This Fan fiction is rated M for violence, sex scene's, sensitive subject matter such as rape and torture. This is a slash/yaoi fic which means male/male relationships. If you don't like any of these subjects please don't read and please don't flame either way.

Standard disclaimer I don't own anything, I wish I did then I wouldn't be so poor, lol.

Chapter 1

It had been quiet in Bellwood recently. There hadn't been any alien attacks lately and the three hero's were getting a much needed break. The three hadn't been hanging out together as much. Kevin and Ben had seen very little of Gwen, she was hanging out with some new friends she had met at school. Kevin and Ben had hung out some, went to a few movies and Mr. Smoothie. Ben came up with as many excuses as he could to spend time with Kevin. Ben was attracted to Kevin but was too afraid to tell the older teen. He was afraid that Kevin didn't feel the same about him and he didn't want Kevin to start avoiding him altogether.

It was about 11:00pm and Kevin was sitting on his couch watching a movie. Kevin was tired from all the work he had down on his car that day. He was getting ready to head to bed when he heard a soft knock at the door, he got up and walked over and opened the door, he was shocked to find a bruised and battered Ben Tennyson leaning against the door frame. Unsure of what had happened to Ben, Kevin had immediately started reaching out his hand toward been while speaking to the younger teen,

"Ben what happ..."

Kevin stopped mid sentence as Ben flinched away from his hand. Kevin pulled his hand back and after a couple of seconds he stepped back out of the door way to make room for Ben to enter the house. Never raising his eyes up off the ground Ben slowly took a few steps inside the house, so that he was standing in the small living room, with one arm wrapped around himself. Kevin shut the door and slowly walked over close to Ben.

"Ben what happened to you, who attacked you?"

There was a long silence before Ben made an attempt to speak and when he did it was a faint whisper,

"I don't know"

Kevin could barely make out the words. Kevin took a step closer to Ben closing the distance between them, as he called the teen's name.


But Ben didn't respond, so Kevin called him again, this time placing his hand on Ben's arm.


Again Ben flinched, a slight whimper escaping his lips. Kevin was getting slightly annoyed at the teen, so he carefully grab Ben's arm and tugged him slightly and spoke in a more forceful tone,

"Ben what happened?"

Ben finally looked up at Kevin for the first time that night. Kevin could see Ben's eyes were red and puffy and it was apparent he had been crying, he also had some cuts on his face, a split lip and the beginning of bruise where someone had hit him. Kevin continued looking into Ben's eye's waiting for an explanation of just what was going on. Tears started to form in Bens eyes, then suddenly Ben flung himself at Kevin, clinging to his chest, Ben started to shake uncontrollably and sob loudly. Kevin was in shock, he had never seen Ben like this before, and he wasn't sure how to react. After a moment Kevin wrapped his arms around Ben protectively, Ben sobbed even louder as his legs gave way underneath him. Before Ben could hit the floor Kevin caught him and picked him up bridel style, Ben let out a surprised yelp from the shock at the sudden movement. Kevin was surprised how light and fragile Ben seemed. He couldn't believe that this was the same teen that had fought so many aliens. Kevin walked over to the couch and sat down, Ben was now sitting in Kevin's lap still clinging to him, Kevin continued to hold Ben waiting for him to stop crying and shaking, still trying to figure out what was going on and trying to stay calm.

After awhile Ben had fallen silent and still, Kevin realized that Ben had fallen asleep. Carefully as not to wake Ben, Kevin got up still carrying Ben in his arms and made his way to the bedroom. Kevin gently laid Ben down on the bed; he then sat down on the bed next to him. Kevin wanted Ben to be comfortable so he carefully removed Ben's shoes and socks, then his green jacket. Kevin stopped to look over the teen, he noticed Ben had bruises and scrapes on his arms, there were bruises around his wrists, then Kevin realized that there were also bruises in the shape of finger prints around Ben's neck. Kevin was becoming more worried by the minute, just what had happened to Ben. Kevin started to remove Ben's pants so he could tuck the teen under the covers of the bed, but he had barely started to remove them when Ben suddenly woke up screaming and struggling, Ben was crying and pleading as he flung himself off the bed and onto the floor,

"NO!...NO!...DON'T PLEASE..."

Ben was now in the corner of the room, with his back against the wall, his knees were pressed to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs, his head was down, pressed into his thighs as he shook and sobbed uncontrollably. Kevin was still sitting on the bed, shocked by what had just happened, he just stared at Ben. After a few seconds, Kevin got up and walked over to where Ben was huddled in the corner. Kevin got down on the floor in front of Ben.

"Ben, what's wrong?"

Kevin reached his hand toward Ben. Ben looked up at Kevin with wild fear in his eyes and started screaming again,

"NO!... NO!...NO!..."

Kevin was sure Ben wasn't seeing him, so he got hold of both of Ben's arms and lightly shook him while calling out to him.

"Ben calm down, its me Kevin"

Sudden realization hit Ben and he looked at Kevin and stopped struggling.

"Kevin" Ben said tearfully.

"Please Kevin, help me"

And with that Ben threw himself at Kevin, wrapping his arm around Kevin's neck and sobbing again. Kevin stood and picked Ben up and made his way over to the bed.