Author's Note: Yet another re-upload due to finding some typos and mistakes after re-reading it. I hope this is better and if not please please PLEASE let me know and I will fix it right away. I cannot stand typos so please tell me if you see any. Thank you.

Disclaimer: If I owned OUAT it'd have to be on HBO not ABC's Family

They had stood there hugging for what seemed like hours before they both ended up laying down in her bed on top of the covers and just being content in holding each other close. Rumple was still very hesitant in being so close to her, afraid that he'd scare her away or something of the like. Belle had noticed this and huffed, "Rum stop it already and relax. I didn't shy away from your touch as the Dark One I surely will not shy away from you as a man."

He gave her an apologetic smile and moved to kiss her temple. "Apologies dearie. Old habits and all."

"Well break it." She giggled as she finished the last of her soup and set it back on the table. She turned in his arms then and lay on her stomach, holding herself up on her elbows. "When did you remember?"

He leaned his head back, unable to tear his eyes away from her as he recalled those years ago. "For the longest time I didn't. But then when Emma, our savior, bore her son Henry all of my memories came rushing back. You see, I had my own little loophole to the deal Regina and I made so that I would be one of the first to receive my memories."

Belle giggled and shook her head at the man's ingenious thinking. "Always 3 steps ahead of the game aren't you?"

He responded by twirling his hand in the air and giving her a smirk just as he used to when they had lived together in the castle. Being reminded of that, Belle suddenly bit her lower lip and creased her brow with confusion. "Rum, I have a question."

"I might have the answer." He replied, his voice reverting to that high-pitched tone she was so used to and had missed dearly.

She giggled softly before moving to lay her upper body against his chest and wrapped her arms around him. She leaned her head back to gaze up at him. "Why was I able to resist the spell?"

His brow furrowed as he thought about it. After only about a few seconds it had finally dawned on him and he shook his head at his own carelessness in not seeing it before. "Do you remember your words to me when you made the deal?" He had wrapped his arms around her and idly ran his fingers through her long hair.

It was her turn to furrow her brow as she reached back into those memories, separating it from the ones Regina had planted in her from actual reality. "I said…" her eyes brightened, "I said I would go with you forever."

He nodded as he gingerly slipped her hand into his and squeezed it softly, holding it to his shoulder. "Yes. Forever. Do you recall what the Queen said to you about my curse as The Dark One? What was strong enough to break it?"

Belle could see the disgust and hate roll off of him and she laced their fingers together, softly rubbing her thumb against the web of his hand. "She said that True Love's Kiss would break any curse."

Her gentle touch calmed him and he smiled softly down at her. "True Love is the most powerful magic in the world. So powerful that no curse that the Queen or I could ever cast so as to resist it." He gulped and hoped that he didn't come off too arrogant as he started to make his point. "When I made the Dark Curse I dropped just a small bit of the True Love potion I had made on it."

The wheels began to turn in Belle's head and she was slowly starting to see the picture. Her eyes brightened as they always did when things became clear. "Our deal said I was bound to you forever and since because you are my one true love – ."

"You were able to resist the curse." He finished for her.

She laughed at the ingenuity of it before her brow furrowed with confusion again. "But…you cast me out. Does that not affect the outcome?"

The reminder of that day lanced his heart with pain once more, but he stifled it as he answered her. "The power of magic lies in the power of words. When I told you that I didn't want you anymore…I didn't mean it."

Belle smirked as it finally clicked and she squeezed his hand tightly. "So the magic didn't work and I was bound to you. When you remembered I was able to fight the curse back."

He nodded and reached up with his free hand to run the back of his knuckles down her cheek. "The Curse shifted for you, the memories changing to accommodate my memories."

She laughed and shook her head and leaned her face into his touch. "Always 3 steps ahead."

"I'd like to think 5 steps dearie." They laughed together and then their gazes locked once more. A crackle seemed to rip through the air as Rumple unconsciously found his eyes gazing at her lips. She noticed and she suddenly felt quite winded. Their mouths went dry and she unconsciously ran her tongue along her lower lip in attempt to wet them. Seeing that simple motion made every nerve within Rumple's body roar to life and he was suddenly sensitive to her every touch and every sound. Even her breath falling upon his face sent shivers down his spine.

Their heads began to spin and Belle slowly began to lean towards him, her breathing coming in heavier and quicker as she did so. Rumple's did as well as his eyes grew dark with a heady sensation. They were so close now, mere centimeters apart and he could practically feel her rose petal lips upon his once again. "R-rum? If I kiss you…will something happen?" She whispered softly, her words falling upon his lips. She was, of course, referring to some form of curse being lifted from him.

"Something…might. But I won't shove you away this time." He gulped down the continuingly forming lumps in his throat. She was so close to him now, so close he only need move a smidge closer to her and their lips would be touching. He still remembered the first time their lips had met. It was soft, yet passionate. Hungry yet gentle at the same time. It had been obvious to him that he was her first kiss due to how shy she had been she had giving it to him.

Oh he could still remember the thrills and waves of electricity that had washed over him in that single kiss and now he just might have it again.

"The only curse here," he gulped, "is the one Regina cast."

"Good." The words barely left her lips as she leaned forward and shyly brushed her lips over his, the action causing shivers to lance down both of their spines. Rumple wanted nothing more than to grip the back of her head and crash her lips upon his, but he forced himself to stay still. This had to be her choice, not his.

They were so close, nearly there…


Belle practically whimpered as the disdainful sound ruined the moment while Rumple tasted blood on his tongue.

"Rumpelstiltskin! I know you're in there! Where is my daughter? Where is my daughter you monstrous cretin?" Maurice hollered from down below, half a step away from kicking down the door himself.

Rumple thought he wanted to kill the man before; he wanted to positively rip his throat out right now. "That ignorant oaf." Rage consumed him as he stood up on the bed and stormed out of the room, gripping his cane tightly.

Belle's eyes widened and her hands flew to her open mouth when she recognized that voice. "Father?" She saw the rage in Rumple's eyes and recoiled slightly from the pure, dark rage she saw there. Goodness Belle was angry too but her anger was no match for his and she knew that he had intention to kill. "Rumple? Rumple wait!"

Rumple practically flew down the stairs but stopped when he heard another pair of footsteps coming after him. He looked up at her from the bottom of the stairs and pointed back up. "Belle go to your room. I'll take care of him." He snarled out.

Belle was frightened by his temper, but knew that it was not directed towards her. "No. I won't leave your side." She descended the rest of the stairs and slipped her hand into his, lacing their fingers together. "I know your angry but please…please don't kill him. He's still my Papa."

Rumple cursed her kind nature and turned his head away from her with a sneer. The prospect of killing Maurice was agonizingly tempting and the more that blundering oaf yelled and pounded on his door the more the need for blood rose within him.

"Rumple please. For me."

He looked towards her, saw the pleading in her eyes and let loose a defeated sigh. He could never deny her. "As you wish. But stay behind me."

Belle nodded and moved to stand behind her love, one hand keeping a tight hold of his jacket and the other squeezing his hand as he moved towards the door.

He went to open the door but paused as he remembered something. "Wait." He reached into his pocket and produced the small, glass bottle containing the purple liquid. He then made his way to the back rooms, passing all of the little antiques and figures that were laid strewn about.

"What is that?" Belle asked as she followed him, her eyes darting to the items for a brief second before focusing on him.

"Salvation." He simply stated as he opened the door to his study. His desk was clear save for some little bottles of God knew what and open books lying here and there. However the one thing that stood out the most to Belle was the small cup on the highest shelf of his bookshelf. Everything in the room looked as if it had been thrown to its place, scattered and unkempt but that single, small, white cup was placed specifically upon that spot, safe from being damaged.

To most people it would just be a cup and the notion of placing it such a safe distance from the disorganization in the room would seem ludicrous. But to Belle and most especially to Rumpelstiltskin, the cup had far more value to it.

"You kept it…" She whispered softly as she walked over to it, reaching up and grabbing the chipped cup with both hands, careful so she wouldn't drop it. For a second she didn't believe that this was the very cup she had chipped on her first night in his castle, but now that she held it in her hands she knew that it was.

Rumple looked up to her just as he placed the potion in his desk within a secret compartment. Seeing the cup in her hands once more triggered a series of memories and he smiled softly. "I did. It was the only piece of you I had left."

A single tear fell down her right cheek before carefully placing the cup back in its place and walked over to him, slipping her hand into his once more and squeezing it. "Now you have all of me."

Hearing her say that once more made his heart soar and he brought her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss upon them, letting his lips linger a moment longer before giving her a soft, tender look. "And I won't let you get away from me again."

"RUMPELSTILTSKIN!" Maurice hollered once more, slamming his shoulder into the door. Yet again the oaf had ruined the moment and Rumple's eyes of love hardened and iced over as he glared to the door.

"Time to deal with this." He growled out as they walked to the door.

"Remember what you promised me." She reminded him, holding onto his arm.

He smiled down at her as he put his hand on the door knob. "I haven't forgotten dearie."

As soon as Rumple opened it, Maurice stormed in and grabbed Rumple by his jacket collar and shoved him back against the wall. "Where is she? Where is she?" He demanded over and over again, unaware that the very individual that he was inquiring about had just stumbled to the floor because of his rampage.

Rumple struggled and fought against Maurice's hold, but just wasn't strong enough to get the buffoon off of him. He heard Belle's cry of pain as she hit the floor and that only fueled his rage. "She's not yours to take anymore!" He hollered back, seething as he looked to the man who dared called himself Belle's father. "You can't have her!"

Maurice's eyes narrowed before he pulled Rumple back and slammed him harder against the wall. "Beast! Give me back my daughter!"

At this point Belle had pulled herself up off the floor and threw herself at her father's back, trying desperately to get him off. "Papa stop it! Let him go!"

Maurice heard her cry and dropped Rumple to the floor in a coughing heap and turned to face his daughter. "Belle? Belle is that you?" He became teary eyed as he grabbed his daughter in a suffocating embrace. "Thank God you're alright."

Belle was not happy about the loving embrace her father gave her given how he had locked her away and permitted those things to be done to her. She gently pushed him away and looked up at him firmly. "Of course I'm alright Papa. Why are you attacking Rumpelstiltskin?"

Her father's brow furrowed with confusion as he regarded his daughter. "Because he took you away from me. He has tainted you with his evil!"

Belle rolled her eyes at him as she walked past him to kneel down beside Rumple. "Don't be ridiculous." She made sure that Rumple was alright before turning to look up at her father. "I was the one who decided to go with him forever in the first place and whatever hogwash you heard about Rumple 'tainting' me is not true." Belle helped Rumple to his feet then and glared to her father. "I love him Papa. I have loved him always."

Rumple watched the interaction between father and daughter and were it not for the fact that he had given his word to Belle that he would not kill the man, he would have already done so when Maurice had turned his back to him. He looked to Belle, smug and in awe of how firmly she defended him and her love for him. He gave Maurice and impish smile and wiggled his fingers towards the door. "There you have it. Now away with you. Your daughter's kindness is the only thing keeping you alive."

Maurice could hardly believe it. Even after all these years even in this new world his daughter still believed herself to be in love with the beast. For a moment, as he looked into the eyes of his daughter, he nearly believed it. The way she was tending to him and the sincere look of adoration she gave him…

But then that look of smug satisfaction on Rumple's face immediately sent him reeling back to rage and he pointed an accusing finger at him. "You! You did this! You have tainted her! You may have stood a threat against me in the old land Rumpelstiltskin, but here you have no magic!" With a great yell, he charged at Rumple with fists at the ready.

Rumple shoved Belle to the side as he ducked the first blow and rammed the head of his cane into Maurice's stomach and then brought his elbow down on his neck. "Papa stop this! Stop it!" Belle hollered as she stood back helplessly.

When she moved to interfere yet again, Rumple yelled at her. "Stay back!" Belle did as she was told but didn't stop yelling at her father to stop, tears now falling down her face. Rumple saw this and it made him so angry he could taste it on his tongue. "You have made her weep for the last time." He shoved Maurice back and brought his cane harder across Maurice's face. "GET. OUT. OF. MY. HOUSE!" He yelled in between each hit.

Maurice was growing dizzy and disoriented from each hit, but refused to give up. Even as he felt his airways clog from the blood gushing from his nose and mouth, he did not fall and give up. When Rumple grew tired, he took his chance and charged at him, grabbing him around the middle and slamming him to the floor.

Outside, Emma and Henry were pulling up when both noticed the other car already there. "Who in the world?" Emma stopped the car and stepped out when she heard the sounds of a fight coming from the house. Her eyes widened with surprised as she slammed the door. "Henry stay here!" Then she took off for the house.

Henry, as usual, was unable to cease his curiosity and followed shortly after Emma.

Emma came to the door stop to see a big man pinning Rumpelstiltskin down and was angrily beating away at him. A young woman who Emma had never seen before was in hysterics, crying and begging the man to stop. Belle looked up at Emma with pleading eyes and ran to her. "Please you have to stop him! He's killing him!"

Emma had no time to register this and only nodded as she moved Belle towards the door. "Alright alright but stay there."

Belle stood by the doorway, clutching the frame and feeling absolutely hopeless as she watched the other woman dive into the fight and kick her father off of Rumple. "Hey, I know you." A soft voice sounded beside her. She turned to see a young boy peering up at her with a soft smile. "You're Belle right?"

Belle, confused as to who this boy was, could only nod before a strangled cry from Rumple made her head whip back to the scene in the house.

Emma had successfully kicked the man away and managed to drag Rumple up by his shoulders. "Geez man what did you do to piss him off?"

Rumple only sneered as he wiped away the blood from his bloody nose and mouth and steadied himself on his feet. "Apparently not enough of it."

Emma scoffed and rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to say something when the man rose to his feet and charged once more. She had shoved Rumple to the other wall just as Maurice came forward again. Emma was more adept at fighting than Maurice and was easily able to dodge his wild punches and answered with two of her own straight to his jaw. It was then she recognized the man and her eyes widened slightly. "Mr. French?" Oh well that explained why he was pissed off at Gold, but it had to be something more than that since the curse was broken. A sudden memory played in her mind.

"It's your fault! It's your fault!" Gold bellowed over and over again as he beat French over and over again with his cane with crazed abandon.

Emma grabbed his wrist just as it came crashing down, shocked at the ferocity Gold was showing. "Stop."

"You're lucky Mr. Gold." She had told them as they wheeled French into the ambulance. She could see the way Gold was glaring at the ground and took note of it. Something else was at play here.

Gold scoffed and looked to the side. "You've got a funny definition of lucky."

Emma crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing him. This certainly wasn't the calm, collected man that she had grown accustomed to. "You've got a funny definition of justice. What did he really do?"

She could see Gold getting twitchy and was even more suspicious. "He stole."

"That reaction was about more than taking a few trinkets." She pressed on. "You said something about how he hurt her? What happened to her? Who was that? What did he do?"

Emma came back to the present and looked to the girl that was quivering with fear at the door. Was that her? She focused back on Moe and held up her finger to him. "Look, Mr. French just turn around and leave. I don't wanna hurt you."

From her side she heard Rumpelstiltskin scoff, "Speak for yourself dearie."

"Not until he's dead!" Maurice hollered as he turned to charge Rumple again.

Emma didn't give him the chance as she grabbed him and made him turn back around, drove her elbow up against his chin and then did a quick jab at his throat to choke him. She was about to knee him in the stomach when Rumple hit him hard in the head from behind, effectively making the man fall to his knees in pain. Rumple then grabbed him by the back of his shirt and limped his way to the open door, dragging the man with him as he did so. Henry and Belle got out of the way in time for Rumple to throw the man out like garbage. "Stay away from her and stay away from us! She belongs with me!"

Maurice looked from his place at the bottom of the stairs and looked to Belle. "Belle please, listen to me! He's tricked you!" He coughed and sputtered as he spat out blood. He shakily stood to his feet, pleading with his daughter to leave with him.

Belle shook her head, sobbing as she held her hand to her mouth. "You're wrong Papa. Rum is right, I belong here with him." She sniffed and turned her head away from him, stepping back into the house with the others and into Rumple's arms. "I love you Papa. I'm sorry...Goodbye."

Rumple sneered and slammed the door and locked it just as Maurice yelled.

"Damned fool." He muttered before groaning and stumbling backwards to land at the bottom of the stairs.

"Rum!" Belle cried as she immediately went to his side, pulling him towards her and allowing his head to rest on her shoulder. "Oh Rum look at you."

"I-it's nothing." He assured her, looking up at her with possibly the most tender look Emma and Henry had ever seen on him. "Are you alright?"

"I'm not the one bleeding out you silly man." She said in between soft pants, looking over the cut on his eyebrow, lip and cheek. Of course her heart ached at how violent her father had reacted. What had happened to him? Her father had never, never been so rash and violent before!

Regina… the name floated to her mind before she could think twice about it and she knew with grim determination that the Queen had something to do with her father's sudden change. There was no other explanation. But what did she do?

She felt something wet stain her hand and she remembered Rumpelstiltskin bleeding out in her arms and focused on him. She said a silent prayer for her Father's safety and then focused back on him.

Rumple could only laugh at her comment, but he could see that something was bothering her. No doubt it was her father and the way he had acted out. A part of him felt guilty for giving him such a harsh beating…but he had to admit that it was a very, very small part. He was about to inquire her about it when Emma stepped up. "Ok I don't mean to interrupt this really weird love fest, but could one of you please explain to me what the hell just happened?" She looked to Belle then, "And who are you?"

"She's Belle." Henry chirped knowingly as he went to Emma's side. Oh, of course he would know.

All three looked to him, Emma the most confused. "Wait…what? Belle? As in Belle from Beauty and the Beast Belle?"

Henry nodded with that knowing smile of his. "Yup! That man out there was King Maurice, Belle's father. My guess is he probably still thinks that Belle is under the Beast's spell and not really in love with him so he's trying to take her back."

Whoah, ok that's a doozy. Emma shook her head, shocked by all the news and turned to look at Rumple's figure. "So wait…you're the Beast?"

Rumple scoffed, "Can you think of anyone more fitting?"

Emma did think about and found that it did make sense and nodded, "Alright you got me there."

Belle looked to the boy with a smile, "You're a smart one. What's your name?"

Henry smiled and bowed with respect. "I'm Henry, pleasure to meet you Your Highness."

Belle laughed merrily once more as she inclined her head to him. "The pleasure is all mine Henry." She looked up to Emma then and gently stroked the side of Rumple's face. "Thank you, truly. Had you come a moment sooner…well…I dread to think of what would happen."

Rumple hated to seem so weak in the presence of others, especially Emma since she knew that he knew that Emma was sore at him for leaving her in the elevator shaft. But he didn't have the strength to stand, the pain in his leg throbbing angrily at the exertion of energy he had used to block Maurice's wild blows and being tossed around. He glanced up to Belle, touched by her worry before patting her hand and pushing himself up and leaning heavily upon his cane. He bit down on his tongue, making it bleed as his leg screamed in protest. "Yes suffice it to say I must thank you for your assistance. Though I hardly doubt that's what you had in mind when you came here."

Belle stood up next to him and held on to his arm, knowing that he was pushing through the pain so as not to look weak in front of these people. So like him to always push away any show of weakness or vulnerability. For God's sakes he was just a man here now, not The Dark One! But then again, it occurred to her that he probably still held that same proud air about him and still instilled fear in these people in a different way. Appearances were everything to him.

She wanted to warn him to be careful but bit her lip, knowing that only showing more concern for him would expose these people to how much she cared for him. Not that she particularly cared if they knew or not, but she had a feeling that Rumple would most likely want to keep it between the two of them.

Rumple was thankful for her support and eyed Emma before slowly looking over to Henry. "Good to see you up and about Henry."

Henry, as always, shied away from Rumple's look and shrugged nonchalantly. "Thanks." He mumbled softly, moving closer to Emma as he did.

"Yeah, no thanks to you!" Emma found her anger and reason for being here once again and put her fists to her hips as she glared at Gold er…Rumpelstiltskin whatever! "What the hell were you thinking leaving me down there? I should've known better than to trust you!"

Belle's brow furrowed with confusion as she looked to Rumple. "What is she talking about?"

Rumple took Emma's anger and shook it off as it were an annoying dust mite, taking no offense in it at all. He looked to Belle as she asked her question, but disregarded it before looking to Emma. "I knew Henry would not stay dead."

Oh how Emma wanted to strangle the mess out of him. If it wasn't for the fact that he was already injured and had the girl holding him up she just might have. But Emma had more honor in her to know that kicking down a man when he was already down was just plain wrong. Instead she let out a long and angry sigh. "How? How could you have possibly known that?"

Henry had been listening in on this and it finally dawned on him. Of course! It was so obvious! Eyes bright he looked up to Emma and beamed, "True Love's Kiss. The only magic more powerful than anything. It has the power to break any curse."

Rumple nodded to the boy in approval, "There you have it."

Emma was confused. "True Love's Kiss? But isn't that supposed to be shared between two people who are in love or something like that?" I mean she loved her son that was for sure but definitely not like that.

At this Belle could only giggle and shake her head. "Love is not limited to just lovers Miss…"

"Emma." Emma provided, still not completely believing that this woman before her was Belle. If that was Belle and Gold was Rumpelstiltskin and the Beast then that meant that she was in love with him. That concept, alone, was enough to make Emma a skeptic again. If it wasn't for the fact that she had seen the memories for herself, got Regina to admit it, fought a dragon and brought Henry back from the dead with a simple kiss on the forehead then she just might have because she just could not possibly imagine anyone ever falling in love with a man like Mr. Gold, let alone the Beast.

"Emma." Belle smiled sweetly, "Love is something much more. It's something deep and moving that is shared between mostly two people but is not limited to just them. It could be between siblings and from parent to child. Young Henry must have meant more than the world and stars to you for True Love's Kiss to work upon him."

That made sense. Emma looked down to her son and wrapped her arm around him, hugging him close and rubbing his arm. A small smile lit her face as he smiled up at her. "Yeah…I guess that makes sense."

She once again thanked the Fates or God or whoever was up there watching that she was able to save her son. If she had truly lost him, if she had to go on with her life knowing that she could have spent more time with him and beating herself up for not believing him sooner…no that was just too dreadful to think about.

She looked back to the pair before and then pointed between them. "So you two…are…Beauty and the Beast right?" Wow did she feel awkward and she may have been mistaken, but she was pretty sure she saw Rumple shift uncomfortably. "So does that mean…you're in love?"

Belle could only smile sweetly as Rumple looked away from Emma and nodded with her eyes shining as she did so. "Yes."

"You love him?" Emma repeated, still trying to wrap her mind around it.

"With all of my heart and soul." Belle spoke in earnest making Emma reel back at how heartfelt and genuine her words were and made Rumple's heart flutter once more in his chest.

Emma looked to Rumple then and quirked her eyebrow at him. "You love her?"

Rumple didn't appreciate the tone in her voice, but didn't quite find it unexpected. He only smirked at her, "Your father had the same look on his face when he asked the same question."

"And what did you tell him?" Emma had to hear it from his mouth. If she did then maybe she could just maybe forgive his little mishap and tell herself that he wasn't all that bad. Besides, he did tie up and gag Regina in the chair and that was a pleasant sight indeed. And Henry was alive, couldn't forget that little tidbit.

Rumple looked to Belle, taking a moment to get lost in her ocean blue eyes; his lips turning up with a soft smile as he felt the warmth and floating sensation fill him up yet again. "I told him that it was a brief flicker of light amidst the ocean of darkness." He slowly turned to Emma as he spoke and held his head higher as he did so. "As I have said before, True Love is the most powerful magic in the world. Nothing can defeat it, and no one can suppress it."

Well that answered that. Emma shook her head, blown away by the information she just received. Yeah sure reading about the story in books and stuff it was easier to accept that the sweet, innocent girl could fall in love with such a cold, cruel-hearted beast but to actually see it happening before her? Especially when she had fallen victim to some of the Beast's tricks was something else entirely. A part of her wanted to keep denying it, but Emma took pride in being able to smell a lie a mile away and as she looked to them she saw that there were only genuine emotions here. They were in love.

She chuckled softly at this new tidbit and gave him a soft smirk. "You told me that you were a difficult man to love."

"Oh he is." Belle said with a small laugh, squeezing Rumple's arm and leaning in closer to him. She smiled softly at him and the two shared a look so intense, so tender and so passionate at the same time that it even took a bit of Emma's breath away. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

Well that sold her. Emma could only smile softly at the couple and despite her anger at Gold - ack! Rumpelstiltskin! - For what he did to her and for all his trickery and scheming ways; she couldn't bring herself to stay angry at him. How could she when she was seeing such a tender side of him? Something, she was willing to bet, that he didn't' show often.

Putting that aside, she threw up her hands in defeat and sighed. "Alright then. I'm sold, but I did come here for a reason." She turned to Rumple then and locked gazes with him. "I broke the curse and everyone has their memories, but they're not back where they belong. You wanna tell me why since it's your curse?"

Here Rumple could only smirk. "I could, but let's just say that is for another time and leave it at that." He motioned towards the door. "Now if you don't mind Miss Swan, but Belle and I are rather tired and we need our rest."

Emma narrowed her eyes at him, not liking his elusive answer but experience told her that she wouldn't be able to do anything to persuade him to tell her. "Fine." She said with a slight growl, making her way towards the door. She paused as she stepped out and turned to face him. "What about Regina?"

Rumple's eyes darkened with rage and he all but growled out, "I'll take care of her."

The sight caused a tremor of fear to course through Emma and she was really, really glad that she wasn't Regina. Man if looks could kill Regina was sure to be nothing but a pile of ashes.

With nothing else to say, she nodded to him and made her way to the car. As she did so she saw that Maurice's car was gone and she paused on his doorstep for a moment, eyes looking up and down the street and wondering where the man could have gone. He was pretty beat up and bleeding profusely.

"Wait!" Belle rushed out to the steps and touched Emma's arm. "If you see my father – ."

"I'll help him." Emma finished for her with a smile, placing a sure hand over Belle's.

Belle smiled softly, "Thank you."

Emma nodded and glanced to Rumpelstiltskin before leaning in to whisper to Belle. "You take care of yourself ok?"

Belle giggled, knowing that even though Emma seemed to believe their story she still was worried for her. It touched her and she had a feeling that she and Emma will become great friends. "I have nothing and no one to fear at this house." With that she went back to Rumpelstiltskin and the last Emma saw was the two embracing as the door shut and locked.

"He's not going to hurt her." Henry stated as they reached the car.

"Huh?" Emma looked to her son, confused as she opened her door and got in.

"Belle? If you're worried about Rumpelstiltskin hurting her or something you don't have to worry. Plus he also really hates the Queen after what she did." He stated knowingly as he buckled his seat belt in.

"What did the Queen do?" Emma asked as she started up the car.

"She tricked him. The Queen told him that Belle was locked up in a tower by her father and tortured and when Belle couldn't take it anymore, she jumped out of the tower window and died."

"And the Queen actually had her locked up." Emma finished for him, shaking her head as she pulled out and began to head back to her apartment she shared with Mary Margaret…no wait…that was her mother Snow White. That knowledge sent a whirlwind of emotions through her. Oh God she had been living with her mother this entire time and she had not known it! Alright she had known it but she hadn't believed it. Oh man how was she going to face her now? Some sort of teary reunion or major awkward silence?

"Did…did her father really lock her up? Because I don't know about you but Rumpelstiltskin seemed pretty pissed off and I'm pretty sure those weren't beauty marks on Belle's arms." She needed something to keep her mind focused and grounded, knowing that she was to very soon be faced with her mother and most likely father and they would all remember.

A sad and dark look came across Henry's face, confirming Emma's suspicion. She shook her head and clicked her tongue against the back of her teeth. "Damn…" Now that night made complete sense. Hell if she were Rumpelstiltskin she most likely would've torn Moe a new one! In fact she was surprised that he had made it out of the first encounter with Gold alive but a second time with their memories back in place? Emma had a feeling that that had to do with Belle and she was most likely the only reason why Maurice had stumbled out of that place alive.

"So I'm guessing that Regina kept her locked up in this world as well."

"Most likely." Henry stated as he pulled out his book and began to skim through it.

"Wow, I would really hate to be Regina once Rumpelstiltskin gets his hand on her."

"Yeah, can you imagine if he had his powers?"

Both shivered with terror and shook their heads. "I would really rather not. Dealing with him just as Mr. Gold is bad enough. God only knows what would happen if he had his magic." Emma said as she turned the corner.

"That would be really bad."


"Ah." Rumple gasped softly as Belle used a hot cloth to clean away to blood on his lip, nose and forehead. He could already feel a bruise beginning to form over his left cheek. Rumple sneered with annoyance at the injuries. Aside from the nasty little cut Cinderella - or Ashley as she was known in Storybrooke - gave him after spraying mace in his eyes and making him fall over and hit his head against the shelf; this was the first time he had been hurt with injuries that he could not wipe away with the purple magic he had once possessed. It was very, very annoying.

"I'm almost done." Belle said softly from her seated position in front of him. He sat upon the bed with Belle on the small chair from the vanity table. She studied the area carefully as she dabbed away at the blood, but was not immune to how close they were. She had leaned forward in her chair, placing her hand upon his thigh to support her. This was…nice. Belle had spent so much of her time in their other lives taking care of him and his castle, but never did she think that she would be tending to his wounds. To her, Rumpelstiltskin was invincible. To see him as a simple man now and injured was both shocking and oddly refreshing. It reminded her that in this world he was but a simple man. A man, she had no doubt, who still held himself in high esteem and seemed to be still as rich as he was in the other life, but a man none the less.

Caring for him, tending to his wounds and sitting so close to him Belle had the silly image of a wife tending to her husband after a scrap with the disagreeing father. That immediately made her blush and she had just caught the squeak that was about to escape her lips. She could only imagine if Rumple knew what she was thinking. At that thought she now began to wonder what he would think. Would he mock her, shy away from her or be just as accepting and warm about it like she was? He did finally confess to her that he loved her and that he didn't mean the words he said before when he had sent her away, but that certainly didn't mean that he was willing to run to the altar with her.

His hands stayed clenched at his sides, fidgeting now and then as Rumple grew very aware of how close she was to him and he could feel the heat of her palm through his slacks. She was so close to him now and he could smell the scent of lavender coming from her. It was so very hard to not reach out and grab her as every nerve within his body focused upon her hand on his thigh. "You used the shampoo I left in there."

"You remembered that lavender is my favorite." She said softly with a smile, her eyes briefly locking with his before she continued with her work. She wiped away the last of the blood and tossed the wet cloth to the side, gently prodding at the wound to inspect it. "It's not too bad, it'll heal in time."

Their eyes met and once more they felt as if they were soaring through the skies and grew dizzy and lost in each other's eyes. Their breathing hitched and each of them swallowed a lump in their throat. The air seemed to sizzle and crack between them as they found themselves slowly inching closer and closer together. Rumple recalled how she was so close to kissing him before and he swore that if anyone interrupted them this time he was going to kill them, regardless of what Belle said.

Their lips brushed each other, a ghost of a touch, their breathes mingling with each other; swirling and twirling around one another until they became one and they were breathing, literally, the same air. Belle was hesitant; a part of her unconsciously afraid that he would react with outrage just as he did before, but told herself that he was under no curse here therefore her kiss would not lift it.

She pressed her lips more firmly against his then, letting out a shaky sigh as electricity coursed through her entire body and made her feel as if she wanted to leap with joy but also melt slowly into him at the same time.

Rumple shuddered when their lips had grazed and thought he might sway from the light-headed feeling she gave him. When she pressed her lips more firmly against his, it took all of his will-power to not dominate her and kiss her hungrily. She had to be the one to lead this if she even felt brave enough to take it to that level. He would never again force her to do anything she clearly did not want to do.

Oh but she was making it so hard with how delicately soft and warm her lips were against his cold ones. The more she leaned into him the more he wanted to just grab her and squeeze her to him until they could melt into each other and become one.

She was practically in his lap now, both of her hands on his thighs and slowly moving to sit down on his lap. She pulled back from him and looked up at him through half-lidded eyes, the corner of her lips slowly turning up into a lazy smile. "You're not pushing me away." She whispered softly, her words falling against his slightly opened mouth.

"No." He breathed out, "Never again."

"Good." She pressed her lips to his once more, this time more confident and demanding. It was enough to make Rumple moan softly and wrap his arms around her waist, one of his hands running up her back to gently cradle the back of her head.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and she brought her legs up as she moaned into their kiss. One kiss became another and another and with each kiss came more demand and more passion. Belle had even grown bold enough to shyly run her tongue across his lower lip, savoring what little flesh she could taste.

It was nearly enough to undo him as he felt her tongue against his lower lip. A louder moan sounded from him as he dipped her slightly and slid his tongue against her lower lip to wordlessly tell her that he was more than willing to comply. He felt the world around him shatter and dive deep into a place where Pleasure reigned when their tongues touched and wrapped around each other. God she tasted like what he believed ambrosia would taste like. So sweet and womanly that he felt unworthy to be able to taste something so sweet and innocent.

The world that Belle knew melted around her and all that existed was her, Rumple and the heady sensations he stirred within her. Her tongue and lips moved of their own accord now, each action growing more desperate and was serving to grow the tingling and warm sensation in Rumple and in herself as well. Though, for Rumple, his pants were starting to become very, very tight on him and he was so glad that he no longer wore the leather pants. A part of him feared what would happen if she felt the considerably growing bulge in his pants and hoped that the layers of her dress were enough to cushion her from feeling it.

Rumple pulled back from her, breathing heavily and growing dizzy from the heavy sensation taking over him. "Belle…"

"Yes?" She whimpered softly biting her lower lip as she pressed her forehead to his.

"Did you really mean what you said? A-about…loving me?" He sounded like a bumbling idiot and he cursed himself for it. At the same time he could hardly be blamed since he had spent the past years hating himself for cruelly casting her out only to begin yearning to see her again, longing to just have his eyes take in her beauty once more. Then when her supposed death came Rumple lost all humanity that had ever been in him. He had no hope for ever feeling that fire that Belle stoked within him burn brightly again.

But she wasn't dead, she was alive and the small ember that was near extinguish suddenly roared back to life with a fury and with it came a hunger like never before. Even when she was alive never did he imagine her to be in his lap, arms around him and kissing him with just as much hunger and passion he felt for her, squirming in his lap and rubbing against a part of him that had remained dormant for so long. Therefore, he could hardly be blamed.

Belle smiled gently as she kissed him softly over and over again, her body moving of its own accord and she found herself straddling him. "Every word." She ran her fingers through his soft, gray-brown hair and the other gently cupped the side of his face, her thumb stroking his cheek. "I love you Rumpelstiltskin. Forever."

His eyes had widened as she moved to straddle him and he gulped down the boulder that had formed in his throat when he felt her settle down on top of him. Shivers racked his body and he could only hang his head and rest it upon her shoulder. Pleasure struck him and travelled up his spine so fast and sudden that he barely been able to make a sound. Her words snapped him away from his lustful thoughts and replaced them with unadulterated joy. Happiness filled him to the core and it both liberated and terrified him. Could he do this again? Could he bare himself to her and risk letting her into his heart and giving her the power to break him? Him, the most powerful man in the world both in this life and the life before.

Belle could see the hesitation in his eyes and she could see that he was fighting back the urge to rise up that wall of his once again; he was fighting down his fear for her. The notion touched her and she gently kissed his forehead, letting her lips linger as she did so. She wanted to show him that she was here for him, to show him that she had no intention of leaving. She thought that she would be angry at him or at the very least resentful towards him after he so coldly threw her out.

But she wasn't. Sure she was still a bit sore about the topic, but she remembered the way he had looked at her when she had found him in his shop. She recalled the heartbreak, shock, agony, and guilt that were eating away at him on the inside. She remembered his tears and it was then that she knew that he had regretted everything just as she predicted. No one could fake emotions that intense. Not even the great Rumpelstiltskin.

He shut his eyes as he felt her lips touch his forehead and he wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly to him and pressing his ear to her bosom. Her quickened heartbeat sounded clearly in his ears and he treasured the sound. It was beautiful…utterly beautiful and knowing that her heart quickened because of him sent a wave of warmth through him. "Belle…" He looked up at her and reached up to cup her cheek and gently brings her down for a soft, gentle kiss but with the fiery passion behind it. In that kiss he poured his entire being. His fears, his devotion, his guilt, and most of all his love for her. All for her.

Belle felt it wash over her and wrap around her like a silk blanket. Cool to the touch but warmed her from the inside out. She responded with a heated kiss of her own, answering his silent plea with her assurance and her own devotion. A promise sealed with a kiss.

As before, the kisses turned even more heated, more passionate and demanding and Belle found that her hips were moving against him of their own volition. The action sent Rumple's head reeling and he gripped her hips, unsure if he should urge her on or make her stop because by God if she did not stop he was not going to have any reservation at all about ravishing her right then and there. Belle could sense his hesitancy at proceeding any further and found herself growing slightly frustrated by it. No more. No more waiting and no more hesitancy. They had waited too long as it is and Belle had no desire to wait any longer. She moved her hands down to undo the buttons of his jacket and ran her hands up his chest and began to push his jacket off of his shoulders.

Rumple had enough of his senses to pull back and try and reign himself in. "Belle wait please." He took a gentle hold of her wrists and set them down in her lap as he shut his eyes and tried to regulate his breathing and still his rapidly beating heart to no avail. He looked up to her and rolled his tongue around in his mouth to try and gain some semblance of speech. "You, you don't know what you're doing. You're not thinking. We ca-can't do this." She was young, too young and was acting irrationally. She was also most likely a virgin and there was no possible way he felt worthy enough to take away her last bit of innocence. No, he couldn't do that to her. Her innocence should not be taken away by a monster such as he.

Belle practically whined and brought their hands up, placing a gently kiss on his knuckles. "No one decides my fate but me." She repeated those same, fateful words she told her father and fiancé in their other life. The same words she uttered before she vowed to go with Rumpelstiltskin forever. "Please Rumpelstiltskin I don't want to wait anymore. I want you, don't you want me?" Those last words fell from her lips in a husky whisper and it was enough to make Rumple growl softly with desire.

Why is it that when he was trying to play the damned Hero she wasn't letting him? "Oh God yes Belle I do. I do more than anything."

"Then why are you stopping me?" She moved in and began to rain soft kisses along his neck, travelling up to his ear and when she placed a soft kiss on his earlobe he nearly broke down right then and there. Was she always this wanton? When had his sweet little Belle turn into the temptress that sat upon his lap now?

"No Belle please you're not thinking." He tried to move his head away but Belle pulled back and kissed him hungrily, moaning as she did so.

"And you're thinking too damn much." His grip on her wrists grew weak and she placed her hands back on his chest, moving down to fiddle with this vest buttons and started to slowly unfasten them.

Damn it all to seven hells she just would not give up! If he hadn't known any better he would think that this was a succubus in his lap and not his Belle. He was about to stop her and argue with her once more when it suddenly just clicked in his head. Why was he playing the hero? He had never once been the hero so why in the blazes was he starting now?

Unable to resist her anymore, Rumple only growled low in his throat as his hands went to the laces on the back of her bodice and slowly began to unlace them. "As you wish dearie." He attacked her lips with fervor and growled softly as he coaxed her tongue from the safe haven of her mouth only to dominate her entirely. Arms and hands were now working furiously to take off the layers of clothing that separated them from each other and the air was practically charged with the excitement and desire they had pent up over all these years. Every slightest touch they had made while passing each other in the hallways, every not so secret glances to each other, every underlying tone of desire as they spoke to each other that had been festering and growing within them after all of these years now unleashed and flowed out like the great falls.

Rumple toed his shoes off and lifted his arms over his head just as Belle pulled his shirt off and practically tore her dress from her and tossed it somewhere to the ground, leaving her in only the creamy chemise that she wore underneath. He could see her nipples pert and taut poking through the thin material and he quickly pulled her to him and rolled them over so that her head landed on the pillows and he was looming over her. His dark gaze met hers and for a moment he was afraid that he would see rejection in her eyes. Hesitancy or God forbid, regret. But he didn't. All he saw was desire, lust and most importantly the love that she held for him. It rocked him to his core and only made his desire for her grow more. To think that anyone, let alone Belle, could look at him with such passion and care was a dream that Rumple had dared not even imagine.

"Who would ever want to be touched by a beast?" He had asked himself in such a sour tone on his cold, dark lonely nights within the Dark Castle. But this woman…this wonderful, beautiful creature beneath him wanted him to do more than just touch her. She wanted him to meld their bodies as one, wanted him to make love to her as true lovers do. It was enough to make him tear up.

"You're so perfect…" He breathed out as he brushed aside her hair. "How did a beast like me ever be gifted with the heart of a beauty like you?"

Belle was having rather hard time breathing both from the fire that his hands caused in her body and the way his eyes seemed to devour her. They did not only see her, but they saw into her. Into her very heart and soul and the fact that she was so bare to him sent her for a rush. Belle had always believed that True Love existed but never thought that in her royal life as princess she would ever be so honored as to experience it. She thought that she would have to marry that superficial Lord Gaston and would shiver in disgust at the prospect of bedding him.

Belle had read countless novels about love and the art of love-making, but no book could ever prepare her for this. There were no words by man, fairy or beast that could be fashioned so as to describe the feelings coursing through her now. This man, whether he be the Dark One or not, was her other half and not just to her heart, but to her soul as well. She needed him like she needed the air to breathe, the water to ease her dry throat and food for energy. Without Rumple in her life Belle knew that she could never, ever truly be happy.

His words made her heart jump up to her throat and her eyes glassed over slightly. "Oh Rumple." She reached up and brushed his hair aside, smiling sweetly at him. "I told you before that you are not a beast." She leaned up and gently kissed him, whispering softly. "I didn't have a choice. By the time I realized I was falling for you, you caught me and stole my heart away with that simple glance."

His eyes widened as she likened her realization of her feelings for him with the time she had fallen off of the ladder and he had caught her. Those words made him shake with the intensity of what he felt for her and he could only kiss her once more. "And you stole mine."

The intensity of that moment caught up with her and she moved her hands down to fumble with the clasp of his leather belt, eyes widening in shock when she realized that he wore no underpants beneath it. She looked up to him with a quirked eyebrow and felt her insides melt to puddles at the smirk on his face.

Rumple saw her expression and couldn't resist chuckling softly. "Never was fond of them dearie."

"Yes I can clearly see that." She bit her lower lip as she peered up at him and the look on her face caused an equivalent to liquid fire shoot through his veins and made him breathe heavier.

"Wait." He said as she started to reach in and hold his member in her small, soft hands. "Belle if you do that I'll be undone sooner than we'd both like. Let me just…" he looked to her and slowly ran his hand up her calf and thigh leaving behind a trail of goose bumps as he did so, pushing the fabric of her chemise up as he did so. "Let me just love you."

Belle felt her insides twirl at the intense look in his eyes and the heated pool that was forming in her center only grew. She could only nod and lean back with her arms resting on his shoulders. Soft gasps and barely audible moans escaped her lips as his hands travelled higher and higher up her legs and soon the chemise was bunched up at her waist and she felt the cool air blow against the bare womanhood, causing her to shiver. She didn't have to look at him to know that his eyes were devouring every part of her, eating her up with his gaze and it made her feel vulnerable and empowered at the same time.

When he finally managed to take her chemise off completely and leave her completely naked before him, Rumple was convinced that among everything he had ever collected she was truly the most beautiful treasure among all of his treasures. Belle thought she would melt beneath his gaze.

Rumple saw the angry scars upon her stomach and felt his rage return tenfold. Oh he should've locked Maurice in a tower of his own and do unto him what he had done unto his precious Belle. To see what was once flawless, creamy skin marred by the so-called purification was a sin in itself.

He leaned forward and began to rain kisses upon the scarred flesh starting at the scars upon her ankles as if doing so would make them fade away as if they never existed. His hands ran up the sides of her thighs once more before slowly, hesitantly, shakily moving up to graze the sides of her breasts. Soft, tender, feather-like kisses moved up from her ankles, to her shins, her thighs and when his hot breath fell against her wet core she made a sound that was a mix between a squeal and a gasp.

He looked up at her to silently ask her permission. Belle had no idea what he planned on doing but found herself nodding ever so slightly. What came next was an explosion of ecstasy as she felt his tongue run over her lower lips. She cried out his name and arched into his mouth, biting her lower lip as she fisted the sheets and twisted them, her knuckles turning white.

Rumple groaned at the taste of her sweet nectar, moaning softly against her wet flesh as he ventured further. He dipped his tongue between her folds and found her sweet button, sucking on it softly. She kept squirming and letting out soft whimpers from his tongue's ministrations and it made his own desire and pride soar.

Belle thought she would explode to dust if he kept going like that. His tongue prodding her, tasting her and his lips manipulating her button was all too much. She was left gasping, whimpering, squirming and helpless beneath him. "R-rumple…! Oh God!" She could barely form those words and then moved her hand to run her fingers through his dampened hair, massaging his scalp and tugging ever so slightly on it.

Soon enough she felt something festering and building within her and was begging to be released. She brought her knees up and whimpered louder when his hands finally found the courage to grip her mounds, squeezing them softly and massaging them.

Belle was panting like a dog now and she felt like a fool but was hardly conscious of that thought. His hands were leaving trails of fire behind them as they explored her flesh. How could she be so cold and yet so hot at the same time? His tongue working its own form of magic at her core below and his hands massaging her mounds, all of it combined together was sending her over the edge. A part of her was suddenly a bit afraid as she teetered over the ledge. What would be waiting for her below?

That thought disappeared as quickly as it came when she felt the first tremor of pleasure shoot through her, promising her that there was more to come.

She tasted so sweet and womanly and he felt himself growing drunk on her, moaning softly as he tasted her over and over again. He could feel her juices coming in more and from the way her body grew taut and the heightened sound of her whimpers, she was close to being thrown over the edge. He growled against her, the vibrations serving to make her cry out louder.

Before long Belle arched completely against him, the tremor from before now shooting through her over and over again and she found herself lost in the throes of pleasure as her head spun. Her juices poured forth and Rumple lapped them up hungrily, moaning even louder at her sweet, womanly taste. Belle twitched and squirmed beneath his touch, her hands still softly massaging him before her pants slowed a bit and she went limp beneath him.

By God she felt and tasted more lovely and amazing then he ever thought possible. To feel her taut nipples pressing against his palm were enough to make him growl out softly but her taste? Oh her taste made him dizzy with desire and all his fevered mind could command was to lap up as much of it as he could. He moved up to her stomach and took his time in endearing the scarred flesh with the same feather-like kisses he gave to rest of her body. His lips touched each scar, his tongue flicking out every now and then to taste her flesh, the salty-sweet tang heaven on his tongue.

His hands continued to work on her before he replaced one of them with his lips to hungrily take one of the nipples into his mouth. He sucked and flicked his tongue at the flesh, growing harder at the whimpers and gasps Belle made. He switched to her other breast to give it the same treatment.

Belle had all but a few seconds to recollect herself until she felt her insides flutter at his tender kisses. His hands working upon her breasts slowly began to rebuild the pressure from before and a soft sigh escaped her lips as she threw her head back, shutting her eyes as she focused on his touch alone. "A-ah! Rumple…!"

Dear God if she kept saying his name like that it alone would undo him. He pulled back and buried his hand in her chestnut tresses as he moved to rain those same kisses along the nape of her neck. He nipped and sucked on her flesh now and then, eliciting louder gasps and whimpers from her as he did.

He pulled back and crashed his lips over hers; kissing her with such hunger and passion Belle thought she would drown in him. He coaxed her tongue from its safe haven only to completely dominate her. It was like he needed her kiss in order to live, in order to survive, as if he had to draw his source of life from her. He devoured her as if his very existence depended on it and Belle answered him with equal fervor. Hands tangled themselves in hair and they held onto each other for dear life, becoming a tangle of limbs and somehow in some way Rumple managed to get the last of his clothing off and now they were skin to skin.

Belle gasped into his mouth when she felt his rock hard member rubbing against her thigh. She didn't have to look at it to know that he was a very well endowed man. He was a good length and thick too, but not so thick that it scared her virgin mind. In fact it excited her and made her extremely anxious. She pulled back and pressed her lips against the side of his head, whispering feverishly into his ear. "I want you. I need you Rumple. Please…please…"

His body shook from the ferocity of the onslaught of emotions coursing through him. He would not lie and say that he didn't imagine those words many a night in his castle, but to actually hear it now was another matter entirely. He could only shut his eyes and hold her tightly against him as he felt her legs spread apart and nearly lost his mind when he felt her hot, wet core brush against his shaft. His eyes flashed with uncertainty as he pulled back to gaze down at her. "Belle…are you sure you're ready?"

She practically whimpered when she felt some of his body heat leave her and at his words she could only shake her head incredulously at him. They had gotten this far and he still questioned it? At first it was rather adorable with how hesitant and cautious he was but now it was starting to grate her nerves. She debated on opening her mouth to reply to him but instead decided that actions were needed here.

With an impish smirk that only Rumpelstiltskin himself could top, she quickly flipped him over so that she was on top and giggled at his bemused expression. There were not many who could surprise the Trickster and Belle seemed to be able to do it with the slightest of ease.

She flipped her hair over her shoulder and bared the milky flesh of her skin to him. There were already a few dark marks from where Rumple had sucked and nipped at her. A sense of possession went through him at seeing them and he felt as if those were his marks upon her. He had marked her as his and he would not have it any other way. "B-Belle! What are you - ?"

She put her fingers to his lips to silence him. "No more waiting. No more holding back." She gulped down her nervousness and acted purely on instinct now, riding out the Lust and pent up Desire she felt for him and only him. Slowly then, she began to raise her hips and she took a gentle hold of his member, positioning her opening above his tip. She pressed the top of his head against her opening and both moaned in unison at the contact. She slowly eased him in, her body tense as she felt pain wrack her body. He was spreading her wide and the stabbing pain that followed made her wince, her body tensed as she paused in her actions and allowed herself to grow used to him.

It must have been evident on her face because Rumple looked up at her with concern, his hands instantly grabbing her hips and gently pushing her back up despite how damn good it felt to finally be in her. "D-don't force yourself." Hanging on to some semblance of control right now was equivalent to keeping a cloud pinned to the earth. She felt so good, so hot and tight and ready for him he had to literally bite his cheek from plunging straight into her. But he had seen the pained expression on her face and felt the unpierced maiden head at the head of his manhood.

"I'll be alright." She assured him and opened her eyes just enough to meet his dark gaze. She knew that he needed this just as much as she did and like Hell she was about to stop now. Not when they were so close. She leaned forward to crash her lips upon his and plunged her tongue into his mouth before pulling back and gently nipping his lower lip. "I want this…I need this."

Every muscle in his body was taut and strained as he fought his own carnal desires. His leg throbbed with pain but the ecstasy he felt at even partially being inside Belle was enough to ebb it away. He groaned as he tasted her once more and when she nipped his lip all notion or thought of stopping her flew right out the window. He wanted this too…oh dammit it all to hell he needed this. Countless years after Bae's mother left him Rumple had had no other woman. He hadn't known the touch of another woman's flesh until this very moment and in his next life at that.

His resolve set, he nodded and gently massaged her hips and lower back in hopes of relaxing her muscles. "Relax." He breathed out, a thin sheet of sweat already coating his entire body. She did as she was told and slowly the two began to move together. Belle was able to lower herself just a bit more, but always jerked back up just when the hymen was to break. She couldn't do it, not with her being on top and it was really starting to frustrate her. Impatient, she flipped them back over and hooked her arms beneath his and pressed hard against his shoulders to bring him closer to her. "Just do it. Get it over with, I can't wait anymore." Her words fell out in between uneven pants and her tone laced with frustration, serving to make Rumple's body roar with Lust.

He stared down at her in shock at her impatience before smirking and chuckling softly. He dares to mock her? Now? Ooo the little imp, if Belle wasn't feeling so hot and heavy right now she probably would have smacked that teasing smirk right off of his smug face. "My my my, you are quite the little vixen sweet Belle of mine." Before she could protest, Rumple already began to ease himself back inside of her and her quick remark melted into a long moan.

He groaned softly as he buried his face into the crook of her neck and snaked his arms around her to hold her close as he felt her tightness engulf him once more. "This is going to hurt." He warned her as he manages to push himself up just enough so that their foreheads touched.

Gazes locked, Belle could only nod slightly, "I don't care. Do it."

"As you wish dearie." With that he plunged into her until she fully sheathed him. They both cried out in unison though one was from pleasure unlike never before and the other was from pain. He stilled within her, not daring to move for fear that the slightest friction would be enough to make him come apart. It was too early, not yet.

It was in this moment that both suddenly realized what it meant to truly make love. Having sex was nothing more than two beings letting out their wanton desires and then going about their daily lives. Making love, on the other hand, was so much more than that. So much more. To make love was to bare each other's souls to one another; to let down the walls that they had built around them and let the other person see them bare in every form of the word. It wasn't just about the physical pleasure but about the pleasure of the hearts and of the soul. Making love is an act that bonds not only the people together, but their hearts and their souls. To really, truly become one with the other.

Several heartbeats passed before Belle had the courage to shift her hips against his and winced at the sharp shooting of pain. Rumple groaned as he felt the movement and opened his eyes to look down at her. She dug her nails into his back and he instantly got the message. Slowly at first, he moved against her. Pulling out slowly and pushing back in equally slow. Soon enough the pain faded away only to be replaced with extreme pleasure. Belle threw her head back and gasped out his name as her hips began to move with more urgency.

Their breathing mingled with one another as they danced the dance of Lovers since times of old. Each touch, each sweet caress, each kiss and each heartbeat shared was a profession of their love for each other; of their undying devotion to one another, a promise of Eternity. A much older magic was at work here, the most powerful magic in the world sizzled and cracked in the energy around them. It enveloped them in its hot embrace and bounded the two together. Rumpelstiltskin and Belle were not made consciously aware of it then, but inside they both knew that they were now truly one and they could not live without the other.

He breathed out her name over and over again as he began to move faster within her, but was slowed because the pain in his leg was getting too much. He growled not only in pleasure but in frustration at his ailment. Belle seemed to notice and switched positions again, straddling him and never ceasing their rhythm. He cried out her name as he felt himself bury deeper within her and growled out her name as she began to rock her hips. Rumple moved up so his shoulders were leaning against the headboard and looked up as Belle threw her head back, baring her entire body to him for his view and oh God what a view it was. He gripped her hips and guided her in how to move, moaning out loudly as she moved against him.

Hungry eyes traversed her body over and over again through half lids before settling on her face, her face that was contorted with ecstasy. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her mouth slightly agape and her chest heaving with every pant she made. It was the most beautiful and grand sight he had ever seen. And she was all his.

He moved up to wrap his arms around her waist and one of his hands splayed out across her back while the other grazed up to her hair and gently fisted her chestnut locks. His lips captured her nipples once more, sucking them and flicking his tongue over them as he felt her tighten more around him.

It was stirring within her again, building and building and with each stroke and lick that her lover gave her it grew more and more. It was demanding her, begging to be released and she felt so close to it now. She was so close. She began to pant his name, moaning louder now as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, one of her hands gripping his hair at the base of his neck. Oh yes she was nearly there! She had no idea how she knew, but this was going to be much stronger and more toxic than the one before. "R-Rum I-I'm going to - !"

He understood and looked up at her, panting heavily as he fought back his own release. He had felt it building within him but he fought it down for her. She had to reach the peak first before he ever could. "Come for me Belle." Those words were her undoing as her entire frame quaked and she cried out his name as the most intense feeling of pleasure washed over her entire body. She could no longer distinguish hot from cold, up from down or left from right. There was only the wave after wave of ecstasy she felt washing over her.

Rumple growled low in his throat before flipping her over and taking dominance once more. He didn't stop in the slightest and kept moving against her. Faster. Harder. Desperate as he worked to reach his own peak. "B-belle. O-open your eyes. Look at me." He said in between pants. Belle, though it was a struggle, did as she was told and was blown away by the intensity of his gaze. She smiled up at him and wrapped her legs around his waist to urge him on. She moved her hand and found his and laced their fingers together.

He pinned her hand beside her head as he felt his climax nearing. He was teetering over the edge and knew that at any moment he would soon fall. "I love you. I love you. I love you." He breathed out over and over again, keeping their gazes locked upon one another.

Belle kissed him repeatedly with a smile on her face. "I love you too. So much, so very much."

He groaned out once more, "I-I'm coming."

She nipped his lower lip and squeezed his hand. "Together."

He nodded and began to pound into her with pure and utter desperation. His leg cried out in protest but he didn't give a damn. If he didn't have his release now he was sure to lose all that was left of his sanity. Belle moved with him, staying in sync until finally white light exploded behind both of their eyes. They cried out each other's name as their world exploded with unexplainable, heavenly pleasure; stronger than anything they had ever experienced before.

One…three…and on the fifth thrust Rumple stilled, every muscle in his body tense as he felt his seed empty into her with uneven spurts. He felt light headed and grounded all at the same time. Both fell limp and Rumple buried his face in the crook of their neck as they fought to regain some control over their breathing.

Belle kept her arm wrapped tightly around him and held him close while her other hand squeezed his tightly. In this very moment they both finally felt complete. Felt whole once again. They were one, one heart and one soul. The very realization of that brought tears to her eyes as she moved to place a tender kiss upon his forehead. "I love you." It didn't matter how many time she said it, it never seemed enough. Those three simple words didn't seem to have the capability to truly convey to him what she felt.

Rumple felt very much the same as he lay atop her. He inhaled her scent, the air musky and humid from their love-making. He slowly pushed himself up and they moaned in unison as he pulled out of her. He then adjusted them so that they were lying beneath the covers, some of the smaller pillows having been thrown off the bed during the act. Their hands never parted as he pulled her closer and rested their hands in between them. He kissed her forehead, allowing his lips to linger as he allowed the beauty of this moment wash over them. "I love you always." He whispered into her hair, shutting his eyes as he took comfort and joy in just holding her like this.

She curled up against him and for the rest of the day the lovers simply stayed in bed and dropped into a comfortable silence. Belle curled up against him and their legs were tangled together as she rested her head on his chest. The sound of his heart beating seemed to now match her own heart and before long the soft sound put her to sleep.

Rumple glanced down at her sleeping face and smiled as tender, loving sensations rushed through him. Somewhere in the back of his mind he remembered the True Love Potion that was tucked safely away in his study. He vaguely remembered his plan to go to the well and drop the potion in to bring back the magic.

A part of him remembered that Regina was still out there and he had a distinct feeling that Maurice would not give up in trying to take his daughter back. He should be worried, should be forming plans in his head. But as he gazed upon Belle and watched as her bare chest rose and fell slowly with each breath she took, he decided then and there that this was the only magic he cared about right now.

His own True Love.

His eyelids began to grow heavy and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep with his head resting atop of hers.

What was to happen now? Well, who truly knew what the future held? Both of them were a little scared, neither of them fully prepared but the profound truth is that they were reunited and they were never going to part again.

This Beauty and the Beast.

Author's Note: Did anybody see what I did there at the ending? If you did, kudos to you! If you didn't then you need to read that again because it's pretty obvious what I did there.

Alright! In other news, yes due to popular demand I am writing a bonus chapter just for your viewing pleasure! It shall be up within a week's time and it is going to take that long because, as I've mentioned before, I hate typos and I re-read my work at least 500 times before I post it.

Again thank you to EVERYONE who read this, reviewed it and favorited it you guys are amazing and have inspired me to keep on writing!