Title: It's Not Over Until Binky Boy Sings
Rated: M
Warnings: Slash smut, Thiefshipping and maybe language. As to be expected in a smut fic. Dom!Bakura because I can't really see Marik topping seeing he's a goof.
Summary: Marik invites everyone over to a sleepover, but nobody shows up. Bakura allows himself to pity Marik and attend, and things go downhill from there.


Bakura jumped as a piercing wail broke through his concentration for the fifth time that night. It was his irritating roommate, Marik Sebastian Ishtar that was disturbing the peace and fucking with the atmosphere of the apartment. Bakura snarled and stood up, following the cries to Marik's room.

"What the bloody hell is your damned problem?" Bakura shouted over Marik's high pitched wail. Said Egyptian stopped crying and sniffed. His purple eyes were big and sparkly due to the tears leaking out of them.

"Fluffy! Nobody wants to come!" He cried.

Bakura glared at him, chocolate brown eyes glinting dangerously. "What?"

Marik stood up, affronted. "Don't you remember?"

"No." Bakura deadpanned.

Marik sniffed again. "Fine, I won't tell you then since you can't bother to remember!"

Bakura shrugged. "Fine with me, you poof."

Marik pouted. "Poof? Poof? C'mon, Florence, that's lame! If anything, you're the one who's a poof with all that hai- HEY! Don't walk away when I'm talking to you!"

Bakura sat down on the couch, ignoring his roommate. It was something Marik just did that made it necessary to sit down before he reacted. As often as he told himself he hated Marik, he always had to hide a blush when Marik pouted.

Bakura liked seeing Marik pout. He liked seeing Marik laugh. He liked seeing him throw a fit at the nickname "Binky Boy". 'That's supposed to be an insult I use!' Marik had said furiously. 'Not a nickname!'

A lot of times Bakura couldn't get enough of the Egyptian. More often he couldn't stand him. It had taken a while to admit he secretly liked Marik, but often times he questioned whether or not it was only sexual interest. After all the boy did have a nice ass.

But then there was that annoying personality that made him irresistible. Bakura sometimes wished he could laugh with Marik instead of always at him.

"Anyway," Marik continued from whatever he was talking about. "Since you can't remember, I'll tell you. Last week after the council I had invited everyone over for a sleepover."

Bakura winced. The bloody council number five. When he had left Marik -no, Marik's council, He reminded himself quickly, for Dartz's council.

"I expected them to come around now. But I called everyone. Rex called me a dork and Weevil agreed! Evil Teddy and Zork were messing around in Hell, and I just now called Pegasus! He said he was busy 'giving head'. What does that even mean!"

Bakura blushed violently at Marik's innocence and then his stomach twisted at what Pegasus said.

"So now I'm all alone to sleep with myself." Marik sighed. Bakura couldn't help but cough at the innuendo. His face would not cool down and Marik would suspect something soon.

"Don't choke," Marik warned, not realizing that innuendo either. "I hope this isn't betraying your council-no, yes I do- but is there any chance you can sleep with me?"

"WHAT?" Bakura jumped off the couch, his face blazing red.

Marik gave him a look. "C'mon, it won't be so bad. There will be popcorn and movies and scary stories, oh, and pillow fights!"

Bakura then realized Marik meant the sleepover, not sleeping with him. His heart continued to race. "What's the b-bloody difference? We both live here, you can do that by yourself."

Marik saddened. "Please, Baku? That's all I ask. Just one night!"

"No." Bakura shivered at the nickname. "And I'm not Baku."

Marik did a puppy dog face. It consisted of biting his bottom lip, widening his eyes and making them shiny with tears. "Please...?"

"For fuck's sake, fine!" Bakura snapped. "I'll come to the bloody sleepover."

Marik jumped for joy. "Yes! And maybe we can also plot to defeat the Pharaoh and-" he stopped, remembering they were on different teams. "Um... nevermind."

The Egyptian rushed off to get ready. Bakura, not knowing what to do, decided to distract himself from his guilt by changing into a pair of soft pajamas Marik made for him. They were baby blue with fat, white kitties.


When Marik came out with his pajamas Bakura had three initial reactions. First, his eyes widened, then he blushed madly and third he had to decide whether or not to punch or kiss Marik.

The Egyptian was wearing his own home-made pajamas. He had a very low cut purple top with short sleeves and exposed his midriff. He also had on a pair of purple shorts, and we're talking short short. Bakura had never seen Marik like this. His eyes fell to the bulge in Marik's pants that proved how tight they were.

"Marik-" Bakura spluttered.

"Okay, first thing on the list!" Marik said interrupted loudly. "We go into our mystical tent of hatred and tell secrets!"

Said tent was made like this: Marik moved the couch so that it was pushed up against the wall and built a tent with it using books and blankets. It was childish, but big.

"Why is it a mystical tent of hatred?" Bakura said, regaining his composure.

"What, would you prefer the Monotone Cave of Sweetness and rainbows?" Marik retorted.

Bakura didn't understand how a rainbow cave would be monotone. He bit back an "I don't caaare." and proceeded into the tent.

"WAIT!" Marik flew into the tent first. "Go turn off the lights."

Bakura snarled and did as he was told, seeing no point as it was daylight. He closed all the curtains for good measure, then made his way through the dark. Thankfully Marik turned on the flashlight and made the trip into the tent easier. He stepped inside. He almost gasped.

There were big stuffed animals piled against the sides of the tent. Bears, giraffes, whales, pandas... and there was a stack of pies in silver tins. The pies were made of whipped cream. Marik sat in the midst of it, smiling. "Isn't it great?"

The tent was big on the inside. the ceiling of the tent sagged, but only enough to touch the "wings" on Bakura's hair. It was impressive, for a dolt. Bakura just played it cool and nodded.

"Okay, so the first thing on the list is to tell secrets. All the girls in the movies do." Marik said.

"But we're not girls, are we?" Bakura snapped.

Marik ignored him. "You go first."

Bakura sighed irritably. "Fine. Ummm... what kind of secret?"

Marik spread his arms. "Many, Fluffy. Plenty to choose from."

Bakura hesitated. "I...my favorite pair of boxers is green...?"

"MINUS SEVEN POINTS!" Marik screamed, and Bakura fell back out of shock.

"What the bloody hell is your problem!" Bakura snarled.

"It was minus five points for lameness, and minus two for stupidity." Marik said calmly.

Bakura glared at him, furious. "WHAT?"

"It was lame, Bakura! But now I know to buy you green boxers more. My turn," Marik said. "Sometimes I like telling about my past so people feel sorry for me, and I get to be like, I'm totally cool now. See? I have a good ass, I've got abs, I'm a delicious shade of brown..."

Bakura frowned. "What kind of..."

"...women want me, I'm sexy, I've got purple eyes, I wear gold, I look good in leather pants, I have a nice ass, I got a really nice ass, did I mention my sexy ass?" Marik finished.

"Yes." Bakura said icily.

They went back and forth for a bit until Marik was tired of the game. He finished with, "I really like birds. I also like white hair."

"What?" Bakura said.


The games continued under the tent. It grew a little hot, so Marik bought an electric fan in. It kept the whipped cream pies from melting. They did tedious things, but Marik was obviously having a blast. The last event finally arrived.

"So, finally we can eat these pies!" Marik cheered. "I'm starving." He passed a pie to Bakura. Both of their pie tins were stained from the whipped cream on the pie below. Marik's pie was on top, so the whipped cream looked swirly and elegant. Bakura's was below his, therefore smashed.

"So...what now?"

"In this game we take a pie. The pie I have is yours, the pie you have is mine." Marik explained. "We dip our fingers in the pie, then cross arms as we feed it to each other!"

Bakura paled. "Wh-what? No- Marik that is not a real ga-"

"Don't be difficult, Fluffy. The girls in the movie did it." Marik argued.

"What kind of movie-" Bakura didn't finish because Marik shoved a finger covered in whipped cream into his mouth, and the whisked it out before Bakura could bite him. Bakura sat, dumbstruck, then quickly hid his face beneath his hair as he swallowed it down, licking his lips of the excess.

"See? Fun!" Marik cheered.

Bakura looked back up and stared at the idiot across from him. Then, out of nowhere, he jumped Marik. The Egyptian squealed as Bakura grabbed hold of his wrists and pinned him down, then gave Marik two seconds for his eyes to widened before Bakura smeared cream all across his face.

Marik struggled. "Ah! N-no fair!" He was laughing. Bakura liked it, so he continued to add more to the mess. He put it on his neck and some on his abs, laughing along with Marik. Bakura finally admitted... he was happy.

Suddenly Bakura felt something that shocked him. He dropped his pie and released Marik.

"Fluffy, what's the problem?" Marik laughter died away as he wiped cream out of his eyes.

Bakura stared. "Marik...why are you hard?"

BOOM! To be continued, haha! If you want me to continue, please review! Tell me how you think this was. Also, I'm sorry if I spoiled Evil Council 5 for anyone. If you haven't seen it, watch it! It'll be under a different username because LK's got removed. But it's still him ^^