The people below him did not look like ants from a great height, as he had heard in stories and movies, he decided. No, they much rather looked like orbs. Insignificant, ignorant orbs.

Sitting there, a long way off the ground, staring at the concrete twenty stories beneath his feet, with scattered bottles of gin discarded at his side, he observed the world freely, and the people polluting it with their presence. The dark night that surrounded him possessed an air which was chilled and extremely windy, and he wondered briefly to himself if the orbs below him found the wind powerful as well, or if was just because he was much closer to the freezing abyss above. He shook the thought from his head, and scolded himself for thinking about such stupid things. He was not here to look at the heads of people who did not mean a thing to him.

Sasuke Uchiha was here to end his life.

He had tried countless times before, but he always came out alive. Though this was not due to fear, he was an Uchiha, and Uchiha's weren't cowards. His body was simply too strong, too stubborn, to die at the hand of some pills, or cuts to its vital arteries. He debated using a gun, but what a waste of a pretty face that would be. So instead, he got drunk, stumbled his way to the building he working in, and made it all the way to the top of Uchiha Corps without being sick, and plotted to throw himself off of the place his father and his brother once worked at each others side.

Bracing himself, he stood up carefully on the ledge, testing his balance. Noting smugly that he could stand up on a platform whist drunk high above the world with ease, he inhaled deeply. It was time. Shutting his eyes for the final time he-

"Um, hello?"

Snapping his head to his left, he saw a familiar looking female, big white eyes staring at him in shock. The girl continued to stare, open mouthed and unmoving until the midnight haired Uchiha began to speak. "What, have you never seen anyone attempt to kill themselves before? Listen women, you're probably not going to want to see this, so be on your way."

To his surprise, the girl did not falter, instead coming closer, and kicking some empty bottles away from her, before beginning to talk in a soft, delicate, yet lifeless voice that he had to strain to pick up. "A-actually, I arrived hear to do the same thing you're doing, but y-you seem to be in my spot."

To this, he smirked, and she believed he looked much more handsome that way. She kept it to herself of course, he also looked quite intimidating. "Well that changes things." He began, startling her out of daze, "Why don't you join me Miss- wait, i didn't catch your name."

"Hyuga. H-hinata Hyuga."

"Well Miss Hyuga, that would explain why I know your face, why don't you sit beside the man that would have been your future business rival, and we shall discuss the ending of our lives together."


Disclaimer; Naruto is very much not owned by me, and will never be, unfortunately.

So, hello. This is my first story on Fanfiction, so tell me if it's utterly unreadble/totally sucky/I deserve to die in a pit of tomatoes, and i'll stop, promise!
Drop me a review please, 'cause I don't want to continue something no one reads.