DISCLAIMER: I do not own Falling Skies or the characters... if I did, then I'd be rich. :D Anyway. No slash or other romance, just pure angst and possible violence. Actually, make that probable, because I write violence a lot. Season 2 ish I'd suppose. Anyway. Read & Review...

A/N: I know this is short, but that's because...well, guess who realized that this story was over but it was perfect time for a brand new sequel!? That's right! I realized the "Rehabilitation" part was complete. So it's time to start the next fiction, which will take place perhaps a few days or weeks after this. It shall be put up within a week so keep an eye out! :D

Thanks for reading and I hope you've enjoyed it so far!


Weaver lived. I wasn't sure how because he had lost so much blood but he was still taking bed-rest because he was barely awake most of the time and slightly delirious. Anne said he should get better within a week. As of now, Ben and I were standing in the rain just outside of our new home – a former, gigantic library. The books are either being read or used as fuel for fires do we don't waste more lighter fluid than we have to. There was an all around forest. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary here. There were no cities nearby, which meant we would have to travel a long ways to get supplies. Perhaps someone could learn how to hunt without wasting bullets, and maybe we'd be all set for a little while. The number of people in our resistance had gone down enough that we could do that. Right now my dad was acting leader along with Dai and Anthony while they waited for Weaver to recover. For now we were staying put. Rations were okay and we would last a few weeks on those. I wondered where else we would go after this. We had lost so many people on the way. There were just less than a hundred civilians and fighters left. We probably wouldn't survive another attack like that, so we were going to sit back and wait around until we could afford to keep going. Hopefully we would find more people to join us and help fight, but the number of survivors we found were minimal. Most had died long ago. We couldn't do anything about that. So far we had seen no mechs or skitters. Not a single movement. Though last nigh we heard several loud explosions and a sound like the sky was being ripped apart. It was too dark to see anything other than a strange red ball in the sky.

Whatever it was, we were going to investigate it soon. Once our dad got back from talking with Anne. I wasn't sure what to expect. It had sounded like the entire world had exploded. Maybe it had. I hoped so. We just had to go and see and maybe something would turn out alright. Walking was difficult because to me it felt like I was going to tear the stitches on my side with each step, and Ben was still having trouble breathing properly. Neither of us wanted to stay here though. We wanted to work.

When our dad came back he eyed us with clear disapproval at us coming, but seemed to know he would never be able to persuade us to stay. I looked at the bandage wrapped tightly around his arm and knew that might have had something to do with it – he was injured and was coming, and so could we.

We walked through several miles of trees and then came out on a cliff. We were high up in the mountains and could see for hundreds of miles around. We stopped dead. The cities were gone. Every one had been left as nothing but rubble, completely devoid of any kind of life or movement. On all sides there was practically nothing. Just smoke and flames blazing through trees and what remained of buildings. The alien ships and bases were gone. Either destroyed completely or having escaped. We stared on in amazement as lightning struck down on the burning world below us, illuminating the first life we had seen for a long time. Skitters engaged in battle with each other and mechs shooting their own.

We had no idea what had happened. But something was clear. Looking on in confusion, we realized part of the battle was over. But the next had just begun.