Chapter 1: Rivals from the Start

Disclaimer: I don't own Shake It Up or any of these Music Lyrics.

A/N: Hey guy's, this is my first shake it up story I came up with. It's about Cece and Gunther growing up with hate for each other and they end up falling in love, thanks to the help of a Hessenheffer sister. By the way Gunther and Tinka are rich in this story. Tell me what you think and if I get reviews, I will continue this story, I hope you like, enjoy!

6:00 am (buzz)

My alarm clock rang at 6am in the morning, I knew it was time for school, but I didn't feel like getting up out of bed so I turned off my alarm clock and when back to sleep. By the way, my name is Cece Jones and I'm a dancer on shake it up Chicago. I also have a passion for fashion and I'm not a big fan of school. I have three friends, a best friend name Rocky, who I love with all my heart and two good friends name Deuce and Dina, they been dating for 3 years now. Then there is Ty, but I don't consider him a friend more like a brother. He doesn't go to John Hughes H.S. anymore; he graduate last year and he still wants to become a rapper. Thank god he in college because I'm afraid that rap thing will never work. Now I am a senior in high school and this is my first day of senior year. Too bad I might be late because I'm not getting up out of bed.

"Cece, get up!" a voice screams.

Wait a minute that voice sound familiar I know that voice anywhere, it was no other then my best friend Rocky Blue. So I open up one of my eyes to see who it was and it was her standing over my bed.

"Go away Rocky." I say, throwing the pillow over my head.

"No you have to get up Cece. This is our first day of senior year and I'm not going in late, because you didn't get enough sleep last night!" she yells, pulling my arm.

I was struggling to stay in my bed and sleep, but she kept trying to pull me out of it. She pulled so hard, when she didn't succeed in getting me out of bed she when flying across the room.

"Ok Cece Jones, that's the way you want to play, let's play!" she says, cracking her knuckles.

Then she gets on top of me and started to tickle me.

"Ha, ha, ha, Rocky Stop, please! Ok I'm up." I say, out of breath.

Then I got out of bed and got ready for school. Today was going to be a long day, I can already fill it now.

When we arrived at school in Rocky car, the first thing I did was run over to my old locker.

"I miss this locker." I tell Rocky.

"Of course you do, we had these lockers since we were 13." Rocky reply.

"Rocky do you think this year, we will finally get are own spot light dance?" I ask her curious.

"Of course I do, Gary better give us are own spot light dance. We been waiting for this for too long and I didn't walk his dog and take care of him, when he was sick for nothing!" She yells.

"Geez, relax it was only a question." I say.

"So what colleges are you applying to?" she asks.

I just narrow my eyes at her. She really thinks I'm going to college? After school is over, I'm moving to New York to become a professional dancer.

"Are you serious? You really didn't apply to any colleges?" she asks.

"Ah, no, I didn't. Rocky you know what I want to do already and college is not for everybody." I explain.

"But what if that doesn't work? Then you have to have a plan B Cece; don't just throw your life away that easy."

"What does it matter what I do with my life. You know me Rocky and you also know school is not my best subject."

"Ok, for your information Cece; school is not a subject the classes are the subjects." She say, getting just a little upset.

"No! You think." I say, being sarcastic.

"Don't you think I know that? School is not my thing and you know why Rocky."

"Well just think about it, ok. Anyways I applied to Yale, Stanford, NYU and Columbus College. I really want to go to Yale thought, that's been my dream since I was a little girl." She says, day dream.

"That's great Rocky, but I have to get to class before I run into-"

"What sup, G is in the building!"

That was the voice of Gunther Hessenheffer, the most popular boy in school making his grand entrance threw the corridor with his girlfriend Danielle on his arm. I knew Gunther since pre-school and we didn't get along at all. We would do mean things to each other. He also has a twin sister name Tinka who I also didn't get along with sometimes, but she didn't bother me much like Gunther did. At least I can say with Tinka we were frenemies, but with Gunther we were just straight up enemies. He is my rival and if you didn't know by now, Gunther and I are against each other in everything, even dancing.

"This is just great." I said trying to walk in the opposite direction.

"Well! Isn't it Stinky and the Brain." He says.

If you were wondering I was Stinky and Rocky was the Brain.

"What do you want Gunther?" I said, not asking.

"You better watch your tone around my man, Cece." Danielle says, with a smug look on her face.

God I hate this girl with a passion. I wonder why Tinka doesn't hang around them.

"I don't think she was talking to you." Rocky says.

"We don't have time for this Rocky let's just get to class please." I say, trying to walk away.

"Hold on, I'm wasn't finish talking to you yet!" Gunther says getting in my way.

"Gunther Hessenheffer move out of my way!" I shout.

"No! You're not going anywhere." He replies.

"Can you just move please we don't want any problems?" Rocky says, in the nicest kind of way.

I just push past him; this is not the time to be nice, but then he pulls my arm.

"Gunther let go of me now!" I scream.

"Leave her alone!" Rocky yells.

"No! Not into she talks to me." he yells.

"Leave her alone Gunther!" someone scream from across the corridor.

It was no other then his twin sister Tinka Hessenheffer and she looked mad. She walks over to us and stood in front of Gunther and I.

"Let her go or else I will tell Mama how you're harassing people." She says, seriously.

Gunther just stared at her for a minute before letting go of my arm. I fell back a little, but Rocky caught me just in time.

"Thanks Tinka." Rocky says.

"Thank you." I say, with tears coming down my cheeks.

She just looked over to us and nods. I guess that was her way of saying you're welcome. So Rocky and I turned on are heels to go to class.

"This is not over between us Cece Jones!" Gunther yells.

I just kept walking and didn't look back. I didn't have time for Gunther and his bullying ways.

I guess you're wondering what happen between Gunther and Tinka. Well it all started when we were in the 9 grade. Gunther had a crush on a popular girl, who was a cheerleader name Danielle and at that time Gunther dress weird. Gunther and his sister would wear the most outrages outfits to school and they still talk like they were from another country, which they were from another country. They came from Europe, don't ask me what part but their family is wealthy and they got more money than god. Anyways, Gunther wanted to get Danielle attention, which she wouldn't give him the time of day because of how he dressed and talks. So one day he asked Ty if he could make him popular. Ty succeeded in making Gunther into this new guy name G and he got the girl. However, Gunther and Tinka relationship when downhill, because he started to change and he wasn't her same brother anymore. But do you think Gunther cares? No, he doesn't. All he cares about is his popularity and his girlfriend. Last but not least, making my life miserable as much as he can.

"Can you believe him Cece? What a jerk!" Rocky complains.

"Yeah, thank god Tinka came around at the right time." I reply.

"Yeah, I don't know why he keeps thinking that he can just treat you like that." Rocky says.

I just shrug my shoulders. I didn't have much to say about the matter.

"Oh my god Cece! I heard what just happen. Are you alright?" Dina said coming into the classroom.

"Yeah I'm fine." I answer.

"If Deucie and I was there, that would have never when down, how dare he touch you like that." She explains.

I was daydream; I didn't hear half the things Dina and Rocky were saying. I had other thing on my mind that was bothering me.

11 years ago

"Hello bay-bee!" Gunther said.

"What do you want weirdo?" I ask.

"To talk to you, what are you doing bay-bee?"

"Nothing leave me alone Gunther." I reply.

"Wait Cece I got you something." He said pulling out a bag of homemade cookies.

"I know you like peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, so I made these for you." He said passing me the cookies.

"I don't want those they might be poison, like you!" I yell, running away.

Gunther stood there in shock, he drop the cookies on the floor and ran to the bathroom. He cried in there all day,That's when the teacher came looking for him. From then on, Gunther and Tinka were mean to me and they took it out on Rocky because she was my friend.

Now don't get me wrong I felt bad for what I said to him. Into this day it still bothers me and I never got the courage to apologize to him because we did nothing but fight all the time. I wish things were a lot different, but I can't change the past.

"Earth to Cece!" Rocky yells.

"Uh, What?" I say, coming out of my day dream.

"Are you alright? Class is over and you been day dreaming since it started." She asks.

"Yeah I'm fine Rocky let's just go."

Later on that day I was in chemistry lab and I need a partner. I looked around to see who would partner up with me. I didn't see anybody I knew thought.

"Hey Cece, you want to partner up?"

I turned around to see who it was and it was Tinka, she had a pleasant smile on her face, and it kind of scared me in away.

"Yea sure, I'm surprised you're even asked me to begin with." I chuckle.

"No it no problem, I don't mind. I rather work with you then anybody else." She giggle.

"Ok, so let's get to work then." I say, taken my seat at the lap table.

"Look Tinka, I'm sorry about what happen with Gunther 11 years ago, I didn't mean-"

"Don't worry about it, I'm over it, but I don't know if Gunther is over it. All I know is where not kids anymore and we have a whole life ahead of us to look forward to."

"You are so right Tinka. I am so glad we can be friends now."

"Yeah me too." she reply.

It was the end of the day and school was finally over. Tinka, Rocky, Dina and I decided to all go to Crusty's pizza, to hang out with Deuce at his job. But before that I had to go to my locker, so I told the girls I would meet them outside.

When I arrived at my locker, I made sure to take out all the books I needed for homework tonight and put them in my backpack. Out of nowhere my locker slams shut and Gunther was behind it. He had an evil smirk on his face and I wasn't in the mood for his crap right now.

"Not you again. Don't you get tired of bothering me." I say, rolling my eyes.

"See that the thing with you Cece, you don't get it. I'm will never stop bothering you. So get that through your pretty little head of yours. I'm-not-going-anywhere." He says, staring at me straight in the eyes.

"Move Gunther!" I yell with tears falling down my face.

"Aw, little Cece is crying now, how sad." He says, laughing hard.

"Leave me alone!" I try to scream.

"No!" he screams back.

He punches his fist into the locker. I just looked at him like he was crazy. What have I done so bad to deserve this.

"Are you ok Gunther?" I say, shaky.

He glared at me before he walked over to me and a tear was falling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry." I say, in a soft whisper.

"What?" he shouts.

"I said I was sorry for everything." I sob.

"Go!" he yells.


"I said just go, get out of my face!" he screams, looking at me with fire in his eyes.

I just picked up my backpack off the floor and ran off. As soon as I made it outside the girls were still standing there waiting for me.

"Hey there you are." Dina spoke.

"Took you long enough." Tinka says.

"Sorry, I ran into one of my teachers." I lie.

"It everything ok, why does it look like you're crying?" Rocky asks.

"Oh, nothing" I says, wiping the tears away.

They all looked at me and nods. Tinka was the only one looking at me like she didn't believe me. As soon as we made it to Crusty's, Deuce sat us at a table so we could eat.

"So what do you ladies want?" he ask.

"Just bring us a large pie and four root beers Deucie." Dina replies.

"Right away!" he says, walking off.

"Hey guys I have to use the bathroom, I will be right back" Rocky says, getting up.

"I will come with you, I have to go too." Dina says.

It was just me and Tinka left at the table now. Tinka looked at me with a serious look on her face. I wonder why she keeps staring at me?

"So are you going to tell me what happen?" she asks.

"I told you nothing happen." I reply.

"Oh come on Cece, I know you better than that. So what really happen?"

"I ran into your brother again and he held me up at the locker. I asked him to leave me alone but he wouldn't listen. Then I apologize and he let me go, but he still sounded mad." I explain.

"Well, what can I tell you. I mean you tried you're best and gave it a shot. If he doesn't forgive you then screw him." She says.

"Wow! But don't you miss the old Gunther?" I ask.

"Yes I do, I also realize that he not coming back." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I'm sorry Tinka."

"It ok, it's not your fault, and this is all his doing. What he did to me and Ty was really mess up. He turned into this rude dude I don't even know anymore."

A tear was coming down her cheek. I don't know what I would have done if my brother and I wasn't that close anymore. So I can truly understand what she going through.

"One large pizza and four root beers" Deuce said setting the pizza on the table.

"Where is Dina and Rocky?" he asks.

"In the bathroom, they should be coming out soon." I reply.

"Oh ok, are you two alright?" he asks us.

"Oh yeah, we are doing just great?" Tinka says, lying.

"Ok, well I will be right back, I have to go wait another table." He says, walking away again.

"We're back!" Rocky shouts.

"Where did Deucie go?" Dina ask.

"He had other costumers."

"Oh well let eat, I'm hungry." Rocky says.

After we finish eating, Tinka invited me to hang out at her house for a bit, I didn't mind. They live in this beautiful condo, which was really big and it was decorated really nicely. I almost forgot her mom did this for a living.

"Where you're parents?" I ask walking into her room.

"Working, they will be home in a couple of hours." She replies.

"Ok cool. Hey can I used your bathroom?" I ask.

"Yeah sure it down the corridor on the right?" she says.

I got up from her bed and left out the bedroom, then I when down the corridor to try and find where it was located. However, there were two doors on the right side,"Dang which one do I pick?" i asked myself. So I turned the nob to the first door on the right and when I open it I saw Gunther and Danielle making out on the bed and she was giggling really loud. Holy crap, I'm in Gunther's room. Gunther looked up to see who was in his room so I ran out like there was no tomorrow. I know he saw me, how many people does he know with red hair and hangs out with his sister. I ran back in Tinka room.

"What's wrong with you? You looked like you saw a ghost." She ask.

"I when into your brother room by mistake." I say, quickly.

"What! Did he see you?"

"I'm pretty sure he did Tinka, I think I should go-"

I got cut off because there was a knock on the door.

"What do you want Gunther?" Tinka yells.

"Who else is here besides you?" he yells back.

"I don't think that's any of your business, now go away."

"Find just keep your friends out of my room, and that means you Cece."

My eyes became wide now, I knew he saw me.

"So if you knew it was Cece why even ask?" Tinka yells.

"I knew he saw me" I whisper.

"So what if he saw you, he doesn't own the place, Mama and Papa does." She tells me.

"Let just get are homework done, so I can go home." I say, sitting down.

Later on around 8 o'clock Tinka and I were finish with are homework. So she said she would drive me home in her car. When we left outside from her room, we saw that her parents were already home.

"Hello Tinka bell." Her father says, kissing her on the cheek.

"Hi Papa" she replies.

"Who is your friend?" he asks.

"This is my friend Cece remember? You met her about 3 years ago?" she explains.

"Oh, from Vatalihoostsit day, how can I ever forget?" he yells.

"Yes that's me." I say, smiling.

Next came Tinka mother and she walk over to me with a smile on her face.

"Cece it so good to see you again." She say, hugging me.

"Are you staying for dinner?" she asks.

"Mama, I'm about to take her home." Tinka spoke.

They were all talking and that's when Gunther came in the room next, he walked right pass me and didn't take his eyes off me. I looks away from him and started to blush. Then he smirks and walked into the dining room.

"Now Cece, are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner. I'm sure Gunther would love to have you stay for dinner as well." Mrs. Hessenheffer asks.

"Mama just stop!" he yells, from the dining room.

"No thanks Mr. and Mrs. Hessenheffer, I'm not really that hungry." I lie.

"See I told you! Can we just go now?" Tinka says.

"Yes come again Cece." Mr. Hessenheffer said.

I just nod.

"You are welcome at any time." Mrs. Hessenheffer said kissing me on the cheek, then they walked off.

"Come on let's go!" Tinka says, grabbing her car keys and driving me home.

When I got home, the first thing I did was run to the kitchen and get me some food. Thank god my mom cooked something which she doesn't do on the regular. I sat at the kitchen table and ate my dinner thinking about, all the things that could have been, What life is going to be like when I'm done with high school, and goals I want to finish before I move out of Chicago for good? Only one way to find out.

A/N: That's it for now. Tell me what you think, did you like it, love it or hated it? I will continue if I get some reviews, later.