So this is new for me so please all feedback is welcome. Also I wouldn't mind some Dyson/Kenzi fans ideas as to which way this proceeds. Some options are he comforts her and she tells him about her past, he is miffed about the curse still and it takes a bit for him to see that she is hurting, that Baba Yaga cursed Kenzi so she is haunted by her stepfathers actions, that she is cursed to where she will be haunted until someone loves her in spite of what she has been through. Opinions welcome.

Bo sprung from the water gasping for air.

"Bo what happened?" Dyson knew already though from the look in her eyes that he wouldn't like the answer.

Bo could barely breathe let alone speak but one look into each other's eyes said it all. Kenzi was in trouble.

"I'm going back. Hold me down Dyson."

"I won't. If you go back under you will die."

"It's Kenzi, Dyson, I can't just leave her there to die." Bo pleadingly tried to explain to Dyson.

"I know that's why I'm going to go."

Before Bo could protest Dyson and pulled her up and out of the water and had handed her the stopwatch. Bo watched as he stripped of his shoes and climbed into the tub. Dyson reached out to Bo and said, "I promise that I'm not coming back without her. Now hold me down no matter what." Bo nodded and as . . . held the portal open she held Dyson down as he began to struggle.

The first sense that returned to him was his hearing but that had always been one of his best senses so it wasn't much of a surprise no that would be what Baba Yaga was saying to Kenzi.

"You were petrified of me but there was someone who scared you even more. Your stepfather."

"I said be quiet." Dyson could hear the fear and desperation in Kenzi's voice.

"I used to watch you in the mirror. You would call my name once, twice and oh I would be waiting in the shadows."

Dyson could hear Baba Yaga's chained pet straining to break free.

"Oh and you never had the guts to call me," Dyson could hear Kenzi gasp and grew more angry as he tried to regain control of himself so he could help her. "the third time to actually summon me to destroy the man who was making your life miserable."

"Well I'm not that scared girl anymore."

Before Kenzi could say anymore Dyson was upon them. He yanked Kenzi away just in time for Baba Yaga's pet to shove her into the fire and they slammed the doors shut. Dyson grabbed ahold of Kenzi and held her close. Within moments they were back in Kenzi and Bo's apartment in a bathtub that was a little small for two grown people, or more accurately a wolf man and a tiny girl. They laid there gasping for a few moments before Bo spoke.

"So I think from now on there will be a lot more showers around here." They all looked at each other and laughed in sheer relief. Although as relieved as Dyson was that everyone was safe and no longer cursed he could still hear Baba Yaga's voice in the back of his mind taunting Kenzi as she gasped in pain and fear.