
"I'm just like a balloon. Unless someone holds my string, I'll float away." — Michael Alig, Party Monster

"They're together again tonight."

Chuck's jaw twitches at the news but he makes no indication of speaking. Instead, his fingers curl around his nightcap menacingly.

Serena bites her lip, shrugs. "Just thought you'd want to know," she mumbles, gathering her hair around her neck. Cerulean eyes flick upwards to meet her step-sibling's iron gaze, gesture apologetic.

Swallowing his Macallan neatly, Chuck relishes the sting burning its way down his throat. He casts the glass aside, guides a hand into his pocket with calculated calmness. "Well, thanks for the update, S, but I assure you I couldn't care less. If Blair prefers to spend her evenings swapping mutated DNA with Humphrey, then who am I to intervene?"

"You can't be serious," Serena says, bitterness creeping across her ethereal features. Eyes darkening with resentment, she adds, "They betrayed us, Chuck. Why should they get to be happy while we " – she gestures between herself and Chuck – "are alone? It's not fair."

The blonde's words buzzes in Chuck's hazy mind. He observes Serena, desperation practically effusing from her perfect pores. Honey eyes take in summery blonde waves paired with long, tanned limbs and an ample bosom, a lightbulb triggering in Chuck's head. "No, we're not," he responds darkly.

"Not what?" Serena asks, confused.

"Alone," Chuck smirks. "You're here, I'm here," – he turns, points to a crystal carafe – "the finest aged scotch in the world is here. Sounds like a party to me."

Serena raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow as her the corners of her lips curl up into a mischievous smile. "You know what? You're right," she says, slinking towards her adopted brother with deadly purpose. "What do you say we get us a little frontier justice?"