Author's Note: I do not own Merlin. I am simply a fan.

It had been a year since the final battle over Camelot. It was the same battle in which Morganna and Mordred were killed. And the same battle in which Merlin's magic was finally revealed.

Arthur hadn't taken it well. And for many months he would not talk to Merlin, or even look at him. And then one day Merlin came into his chambers, and told him everything that had ever happened in which Merlin used his magic to either save Arthur, his friends, or Camelot itself. Arthur was shocked at how blinded he had been, how ignorant, and much like his father he had been when Merlin ended their conversation with these wise words.

"Magic is not evil, nor is it good. Magic is neutral. It is the people who wield it that make it either evil or good."

Ever since then Arthur has come to terms with Merlin's magic, and Camelot was peaceful for a while. But it wasn't until Gwen gave birth to Arthurs' son Gwydion and Gaius died of old age that Merlin truly realized how alone he was.

It was early morning when Merlin awoke to a constant tapping on his door. He grudgingly got up and began putting on his very bland articles of clothing. It was probably just another old man coming to complain of an aching back. Ever since Gaius died he had to deal with mundane things like this because he was the new court physician. But when he went to open the door, it wasn't an old man, but King Arthur still in his nightclothes and looking irritable.

"What is it your majesty?" Merlin said sarcastically.

"Oh nothing Merlin," Arthur started out mockingly, "It's just that my wife is having trouble giving birth to our son!" Arthur ended with a roar, and rounded on Merlin, still looking sleepy. "I've been knocking for half an hour!" Arthur grabbed his shoulder and gave him a shake. "You wool-headed idiot!"

Merlin pulled up his jacket sleeve from where it had slipped off his shoulder when Arthur had shaken it. "Sorry," he said sheepishly, "I was up late last night tending to an injured baby girl."

Arthur snorted and took Merlin by the elbow, leading him down the hall. "Gwen is in pain. Can you not ease it with your magic?" They were now in front of the King and Queen's chambers. Merlin took his elbow back and straightened up.

"I can." He said calmly.

"Have you ever delivered a baby?" Arthur asked, looking worried.

"Once," Merlin said unsurely. Arthur looked at him, expecting him to go on. "I helped bring in water from the well for the midwives to use."

Arthur flew on him. "But can you still do it?"

"I think." Merlin said. Through the door Merlin heard a muffled scream. Arthur heard it too.

"Then do what you can," he said, opening the door, but before he let Merlin in he said in a low voice edged with danger, "but if you hurt her, I will kill you." Merlin could understand where he was coming from. His mother had died in childbirth, and magic had been its cause. Merlin nodded, and softly moved Arthur aside only to take in a horrid scene.

Gwen was laid on the bed with three midwives scurrying around her. A young girl of about ten was standing by a pot full of boiling water and cleaning the bloodied rags that came her way, replacing them with fresh ones. Merlin could see that the midwives were distressing Gwen. Two were whispering that she looked exceptionally bad, and that she would lose the child. The other, a rather old woman was wiping her brow with cool water and murmuring that all would be well. Immediately Merlin took action.

He called out to the two midwives who were gossiping, "Both of you get out! You're no good to me if all you are going to do is whisper behind your Queens' back!" The two women blushed out of embarrassment and ran out of the room.

The young girl looked afraid, but Merlin assured her that she was doing a good job and was needed. Merlin walked over to the bed and gently told the older woman to move aside. The old woman bristled and began to argue. But then she saw who it was and obeyed Merlin's orders.

Gwen looked up at Merlin and smiled. The act seemed to take a lot of energy out of her. Merlin cursed under his breath. Gwen wouldn't be able to walk. "Why didn't you let her walk while she could? Now it will take more time to deliver the baby!" He whispered angrily to the old woman.

"She refused to walk, and I would not force my Queen."

Merlin cursed again. "It's going to be a long day."