Hi, and welcome to my new frantic! If anyone was wondering, I did draw the front cover, which looks better in real life. If anyone has any requests, then please either PM me them or put them in a review, or just review anyway, it makes me all happy and want to shout out "Team Layton!" or squeal like loot, which my friend says I do scarily well. Anyway, enjoy!

Illness, Part 1

Professor Layton's POV

I was sat at the table, eating a slice of hot buttered toast, whilst reading the newspaper with a cup of tea in front of me. It had gone 10 minutes past 7, and Luke still wasn't downstairs, which was strange as he normally is down at about 5 to 7, but I carried on eating. I decided if he slept much longer I would go and wake him.

"Morning professor…" A voice sounded, it was Luke, but he didn't sound like his usual cheery self, he sounded really tired. "Ah, good morning Luke, how…." my sentence was cut of as I looked at luke "Good heavens! Are you quite all right?" it was a silly question to ask as he clearly was not alright, he was as white as a sheet and shivering even though he looked extremely warm "No, I don't think I am… you go to work, I'll be fine…" I took another look at Luke " I am not leaving you here in this state on your own, I will take the day off, come on, back to bed." I walked over the wooden floor towards Luke, who was still wearing his old blue stripy flannel button-up pyjamas, with a bear stitched on the pocket, as far as I could remember they were his favourites. I took hold of his hand, which was clammy, and led him out of the door and up the stairs.

I opened the door to his all blue bedroom, and he slowly collapsed into bed. I tucked him in and put his teddy next to him. "I'll be back in a moment Luke, I'm going to get you some paracetamol and a glass of water." Luke barely nodded at me, but he seemed quite glad of my offer.

I walked back down the steps and into the kitchen and opened the medicine cupboard door. It took me a few minutes to find the paracetamol, as it was right at the very back, and as I grabbed them everything fell out, why does that always have to happen? I poured the glass of water and headed towards Luke.

"Th-Thankyou professor." I told him to go back to sleep, and he did so, but still looked terribly ill. I walked back out onto the landing, in order to go and finish my breakfast, which had probably gone cold, but my plans were put on hold as I heard dainty footsteps come towards me, I knew these well, they were Flora's. I was about to say good morning, but was stopped as she said "Professor, I don't feel well." This looked like it was going to be a long day…

What did you think? There is a part two to this one, but requests are still welcome! Goodbye for now my dear friends, I hope to see you soon, love Hannah.