as she went up river to where the source of the red water was coming from, she expected a dead fish or something like that, what she didn't expect to see was a boy.
A cute boy at that. His hair was darkened by the water in it and plastered to his face and neck, his eyes were gold and one was squeezed shut in pain. He was a creamy color, and he wore an elegant outfit of reds and blacks, tore up by some mysterious source. She noticed his hands were pressed to his sides and he was bleeding heavily, the source of the red! He wobbled as he walked, he was wounded and trying to walk? Crazy?
"Hey are you ok?" She asked him as she sped towards him, he looked up in shock at her voice, but merely continued stumbling as he ignored her
"Go away..." He warned raising one bloody hand up menacingly "Don't make me...Hurt you..." He choked, nonmenacingly at all
"Calm down I'm here to help you!" She snapped, he dropped his hand back to his wound, and started falling towards her
"My names Korra and I'm going to help you...What's your name?" She asked softly as she caught him and turned picking him up onto her back.
"M-Mako..." Mako replied quickly and she heard a soft whimper of pain, before a soft gasping noise
"Don't worry, I'll get you back to my home and we'll help you out. I promise...Do you have any family we should try to go and find?..." Korra felt him tense and heard a soft voice, barely loud enough for her
"No my family is all dead..." He croaked, she expected to feel tears on her neck, but instead only felt his warm breath repeating it's quick breaths.
"..." Korra said nothing as she saw her house in view, it was modest and humble, but very nice and complex as well. It was beautiful, they were rich after all.
"Korra? Korra?" She heard her name as she sped to the sound, her knees began growing weak as she continued to run and carry Mako, she had to make it there in time before she passed out.
"Master Katara! This boy! He needs-"
"Where have you been young lady? It's passed dark! We were scared you had gone missing like they had..." Tenzin came into view as he stood in front of her, worry etched into his features
"Master Bolin has arrived but he's in terrible condition I think his family was attacked...And his older brother was-wait Korra who's on your back?..." Korra's vision fogged up, it was getting hard to hear, and the last thing she heard was herself saying
. . .
Korra woke up suddenly, she was placed in a bed in the nursing part of their home, beside her lay Mako. He was looking up at nothing in particular, he was still bloody looking, the liquid was up around his neck and disappeared under the blanket he was under, but she knew it probably soaked all the way down to where he was holding a wound, and further. She looked away from him,
'Poor Mako...' She thought and pouted for a moment before coming up with a plan, she slowly lept out of bed, and he noticed by giving her a blank state
"You need a bath. Come on." She smiled and walked over to his side of the room, she held out her hand with a reassuring smile
"Your not gonna leave me alone til I go with you are you?" He sighed
"Come on!" She helped him to his feet, and offered him an arm to lean on, to be flatly rejected, what a stubborn child. Obviously he needed help but wasn't accepting it. Humph.
"I don't need help." He muttered groaning in pain as he followed her towards the bathroom, that's when his knees began buckling and he started falling in her direction
"Oof...Come on cool guy, let me help you." Korra wrapped his arm around her shoulder, even though he was taller than her, and helped him to the bath tub
Korra took a bath scrunchie and instructed him to remove his shirt while she began lightly scrubbing away the blood, it was caked to his skin and she bended water to help caress it off. Mako looked like he had a tinge of pink in his cheeks but she didn't care, even if his body temperature felt a little warm to the touch.
When she had cleaned all but the wound she stopped and looked up to him,
"May I?" It was a question, a sincere question, that proved she cared about his opinion
"..." He didn't know why this girl named Korra was being so nice to him, she was different from other suitors he had met before
"I'll take that as a yes." She sighed and began bending soapy water gently on the burn marks
"So who exactly are you Mako?" Korra asked, trying to make small talk
"I am master Mako from a place not far from here, I was sent to meet a girl whom I was told was important and I should try to fall in love with." He closed his eyes and winced slightly as she brushed her finger tips across the surface, it was soft and had a burning sensation about it
"Are you going to try to fall in love with the girl you were sent to see if you meet her?" Korra asked, unaware he was talking about her
"I'll never fall in love. I refuse to go through this kind of pain again." Mako said, his voice full of strength, even in such a weak condition
"Here, you can change into these, seeing how your old clothes are ruined." She handed him the scarlet clothes and a towel while covering her eyes up, she wasn't going to see this boy changing. Nope! Nada! (Spanish for never I think)
After changing they both snuck back into the room they were in earlier, and fell back asleep, until they were woken up again.
"Mako..." Korra heard his name called and listened as she stretched out
"Would you like to stay here with us? Your brother wants to." Senna smiled and moved sideways exposing a stocky, short boy. He was wearing a large green shirt that matched his eyes, it was an emerald color, and a pair of brown shorts.
"Bo?"Mako practically leaped out of the bed and hugged his brother, Agni thank Agni Bolin was alive
"Mako! Please can we stay please please please?...Mrs Senna wants us to.." Bolin whined softly as he and Mako hugged
"If-If that will make you happy..." Mako sighed hugging his younger brother gently, anything Bolin wanted from his older brother, he usually got if you couldn't tell
"So who's Korra?" Bolin jumped as he saw the girl with her hair down and striking blue eyes, the girl known as Korra staring down at him curiously
"I'm Korra!" She smiled
"I'm Bolin!" Bo grinned, Mako face palmed, these two would get along great together, both being simple minded creatures after all
"So what's your favorite color?" Korra rang
"Green! Yours?"
Mako hopped back in bed and, while blocking out their rambling, fell again into sleep. Perhaps maybe then he could forget everything about his parents being dead, meeting this rambunctious girl who had been so strange and nice to him when obviously he didn't want her sympathy or care. How complicated was this girl. And annoying. Wait, why was he thinking of her, sleep I'm going to sleep. Mako finally fell asleep, even when the other two continued talking like old chums at a reunion.
. . .
SOO was that a good prologue? Obviously its a AU and a song fic. I'm going to put some lyrics for prompts in this, from the song Give your heart a break by Demi Lovato, for every chapter. Reviews can influence this story to what you guys want, and I do love reviews if you guys would please send some I would enjoy them.
Sooo without further ado
R&R alert and blahh. |:3
I should update soon, maybe sooner with more reviews ;)
Btw I don't own LOK Bryke does! This disclaimer counts for all chappies in my story!