Will rushed to the nursery when he heard his baby's bawling. He rushed over to the play pen where Sam was sitting and picked him up. He was wearing a light blue t-shirt with a teddy bear on the front and a thick, fluffy diaper.

"Oh baby, what's the matter?" Will cooed in a baby voice.

Sam continued to bawl, clinging tightly to the teacher. His face was bright pink and his cheeks were tear stained.

"Hm? Did you go poopy?" Will asked, patting the seat of Sam's diaper to check. "Nope. You hungry? Hurt?"

Sam shook his head, burrowing closer to the man and hiding his face in Will's shoulder.

"Tell me what's wrong, Sammy-boo." Will cooed. He patted Sam's diapered bottom to try and sooth the upset boy.

Sam hiccuped and cried, managing to choke out the word 'paci'. Will immediately understood what was wrong and gently rocked his baby.

"Where is paci, sweetheart?" He asked.

Sam shook his head.

"You don't know?" Will gasped. "Where did you have paci last?"

Sam sniffled and pointed to the bed.

"When you were getting a diapey change, right?" The teacher asked.

The blonde nodded.

Will smiled and laid Sam on the bed. He got to his hands and knees, checking the side and underneath the bed.

"Hmmm, not under there." He said. The older man leaned over the bed and ran his hand along the narrow space between the bed and the wall. He grinned when his fingers made contact with a rubber and plastic.

Sam watched intently, sniffling and shedding the occasional tear.

"Shhhh, it's all right baby. Look what I found." Will cooed, sticking the pacifier into his baby boy's mouth.

Sam immediately began to suck on the bulb in relief, relaxing visibly. The teacher chuckled and sat beside the blonde, running his fingers through his baby's hair until the boy had drifted off to sleep.