Was sitting at my computer when this came to me... then, consequently, I started grinning like an idiot.

Warning: this is a major crackfic. even if it's short. FIRST AVENGERS FIC. NO FLAMES.


Loki was just standing in the middle of the street waiting for the Avengers. No cars on fire, no cracked pavement, not even anyone walking on the sidewalks. Just being patient.

The Avengers came bounding around the corner, only to stop dead in their tracks in confusion. Loki smirked and folded his arms across his chest.

Thor stepped forward. "Brother, are you not here to cause mischeif? Why are you just standing there?" He had been expecting a herd of bilchsteim, no doubt. Loki could only grin wider.

"Because Brother, I was merely waiting for the opposing side to get here." And with that, any and all doors to the surrounding buildings opened, and out came tens of hundreds of clones of Loki. Except... they weren't Loki. They each wore their own combination of regular clothes, Loki style clothes, and armor. Each had some sort of weapon, and a few even looked magical. They were all different heights, and most had hair that was longer than Loki's.

The Avengers were immediately on guard when the doors opened, but had gone back to confusion. What was this?

"Behold, my new Army!" Loki was smirking triumphantly.

The Avengers were shocked. Loki had built an army of creatures so undyingly devoted, so completely loyal to Loki, that they were unstoppable.

He had built an army of Fangirls.

The battle was short lived. Even the Hulk had reservations about smashing around girls. Four of them that had tazers had managed to sudue him halfway through the battle.

Tony had been taken down almost immediately. He had walked up to an innocent looking girl to try and talk to her, when her twin had come out of freaking nowhere and stabbed his armor in a micro chink that even he hadn't known was there.

Hawkeye had lasted close to the end. He had been up a building, naturally, until three of the girls with bows had shot him down and tied him up.

The Captain hadn't lasted ten minutes. Five of the more cosmetically inclined girls had sauntered up beside him and began to try and flirt with him. He had flushed red and was stammering when, gently, they tied him arms behind his back and tripped him. He was still stuttering as the girls high fived and went to rejoin the battle.

Thor had headed straight for Loki, but now could not find him. As he looked around, there had to be at least seven or eight helmets identical to Loki's. In his moment of indecision, he had been surrounded by three girls with magical weapons. Before his eyes they each doubled, then tripled. And all of them had tazers.

Natasha was locked in combat with four or five of the girls, and no matter how many she took down, there were always at least ten more ready to take their place. She was tiring, and they all knew it. Finally, in a last ditch effort she tazed those who were nearest to here, and took down three more with basic combat. That is, until the ten or eleven closest to her dogpiled her into the ground.

The Widow joined the rest of her team tied up in the center of a ring of guards.

The trickster could only grin. He had finally won. He walked through his sea of fansoldiers to talk to his commander.

"Your army has performed better than I had expected. Excellent job. Let them know that they will find their reward when they return home. You are dissmissed."

The brunette smiled back at him, before rushing off to alert the troops.

Mwuhuhuhuhuh... The commander has one last question for you...

Are you a part of the Army?