Mistakes be mine, please point them out if you see them. And Sano is also mine...insert Eminem song "Lose Yourself"...only cuz for some strange reason every time i see the word "mine" i think of the line "This world is mine for the taking Make me king, as we move toward a new world order"...so yes lol

"And dis is my doggy, Yashiso-shan gave it to me. I wike it," holding the keychain up in Reino's face he asked, "Do you wike it?"

Big round eyes peered up at him, imploring for some sort of reaction.

Reino groaned and wished someone would kill him, right here. Right now.

He was even up for a painful death. Nothing could be worse than his current situation.

Miroku, the bastard, smirked from his seat.


"May I see it Sano-chan?" asked Kiyora trying to grasp the toddler's attention, which said toddler promptly ignored. Kiyora had a thing for children.

Which begged the question, why was this evil demon in his lap and completely attached to him?!

He disliked children, especially the sweet and adorable variety.

Reino snatched the keychain out of the brat's hands and put on his most menacing glare.

Kiyora looked on with worry, debating if he should stop Reino from scaring Sano or not.

Sano looked up at Reino and stared at the narrowed eyes, the grim lips, and the overall dark aura coming from the musician.

Breaking out in a toothy grin he babbled, "I'll gib you dat, sho you can keep it."

Great! Not only was he still immune to death glares (no doubt the work of his wonderful mother), he was oblivious to Reino's feelings, just as he had been a year ago when they had first met.

Jerking the little black backpack open again Sano looked inside; trying to see what else he could show-off to Reino.

Damn! Where was the stupid makeup artist?! And who the hell had let her bring a child to work? Wasn't LME supposed to be professional when it came to work ethics? Did they not have a daycare for employees with young children?

And what the hell kind of parents did this kid have? Why, in all things evil, did they let this brat run around without a care in the world?

Reino cursed the day the band accepted this nightmarish interview. Though truthfully he should have been cursing the "horrible" moment he was living in and not the interview that had nothing to do with the "torture" he was currently experiencing. Alas, anger never makes anyone rational.

"Wook! Wook! Mawia-chan gabe me dis!"

This time a flabby snake was shoved into Reino's flawless face.

A side note, the famous "Mawia-chan" had wanted to give the boy a real snake but rather "calm" suggestions from both parents had resulted in a toy snake. Though Maria did not understand why, after all Natsuko-chan's children were very well behaved, her friend "Cain-chan" was a testament to that statement (yes you are right, the snake was named after the "actor" who played Black Jack, though how and why this occurred is another story for another day).

Reino fisted his hands in an attempt to stop himself from choking the brat.

"Shit!" he hissed in pain as the keychain in his hands bit into his skin. He had simply forgotten about the silly thing.

In anger he flung the keychain across the room with as much dark energy as possible, and Dasuku who had been lazily lounging on the sofa, bored out of his mind, jumped up and caught the keychain with glee.

"Aww Reino-kun, do that again!"

Sano clapped and put in his request too.

Idiots. He was surrounded by idiots. And if Miroku would not stop smirking, Reino swore he would curse him to the deepest part of hell to burn for all eternity in a slow fashion.

More energy drained out of him as Sano looked at him with sparkling golden orbs. Why did he have to get his mother's eyes? Why could he not have gotten his father eyes? Green eyes he could deal with, better than these blinding orbs of light. (How wrong he would be when met with a certain sibling of said boy years later.)

Even better would be another pair of mature golden eyes staring up at him. Preferably in anger or in disgust, he was not too particular at his point.

"Why don't you just dump him in the hallway of something Reino-kun? It's not like he's your responsibility," pointed out Dasuku recklessly, none too happy with all the "attention" the boy was getting from Reino.

A light bulb went on in Reino's head.

"Hidoi Dasuku!" exclaimed Kiyora with worry etched on his face as he went on to explain why such a thing was not a good idea.

Miroku finally stopped smirking and raised an eyebrow at Reino, a suspiciously challengingly raised eyebrow.

Reino stood up, causing Sano to squeal in delight.

Have your fun brat; you won't be laughing soon, thought Reino menacingly as he strode to the dressing room door.

"Ano Reino-kun, you're not serious are you?" questioned Kiyora, his worry rising.

Reino ignored him and reached for the door handle.

"Reino-kun don't! I'll take care of him if you don't want too," Kiyora looked to the other two occupants of the room trying to get help from them but Dasuku was grinning tossing the keychain up in the air choosing to ignore what was happening to the little boy. Miroku on the other hand had his gaze trained on Reino.

Opening the door and walking out, Renio shut the door behind him.

"Whewe we going?" asked the clueless Sano.

"Somewhere special" said Reino wickedly.

He could not believe he had not thought of it before. He could have avoided all this torture if he had been thinking straight.

He walked down the hall as the child in his arms chattered on, Reino not listening to a word he was saying.

If he remembered correctly he had to make a right at the next hallway intersection.

When he made the turn he slowed down to read the plates attached to the walls.

Ah here it is, he thought as he saw the name on the plate.

Sano had gone quiet as Reino read the name.

Knocking on the door Reino waited patiently for someone to open the door.

"Yes?" said a voice as the person opened a door a bit.

A beautiful lady poked her head out and stared at Reino. When she realized who he was her mouth took an "o" shape and she gawked at him and the boy in his arms.

"Let me talk to Fuwa," was all that Reino said.

Aki Shoko's mind worked a mile a second as her mouth opened and closed, wondering how she could take care of this situation.

If she did not let the musician in front of her talk to Sho then it would not look good if word got out, on the other hand the fury of Sho would be just as hard to deal with if she let the lead singer of Vie Ghoul into his dressing room.

"Shoko? Who is it?"

Too late, thought Shoko as Sho came up behind her.

He opened the door wider and looked over Shoko's shoulder.

His eyes widened upon seeing Reino, and pretty much shot out when he saw Sano.

Sano scowled at the musician.

Before he knew what was happening Reino held out Sano towards Sho.

"Here take him."


"Noooo, I don't wannnaaaaa" wailed Sano, squirming in Reino's hands trying his best to put as much space between himself and Sho.

Sho folded his hands as he came completely out of the room and raised an eyebrow at Reino.

"Take him" demanded Reino trying not to drop the moving brat.

"And why exactly would I do that?" drawled Sho.

"To give him back to his mother" stated Reino obviously.

Sho's eyebrow rose higher as he did not reply.

Getting impatient and wanting to get rid of Sano, Reino shoved the boy in Sho's chest.

Sano screamed.

Shoko tried in vain to stop them but they paid no attention to her.

"What the hell you bastard!" yelled Sho as he shoved Sano back into Reino's arms.

"Just take him you idiot and return him to his mother, I'm sure even a pea-brain like you could complete such a simple task!"

Tears poured out of Sano's eyes as he was once again pressed into Sho's hands.

"Well if it's so simple why don't you give him back to her? And why the hell did you take the kid anyways? It's not enough that you stalk her, you need to stalk her kid too now?!"

Why could Reino not give the child back to the mother? Very simple, his father.

No way in hell was Reino going to take a chance of returning the brat if it meant seeing Hizuri Kuon. No one freaked him out more in this life than the man with the ability to knock him dead without so much as lifting a finger.

Sure he might not even encounter Hizuri, but he had a feeling that no matter where Kyoko was, lurking nearby was the dreaded husband (It should be noted that Kuon was not in the same area as or even the same city as Kyoko, since she was currently in Hokkaido for a magazine shoot).

Not knowing any of the above information Reino fought on.

"Reino-kun stop!" Kiyora exclaimed as he ran down the hall "Miroku told me to leave you alone but I can't do that! Let's give Sano-chan back to the makeup artist."

Dread filled his heart as he saw the crying Sano being passed back and forth like a potato sack, while the two musicians ignored all that was around them as the bickering continued.

Sano wailed, not wanting to go to Sho.

It came so quickly they hardly realized. The hallway turned frigid and before they could look Sano was plucked out of their hands.

"Otou-chaaan" cried Sano as he took comfort in his father embrace.

Reino froze and Sho tried to look as nonchalant as possible.

Kuon rubbed small circles around Sano's back as he cried out his ordeal.

Smiling a megawatt smile Koun turned to the men and asked slowly and deliberately "Care to tell me why my son is crying and being tossed around like a sack?"

No one said a word.

Kiyora tired to think of something that would appease the actor and get Reino into little or no trouble.

Shoko wondered why all the bad things that happened to Sho resulted from his interactions with Kyoko or Vie Ghoul.

Reino chanted in his head that he was not here; his soul was not standing in the hallway, only his empty shell of a body.

Finally Sho spoke, "Well maybe if you watched your damn kid you wouldn't have this problem."

Shoko shook her head in displeasure, if there was one thing that was annoying about Sho, it was his inability to think before he spoke.

Kuon raised his eyebrow at Sho, anger still lurking behind the smiling façade.

Moving his son a bit so he could see him Kuon asked, "Sano?"

Moving his head Sano looked up at his father, having calmed down a bit.

"Sano how did you end up with Vie Ghoul?" asked Kuon as he wiped the tears off his son's face.

"Welly-shan tooked me and then I shaw Weino-shama."

A vein popped out on Kuon's face but disappeared just as quickly.

'Sama'? Did his son just call Reino 'sama'?

"And then Weino-shama bought me to him" continued Sano, pointing unhappily at Sho. "He shaid I haffta go wit him but Otou-shan I don't wanna go with the bad man. You won't make me go will you?"

Close to tears his son pleaded with him.

Sho looked irked; no doubt being called a "bad man" was irritating him. He was a star for crying out loud!

Kuon smiled down at his son, "No Sano, you won't have to go with anybody"


"Ah Yashiro-san perfect timing, would you mind taking Sano back to my dressing room? I'll be momentarily."

"I wanna shtay here with you Otou-shan" said Sano as he clutched his father tighter.

"Sano I'll only be a minute. Please go with Yashiro-san and then we'll go home okay."

"Only a wittle bit?"

Kuon smiled "Yes only a little bit."

Nodding his head Sano landed next to Yashiro and put his bag on properly.

Yashiro looked between the people gathered there and gave Kuon a wary look as he took Sano's hand.

"Please be careful," he told his charge "and please remember that I have to deal with the cleanup"

"Hai hai, worry not I won't cause any trouble."

Yashiro rolled his eyes, clearly not believing Kuon.

Sano watched his father as they walked down the other end of the hall.

"Now where were we gentlemen?" asked Kuon.

Reino froze again, getting only two feet away from Kuon in his attempt to escape.

"I have nothing to do with this, so if you don't mind I have places to be" said Sho as he walked back into his dressing room, followed by a doubtful Shoko.

Kuon for the most part disregarded Sho, putting his attention on Reino.

Kiyora looked between the men and wondered if he should get help.

"Will you not tell me why my son was crying stalker-kun?"

Just like his wife Kuon had a tendency to remember people, whom he was not a big fan of, by whatever name worked for him.

And there was also the childish part of him that could not believe his son had given this musician so much respect. The same prick who had once upon a time made life hell for his wife.

"Hey listen," started out Reino, trying to keep his voice leveled "it wasn't my fault the kid was dumped in my lap okay. The stupid makeup artist brought him along, so if anything you should be asking her what the hell she was doing."

"So she dumps him on you and you decided to dump him on Fuwa?"

Reino blinked, when it was put that way it did sound kind of stupid.

"Hey I'm not a damn babysitter okay; you're his father you should have taken better care of him," retorted Reino trying to sound confident.

"I didn't ask why or how he ended up in your hands, I'm asking why he was crying" questioned Kuon gravely.

In Kuon's defense Jelly had begged to take Sano with her for the afternoon, citing his adorableness and her need to be near him. Kuon had reluctantly given his son up for a few hours so the woman could be satisfied and there was also the fact that whenever she saw babies a sort of regretful look came over her face.

He had hoped to grab his son a bit earlier, only to find him being tossed around like some toy. Never again would be trust someone else with his child.

Reino knew he was kind of screwed. He could have just as easily handed the kid off to the manager or any of the employees working as part of their makeup team but he had not been thinking straight. It would have be so much better if he had just given the brat to Kiyora or something, but how the heck was he supposed to know the kid would cry just because he was being thrown around like that?

Kuon took a step towards Reino.

"Wow" muttered Kuon as he and Kiyora watched the dust left behind by Reino.

"Did you know he could run that fast?" asked Kuon, trying to hold in his laughter.

Kiyora did not know whether to be ashamed or mystified as he answered, "umm no…not really…"

"Tell him to be careful" said Kuon mysteriously as he walked away.

Kiyora wondered at that, he knew Reino used to have a thing for Hizuri's wife but what was the deal with Kuon Hizuri and Reino?

He sighed as he walked back to the dressing room, wondering if his band mate was always this cowardly or if it was just because of Hizuri's wrath.

Hope you guys enjoyed that. Sorry if Reino is a too cowardly in here, i personally did not enjoy writing that part but what the brain wants the brain gets.

Thanks to all those who have: Favorited, Follow, Reviewed, and Read this! :D :D