Disclaimer: I don't own Fate/Stay Night or Fate/Zero for that matter, but this story belongs to me.

True Love


Sha Yurigami

How? How did everything end up this way? Why did it happen this way? Was it truly her destiny to be assimilated by this wish granting object of worship? Didn't she want to stay with her family, her daughter…her husband…Artoria… Why do I think of her now? She asked herself calmly, yet the confusion within her was still apparent.

Indeed, Why was she thinking of her now? All she wanted was to make sure the dream of her husband were to come true. Then why? Why was she still clinging onto life? She knew that she was not really human…only an imitation of life…she didn't deserve to exist just like that Golden Servant said.

"I am more concerned about you."…Again…"If I'd only been a second faster, this would not have come pass."…Why do these words resound now? Why was she remembering them? "But it's a knights duty to serve as escort. I shall do my best."…sweet words spoken to her, not knowing that she was to become the object of that Knight's obsession…

Yes she was to become the Holy Grail.

For the wish of her beloved.

An object of possession to those warring heroes of old times.

A wish granting instrument filled with endless darkness in which she too, will disappear.

She was thankful though.

To be allowed to love, to be loved. To give birth and to watch her child grow up…at least for a while…She was thankful, to be allowed to meet Kiritsugu…"Surely, you would have preferred Kiritsugu to escort you, right?"…She wasn't all that sure about that…"Does Kiritsugu not enjoy the time he spends with you?"…I enjoy the time I spent with you…K

Huh? why did she just think that? It was like her heart and mind were fighting with the meanings of words that were just simple gestures, expected of a tool. She isn't…a tool…who was she arguing with? She couldn't understand it…"The reason I could focus on the battle before me was that I had you standing behind me."…How she longed for these words, even though they meant nothing now.

Why couldn't she let go now?

She let go of her humanity…her daughter…her family…her husband…then why was it not possible to let go of that glimmer of light?

Irisviel was the grail. A wish granting instrument, worshiped by many, never meant to be possessed by anyone.

She only existed…"The Grail belongs to me…She belongs to me…Irisviel belongs to me!"…those desperate cries, thrown at an all mighty opponent. Never yielding. Never surrendering. A flower of the battle field. And though those words were just hollow wish thinking…"You'd take the Grail from me…For such nonsense?!"…she only existed to fulfill the wishes and dreams of those who eliminated all hurdles…she herself didn't exist…she was empty.

Then why do I still feel that warm palm against my cheek…or the soft and gentle touch on my arm…or that feint kiss on my…No she wasn't allowed to think that.

Not now. Kiritsugu, her husband was about to reach her…yet it wasn't her that will greet him…she will disappear…


Don't call my name…


don't look for me…


Don't make me want to life! You only see the vessel of the grail! The object you were so obsessed about! Don't look at me with your pleading eyes, don't cry for my sake…stop caring for me…or I really end up…

She is the Grail.

An object said to fulfill any wish.

And before her was the king of Britain, Artoria Pendragon. Striving to possess the Grail she overcame many foes, shed blood, her own as well as that of anyone who opposed her and his as well.

She wanted it. She wanted the Grail. She wanted her.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. It was supposed to be her, the personification of the grail, her husband and their daughter together…It wasn't meant for her selfishness to win. It wasn't meant for her to regain a will within the vortex of hatred and chaos.

It wasn't meant for her to yearn. Yet she did.

She yearned for her knight to safe her. To take her away from all the darkness inside herself. Was that the reason why she wanted to hear the knights voice? Was that the reason why she wanted to be carried away? Was that why…she was still somehow…human?

So she called out for answers.

Screamed inside the endless dark pit inside her dwindling conscious. But the voice answering her desperate cries, happened to be someone she thought only cared for her goal. So in her ethereal form she called out once again, demanding answers for her questions.

"To answer your Question you need to listen to her voice." a third voice said. A specter watching over her misery just like those three from beyond the veil. Only one of them spoke to her, to the knight. "Answer, she is listening."

How? How did everything end up this way? Why did it happen this way? She asked not knowing if her voice reached her beloved Knight. She however felt that same spark once she received her answer.

"Nothing could have been done about it. I should have realized it much earlier…It was my fault"

Why are you crying? What was meant to happen happened, you don't need to feel responsible. Why would you even cry for me?

"Because I wanted to see you. To safe you. To be with you no matter what."

Why would you do so?

"Because I was unable to save you…be close to you to protect you…or support you when you were scared the most."

Do you feel guilty?

"I do because I can't see you anymore."


"Because I love you."


"Do I need a reason?"

Like a spell she felt her heart for the first time within this void, asking for her Knight to voice her miracle. "Name your wish, King of Knights."

"No wish I name would be honest…I already lost the path I bestowed onto…yet I have but one desire that may never come true…"

Are you afraid?

"No. Because I had you standing behind me all this time."

If you are neither afraid nor can decide what you wish for-

"I have a wish."

If so, please say it.

"I want your wish to come true, Irisviel von Einsbern. Your wish shall be mine."

Taken aback she felt herself smile. "Are you stupid?"

"Yes, I fear I am."

She giggled. Even though she shouldn't exist…wasn't part of this world any longer, there was still someone who wanted her too. Like a mist of dreams and possibilities, Irisviel transcended before the knight, her long white hair flowing behind her and tears falling from her eyes. She gently cupped the blond knights cheeks with her hands.

"Your wish shall come true."

She leaned forward, foreheads touching then noses…and finally their lips, before everything disappeared in the brightest light.


Confusing? Me too and I was the one who wrote it…I tried to overcome my artist/sorry meant writers block and decided to make this little story. It depends on you readers if I make this a story or let it be a one shot XD

If you want to see this as a story please choose between these three options:

Iri awakens in the medial era with King Arturia and Camelot still around and must try to coop with her situation.

Iri awakens in a hospital room as she was kissed by a blond haired stranger, though they have never me before, Iri doesn't remember anything about what happened to her or who the blond could be(Setting in normal world without magic, Grails and Melodramas)

Iri finds herself in the arms of Emiya Kiritsugu as a child instead of Shrio, you can imagine what that would mean right?

Choices have been made, thus This part of the Equation has been crossed ^^