We Would Be Just Fine

Neusuada: This is my second fanfiction, so I hope you like it! Just pretend they're older!

Marlene and Denzel were in their bedroom watching the dark clouds starting to swirl around where they were sure Misaki- Ahem... Cloud must have been fighting.

Denzel was sitting on his bed, while Marlene was pacing around the room anxiously.

She suddenly stopped and looked straight at Denzel, causing him to look up at a panicked Marlene.

"What if they don't come back?" she asked, looking worried. "What will we do then?"

Denzel looked taken aback by this, but he stood up and walked over to her. Marlene looked up at him as he stood in front of her. He put his hand on her shoulder and said gently, "They'll come back, Marlene. You shouldn't worry so much. I mean, come on; it's Cloud and Tifa you're talking about." He said the last part smiling softly.

"I know that, Denzel," she said with a small smile as well. "But what will we do if they don't come back? What will we do if they defeat the enemy, but kill themselves in the process?"

Denzel thought for a moment and then finally said, "Well, Cloud and Tifa have both taught us how to fight if we need to. And Tifa has showed us how to run the bar when she's away. We would be fine," he said with a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess," she said uncertainly.

Denzel took Marlene's hand in his and led her to the window.

"Hey, Denzel?" asked Marlene, looking over at him.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"I-I was wondering something," she said, tightening her grip on his hand.

"What would that be?" he said, tightening his grip as well.

"Have you ever thought of me in a different way than a friend?"

He was a little confused at her question, so he answered what he thought she meant. "Well yeah, I think of you as my little sister. And Bruce thinks of you as food. After all, if fish are friends then what do the sharks eat?"

Marlene frowned slightly. He obviously wasn't getting her point. Nor any sanity,

"No, I mean more than that," she said hoping he would get it that time.

His eyes widened slightly, as he finally got what she had meant. "I-uh… M-Marlene," he said stupidly.

She looked up at him timidly. "What...?"

Denzel's eyes suddenly got a glazed look to them, the color changing to the eye color of the author. "Did you know that hover boards are gonna come out next year?"

"Said who...?" she asked, greatly confused at the future author's antics.

"Marty Mcfly."


He shook his head, the haze over his eyes clearing. "Huh?"

Marlene sighed sadly at his attempt to change the subject. He obviously didn't like her in the same way she liked him. "It's okay," she said, letting go of his hand.

Denzel's mind began to wander to all of the time he had ever spent with Marlene, and he realized that he had always been happier when she was with him, and sad when she wasn't. And Denzel's mind could only come up with one reason as to why that was: he was in love with Marlene. Or maybe that wasn't it at all, but for the sake of this story- Ahem. For the sake of this romantic moment, he would say that he was. Ohhhh, frabjous daaaaay-!

Denzel simiterilisly came back to his senses, brilligly and rudely interrupting the tired author who hadn't eaten today in his nonsensical hast, when he felt the warmth of her hand leave his. However, before she could put her hand in her pocket, Denzel grabbed it again.

"I already told you; its fine," she said while trying to pull her hand free, but his grip was strong.

"Yes, but I don't believe that I got to answer." And with that said, he gently, but firmly, pressed his lips to hers in a kiss.

She was shocked for a moment before she relaxed and kissed him back even though she was only a few years old (a tragic fact that the authors hadn't know when they'd written this a few years ago. Oh, right, something was happening.) and put her hands on his shoulders. As soon as she did that, he put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him.

They both broke apart when they needed to breathe, and looked at each other for a moment.

They both let their hands drop back to their sides, while she rested her head on his shoulder.

Finally, Marlene broke the silence. "I hope that they're okay…"

Denzel looked at her, holding her hand and looking out the window. "Me too, but remember: we would be just fine."

Neusuada: Hope you liked my second fanfiction! I didn't! No flames! Ohhhhhh, frabjous daaaaaaay! Oh, and just in case anyone is confused about what happened in this story... -Whispers- I'm from the future... Review!