Chapter 28: Farewell

I slowly open my eyes to a slightly annoying humming voice coming from in the room. This was definitely not my bed room or Gunther's room either. Matter of fact, I don't recognize this place at all. Where the hell am I? Is this some type of joke?

"I see somebody finally awake." A voice speaks in the shadows.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" I ask terrified as ever.

She giggles annoyingly, "You're in hell bitch!"

The moment she said those words I knew exactly who it was. "Jessabelle, is that you?" I ask in shaky manner.

"No shit Sherlock's. What was your first clue?" Jessabelle replies walking into sight with a bullet hole in the middle of her head.

"AHH, what happen to your head?" I ask trying to back up a bit. I couldn't move much because I was chained up to the bed.

"I got shot don't you remember?" she asks putting on an evil smile.

"But- you are supposed to be dead."

"What a coincidence, you're supposed to be too." She replies with a smirk on her face. "No worries. That can be arranged."

"Hello CeCe." Another voice says coming out the shadows.

"Hayden –is that you?" I ask.

"Surprised babe." Hayden replies with bullet hole wounds right through the chest.

"I thought you were dead? I saw them burry you at your funeral." I explain.

"Aw, that hurts my heart CeCe. It hurts because you're not happy to see me." he says.

"I am very happy to see you. Why wouldn't I be? You are my friend." I explain with tears falling down my cheeks.

"Now that hurts me too." Rolf says coming into view.

"Rolf." I murmur.

"What's the matter baby? Cat got your tongue? You're surprised to see me here?" Rolf asks.

"Am I dead?" I ask becoming really confused.

"Not yet but you will be." Jessabelle says taking out a needle.

"What is that?" I ask.

"This, my gorgeous red head, is the device that's going to kill you." Rolf replies.

"Hayden, please help me?" I cried out.

"Sorry red, I can't. You made your choice when you choose Gunther over me. We could have been happy together. You would've had everything." Hayden says.

"There's only one thing Hayden, people don't get away with murder. You couldn't have accepted me to be with you if I'm in love with somebody else. It just doesn't work that way. I thought you understood that more than anybody. You lived it." I say.

Rolf laughs, "You think that's going to stop him? We don't take no for an answer."

"If you would've loved me back CeCe like I loved you, things would've been a lot different. I sure of it." Hayden says with tears in his eyes.

"Or me, I always been the better twin as you can see." Rolf smirks.

"Oh will you two please pipe down. Let's get this shit over with. I want to hear that bitch scream." Jessabelle says walking towards me.

"No! Gunther help!" I scream.

"You called my little cookie?" Gunther asks coming out of nowhere.

"Help me Gunther. They're trying to kill me." I reply sweating breathing heavy.

"I know darling." Gunther replies with a smirk appearing on his face.

"What do you mean you know? Gunther, what's the meaning of this?" I ask getting very upset.

"Don't you see darling? I planned this, all of this. I wanted you to go through the same pain, I when through back in pre-school." Gunther explains.

"Are you kidding me right now Gunther? I was 6 years old. You have to be a fucking lunatic to dwell on the past." I say.

Gunther chuckle evilly, "You're a stupid girl and I hate that I love you so much. It's okay, because you're going to die today."

"Gunther wait don't do this! You don't have to do this." I yell.

"I love you CeCe remember that, Always and forever." Gunther says backing away.

"Hayden, Rolf. Hold this bitch still so I can kill her easily and painfully." Jessabelle says standing in front of me.

"No, no, no! Let go of me!" I scream looking over at Gunther for help. "Gunther please, you don't have to do this! I love you!"

"I love you too little cookie." he replies.

Jessabelle sticks the needle inside my neck as I was screaming off the top of my lungs.

(End of dream)

"CeCe, CeCe, wake up it's me!" Gunther shouts waking me up out of a nightmare.

My eyes open looking straight at Gunther, "You! Get away from me!"

"What, what did I do?" he asks confused with tears in his eyes.

"You never loved me, this was all just a game to you!" I shout.

"CeCe, what are you talking about?!" he asks getting really upset.

"What's going on in here?" Mrs. Jones asks walking inside the room.

"I don't know. I think she had some type of nightmare involving me." Gunther explains.

"Mom, I saw them." I explain.

"Saw who sweetie?" she asks.

"Jessabelle, Rolf and Hayden, they were all trying to kill me and Gunther was about to let them." I explain looking over at Gunther.

"I'm sure Gunther wouldn't do that to you pumpkin. You were only having a nightmare that's all." She explains.

"Where am I?" I ask looking around.

"You're in the hospital. You had some more injuries. Don't worry; the doctor said everything will be fine."

"Where's everybody else? Are they okay?"

"Tinka, Rocky and Deuce are fine. As for Ty, not so much, he's paralyzed from the waist down. The doctors don't know when he will walk again."

"What about Dina and Beck?" I ask.

"They are both dead pumpkin."

"No, this is all my fought." I say sobbing.

"Nine other teenagers died at your school last night CeCe. Investigators are looking for the two men that did this. Don't worry, they will be found and dealt with."

I shake my head, "Why me."

"All don't cry, every things going to be alright." She says

"Mrs. Jones, can I please talk to CeCe in private." Gunther says.

"Sure." She replies. "Call me if you need anything honey."

"I will." I reply.

"CeCe, I'm sorry for whatever I did to you in your dream. But I will never hurt you. That is the furthest thing from my mind." Gunther says leaning down next to me.

"It's okay, it's not a big dead only a nightmare. I should've never screamed at you like that."

"How could you say that? It is a big deal. It's a big deal when it's involving me killing you. I will never want anything like that to happen to you. I love you too much."

"I know. I just hurt's that's all. It's like everything coming back to hunt me."

"Then we need to talk to the doctor about this."

"What can the doctor do about my problem?" I ask.

"They have medication to help you sleep better." He replies.

"You mean like pills. I'm not crazy Gunther."

"Nobody said you were, but I won't be able to sleep with you dreaming like this every night CeCe. I'll be worried too damn much."

"Are you sure medication will help me?"

Gunther takes my hands in his, "I'm sure my little cookie. He replies kissing me on the forehead.

(Dina Funeral)

I stood there looking at Dina dead body in the coffin. Even though she was dead, she still looked beautiful. I just wish she didn't die so young and so soon. I heard her mother's cries from behind me while Dina father comfort her with his face drench in tears. I felt bad that they lost their only daughter.

"She looks great doesn't she?" Deuce asks standing next to me.

"Yes she does." I reply.

"I wish she and I got along better. We used to be really good friends." Rocky says wiping away her tears.

"Everything is going to be alright Rocky." Deuce says kissing his girlfriend and pulling her into a warm embrace.

"I can't even look at her. This could be Ty body in the coffin right now." Tinka says looking at me.

"I wish it was me. Without my legs working, I won't be able to do anything anymore. I'm useless." Ty says from the wheel chair.

"Dude, don't say that." Deuce says.

"Yeah the doctor said your legs could get better in the near future." Rocky explains.

Ty shakes his head, "Yeah but it won't be the same."

"That's why you're coming with me to the old country. I'm sure I'll fine you some help there." Tinka says.

"Guys, do you ever stop and think this happen to us for a reason?" I ask.

"Yes, I do." Gunther replies walking up to me with a bottle of water in one hand and my pills in the other.

"Thank you Gunther." I say taking them from him.

"I say everything happens for a reason. We just have to appreciate life for what it is." Gunther explains.

"Well life is shitty. God, excuse my language." Ty says.

"We should all be grateful that where still here. That's all that matters."

"She right, even though we had a crazy year. We are all here still standing together." Rocky says.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to leave." I said.

"Come on CeCe; let's get you out of here." Gunther says about to escort me out.

"Farewell Dina. We will all miss you." I say kissing her on the cheek goodbye.

"Yikes, I would've never been able to do that." Tinka says following close behind the rest of us.


"Smile for the camera CeCe and Gunther." Mrs. Jones says snapping a picture of us. "I am so proud of you CeCe." She says hugging me. "You made your mother very proud."

"I'm glad I did mom." I say with a small smile.

"You can't forget your dear old father." My father says hugging me next. "Are you sure you don't want to move to florida and go to school out there?"

My father still didn't know that I was engaged and moving to the old country with Gunther.

"No dad. I have something to tell you." I say looking over at Gunther.

"CeCe and I are moving to my old country and getting married." Gunther says.

"Your joking with me right? CeCe you are only 17. How could you be so stupid? I was expecting more from you." My father complains.

"Wait J.J., before you jump to conclusion there's more." My mom explains.

My father glares at me, "You're not pregnant are you?"

I shake my head, "No I'm not. Dad I'll be 18 in a couple of weeks. As soon as I turn 18, I'm leaving to rule a country with their next king." I tell him.

"What are you 5? This is not Disney world princess." He says.

"No J.J. that's not what she meant. Gunther here is the next king of Sweden." My mom explains.

My father glances at Gunther, "Are you serious boy?"

"Yes sir I am. I come from a royal blood line and your daughter here agreed to marry me." Gunther replies.

"We love each other daddy." I say.

"I know that pumpkin. But what about your future?" he asks.

"What about it? I'm going to go to school out there and probably open up my own dance school. I get to be with the guy I love and live my dream all at the same time. I'm happy. Aren't you happy for me, dad?"

"Yes I am. I thought maybe I get to spend some time with my little girl this summer."

"You can, we have a couple of weeks left before I leave."

"You got a deal." He says giving me another hug.

"Gunther and CeCe!" Tinka shouts. "Get your butts over here so we can take this group picture!"

"Coming!" I shout. "Be back in a few moms."

"Come on stand next to me." Rocky says throwing her arm around my shoulder. Gunther stands on the other side of me wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Everybody say we made it!" Rocky mom says.

"We made it!" we all shout as she snaps the picture of us.

So I guess that's my story. Rocky when to Yale. Now she moved on to become a successful pediatrician. Deuce is now owns of Crusty's, after is uncle passed over rights to his restaurant. Deuce and Rocky are happy married with 2 kids of their own. They promised to stay together forever.

Ty and Tinka moved back to the united states a couple of years after they came to the old country with us. Tinka is a fashion designer and owns her own designer label. While Ty is able to walk again becoming a stay at home dad. But don't worry; he loves staying at home and taking care of his kids. Marrying Tinka was the best thing that ever happens to him. I hear he's even couching his son football team.

As for me and Gunther, we are doing just fine. I open up my on dance school while Gunther is doing everything he can as a king, father and husband. I'm happy, he's happy and our 3 kids are definitely happy. Life has been much better since I've moved to the old country. I'm just really glad that this rivalry business is finally over.

A/N: That the end of the story. Sorry it took too long. Unfortunately, I couldn't write without a laptop. I want to thank everybody for reading and following my story. It means a lot to me and I'm glad everyone liked. I do have other stories I'm working on if you are interested. "Fatal Road Trip" and "A Royal Engagement". I'm even working on an Austin and Ally story coming up next week if you're interested. It's called "Never too Late" and if you really liked this story then you'll really like this one too. So I'm guessing this is goodbye and thank you so much again. Peace.