Chapter 8

Jonesy felt slightly overwhelmed as he stared at the rings, he knew that Nikki wouldn't want a typical one, but all of the rings were pretty cookie cutter.

"What kind of ring are you looking for?" The woman behind the counter asked.

Jonesy sighed, "I'm not one hundred percent sure," he admitted, "My girlfriend isn't really a girly girl."

Caitlin laughed, "You can say that again."

"Well, we have some simple rings," the woman said pointing to a row of rings, with one diamond, some of them were pink, purple, some were typical white. As he continued staring at the rings Jonesy sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, Caitlin put her hand on his shoulder, "take a breath."

After Jonesy took a breath he looked at Caitlin, "I know it's hard since you and Nikki are moving so far away from each other in a couple of days," she said, "but don't think about that, think of Nikki and how much you love her."

Jonesy closed his eyes and thought of Nikki, he loved her so much, when he opened his eyes he stared down at the rings once again, and that's when he spotted the perfect ring. It was small and the diamond was shaped like a heart, and it was purple, Nikki's favourite colour.

"I'll take that one," he said pointing to it, "knowing that it would be perfect for her.

As Jen and Nikki drove home neither one of them spoke, Nikki just sat there with her hand on her stomach, in her other hand she held onto her sonogram, still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she was pregnant. She was supposed to be leaving for school in a few days, how was she supposed to do that now that she was pregnant?

"Are you OK?" Jen asked worriedly.

"No." Nikki said her eyes filling with tears, "I've never been less OK in my whole life."

Jen pulled into Nikki's driveway and put a hand on her shoulder, "it'll be OK."

"Will it?" Nikki asked, "God only knows how Jonesy's going to react to the news, never mind my parents, and what am I supposed to do about school?" She said starting to go into hysterics.

Jen squeezed Nikki's shoulder, "it'll be OK, Nikki," she said trying to soothe her, "Jonesy loves you and he'll be there for you no matter what."

"You and I both know that he's nowhere near ready to be a Father…"

"Well you didn't make this baby by yourself," Jen pointed out, "so he'd better step up or else I'm going to punch him."

Despite how sick to her stomach Nikki was feeling she still managed to give Jen a small smile.

"Do you want me to hang around to be there when you tell him?" Jen asked.

Nikki sighed and shook her head, "no, my parents are out for the evening and Jonesy's taking me out for dinner… I think that it'll be easier if it's just the two of us."

"If you need me then call me." Jen said.

Nikki nodded her head before getting out of the car, after Jen drove away Nikki walked inside and collapsed onto her bed just letting the tears fall from her eyes.

The rest of the day had passed by pretty slowly, for Jonesy, he had been dying to go see Nikki and give her the ring. Now, finally he was getting ready to go and see her, he really hoped that she would like it.

Picking up the box and slipping it into his pocket he then walked over to the mirror making sure that he looked OK, he had decided to wear a pair of dark wash jeans and a dark blue button up shirt. He was taking Nikki to a somewhat fancy restaurant, and he really wanted to make sure that he looked OK.

Walking down the stairs, he said goodbye to his parents, and then hopped in his car.

After he parked in Nikki's driveway, he took a deep breath before getting out of the car, walking to the house and knocking on the door.

A few seconds later Nikki answered it, and to Jonesy's surprise she was dressed in her regular outfit.

"Jonesy!" Nikki said surprised, "you're early!"

Jonesy glanced at his watch confused for a moment, "um… no I'm right on time."

Nikki shook her head, "oh my God I lost track of time!"

"Are you alright?" Jonesy asked concerned, "if you're still feeling sick then we don't have to go."

Nikki sighed taking his hand, "you and I really need to talk…"

Jonesy's stomach dropped he hated those words, "um OK…"

Nikki walked back inside and Jonesy took a deep breath before following her, the two of them walked to the living room, where Nikki sat down, "have a seat," she said.

Jonesy sat down beside her, his heart beginning to beat out of his chest. For a few long moments neither one of them spoke.

"So what's up?" Jonesy finally asked.

Nikki turned her body to face him, and he was surprised to see that her eyes were full of worry, "what's wrong?" He asked worriedly, Nikki's eyes filled with tears, "Nikki?" He asked surprised before putting his arm around her, "talk to me," he encouraged.

Nikki took a deep breath, "I… I went to the doctor's today," she whispered.

Jonesy felt a knot growing in his stomach, "what did they say?"

Nikki wiped away a few tears as she reached onto the table taking an envelope, she handed it to Jonesy.

"What's this?" He asked eyeing the envelope.

"It's what's wrong with me…"

Jonesy took the envelope and took a deep breath before opening it, his eyes growing wide as he realized that he was holding a sonogram.

"Um… whose baby?" He whispered.

"Ours…" Nikki whispered.


Nikki took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant, Jonesy."

End chapter 8

I don't own 6teen

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