Little Bloom Part 2

(Setting: Liquidator has dropped by to visit our favorite plant-duck several times now, and Bushroot is starting to get attached)

The last time Liquidator had visited, their regular conversation had turned into something very different.

"Stop... you're getting my coat wet," the botanist had protested weakly, looking away from the other mutant's knowing gaze.

"That's not the only thing I'm getting wet," Liquidator purred, leaning down to nuzzle the plant-duck's soft, green cheek.

Bushroot had inhaled sharply as the watery mutant surged against his lower body. The touch had been strangely erotic, especially to a reclusive botanist with very little experience in the romance department. Once their rather risqué encounter had come to a close, the supervillain had slipped away, leaving the scientist wondering exactly what kind of relationship they now had.

Bushroot busied himself with setting up his newest acquisition: a rubber kiddie pool. Most ducks liked the water, but being part plant made him crave it. Which would explain his tiny obsession with a certain aquatic supervillain. Even Rhoda Dendron hadn't made him feel so alive... not that he should be thinking about her at all, given that she'd turned him down with a simple, yet devastating, "You're a plant, I'm a duck. It will never work out."

At least Liquidator wanted his attention. Or maybe he was just lonely, and wanted to be around another mutant. "Oh, if only he wasn't a supervillain," Reggie grumbled as he dipped his roots into the tub, soaking in the normal garden-hose water. It was missing something.

"Ahhh, that's more like it." The botanist sighed as a tingle of energy rushed through the water and into his legs. It was like fresh sunlight, or soothing music, or... Bushroot gasped as the liquid surged up before him, forming itself into the shape of a canine.

"Hello, my pretty plant. Did you miss me?"

"Why would I miss you?" Bushroot flushed a deep green as the water-dog leaned in closer.

"Only the Liquidator can satisfy your unique thirst, little bloom," the supervillain all but purred. The smirk on his blue lips made the botanist weak at the knees – if he had knees, that is.

"Why do you keep calling me that? I have a name, you know. It's Reginald Bushroot."


"You - you must have a proper name..." Reggie stuttered, trying to cover up his embarrassment.

"And I should tell you?" Liquidator looked entirely too amused with their conversation.

"Of course. We - we're..." The botanist buried his embarrassed face into his leafy hands, unable to fully admit his interests to the water-dog.

"I'm a criminal, little bloom. Are you sure you want to get involved with me?"

"It's not like you gave me much of a choice," Bushroot found himself complaining aloud.

"And if I'm giving you the choice now?" Liquidator crooned, his voice sending delicious shivers through Reggie's body.

No one should have a voice that smooth, Bushroot thought.

Liquidator grinned, sliding up close enough for the plant-duck to feel the stamens on his head reaching for the nearby water source. "So – you like my voice?" the criminal purred.

"Oh, son of a broccoli – I said that out loud," Reggie groaned, his cheeks heating up as he buried his face in his leafy hands.

Watery fingers pulled his hands away from his face, before tilting his chin up so they could gaze into each other's eyes. "No need to be embarrassed, little bloom. There's nothing the Liquidator likes more than a satisfied customer."

"Is that all I am to you?" Reggie could feel his old self-esteem issues rising, but they sunk back down as the water-dog pulled him close, stroking a wet hand down his back.

"Don't be silly. You are much, much more. You really should stop doubting yourself, Reggie. If no one else can see how special you are, then it's their loss – and my gain."

Tears filled the botanist's eyes at the unexpected sincerity in the criminal's voice. Wrapping his arms around the water-dog, he attempted to hug him back, comforted by the liquid sinking into his skin.

"Bud Flud, but my friends called me, Buddy."

"Hm?" Reggie tilted his head toward Liquidator's voice.

"My name – before the accident. I was a water salesman," Liquidator explained.

Bushroot pulled back, smiling up at the other mutant. "Buddy – It suits you." Inching himself up on his roots, Reggie pressed his bill to the canine's liquid muzzle.

"Dr. Bushroot, I need – Liquidator! Step away from the scientist, you fiend!"

Bushroot rushed to put himself between the vigilante and supervillain, mentally shoving down the urge to cower behind Liquidator. "No! Don't shoot! He's not doing anything bad."

"Then why did he break into your greenhouse?" Darkwing Duck asked, his gun slightly lowered to avoid pointing it directly at the botanist.

"He didn't break in," Bushroot insisted, blushing a deep green at the thought of what Darkwing might have interrupted if he'd arrived a bit later.

The masked duck glanced between them, assessing the situation. "Bushroot, is that watery menace threatening you in any way?"

"Licky wouldn't do that..." Reggie felt his face heat up even more as Darkwing Duck's eyes widened on them both.

"Licky?" Liquidator's voice was smooth as sin, and had the petite botanist stuttering.

"I mean, Buddy. Buddy."

"Right then, as long as this is all consensual. Yep, definitely didn't see anything. But if you harm one petal on his head, you'll have to answer to me," Darkwing announced, glaring directly at the supervillain who frowned back. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." the hero stated, tucking his gun into his belt.

Darkwing spun around, his cape flowing out behind him. It would have been a graceful exit, if he hadn't nearly tripped over a certain sharp-toothed venus flytrap. "Sorry, Spike."

Bushroot sighed in relief after the vigilante was gone, leaning back against the semi-firm form of his lover. "That went better than expected."

"Yes. Now then…" Liquidator spun the little scientist around, dipping him low. "Where were we?"

Note: Just a little half-written fic I discovered. Decided to finish it up.