Hai guys!

Yes, I know how much ya'll love AN chapters. (No bashing on people that post them.) I'm only posting this because I feel like I owe you at least this much, so I'm going to make this short.

I tried, I really did, to hang on to Spitfire, and YJ, and the fandom in general, but… The cancellation just killed my feels and I am now into this new fandom that is AWESOME. (If you've not read the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus books then you have yet to be enlightened.)


I lost my muse for YJ and all my stories are up for semi adoption/hiatus….

(Ugh, don't we all hate that word?)

So the rules:
2) Review/PM me ideas or questions or to ask permission to continue the story and we'll talk, yeah?

This goes for all of my incomplete Young Justice stories.

I figure if someone still has the flame, might as well pass the torch, right?

So please don't hate me or you know, don't any haters get all upset at my note because I don't want any drama and honestly I'm just trying to help. I almost NEVER post author's note chapters but I feel like I should let everyone know.

Peace. Love. Go read Percy Jackson—watching the movies doesn't count, but watch those too to support them and all. (I want the 3rd movie and the rest of the series to be approved!)

It's been nice writing for you. I'm still doing other fandoms, and you're free to PM me about stuff if you want.

~Music Lover BWG

P.S Thanks to KTrevo for betaing because she loves me so she even betas my notes.

Although unlike half mah stories this one was in good shape when I sent it to her!


P.P.S If you just found this story feel free to drop in a review! They still make me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

I'll keep in touch if the story gets adopted.

