A/N: Alright, I know this chapter has been a long time coming, but here it is. I'm sorry, it sucks, I know, but I don't really know what to do anymore. I graduate in two days, and I think I'm going to end this story within the next couple of weeks. I don't know my style of writing anymore and everything seems foreign to me right now. I will write more in this universe, but mostly one-shots.

Thanks to you who stuck through the hiatus. Sorry it took so long.

After nearly a month in the hospital, River and the twins were finally discharged. The Doctor had picked out cribs for them and put them in his and River's room, because River couldn't bear to be separated from them again, even just at night. Callie's crib was lined with the same cushioning as she had in the NICU, while Caleb's was just a simple mattress with slightly padded rail guards in case he hit his head.

Despite only being a month old, it was obvious that Callie had an intense bond with her father, and the Doctor absolutely adored his little princess, while River and Caleb held the same sort of bond.

River was now able to walk with a bit more ease, but she didn't really trust herself to walk while carrying either of the twins in her arms, so she purchased a boba wrap, which was like a long scarf she could wrap around herself like a sling for the baby, which freed her hands and gave her a bit more balance. At first, the Doctor laughed when River suggested he try it on, but after about a day, he had to try it and somehow managed to tangle himself up in it when he tried to practice wrapping it. He almost had to call River for help. Soon enough, he was carrying Callie around in it, and she was snug as a bug in a rug, curled up against her father's chest as he went about his day-to-day business.

River adored seeing her husband bond with their daughter and was thankful that he would take her when she would have to feed Caleb, because he was an incredibly fussy eater and refused to drink his bottle when his father held it. Caleb was definitely a momma's boy and would only calm down when River held him, but thankfully he had a lazy kind of mood and would fall asleep quickly and easily sleep through the night.

Callie, on the other hand, was a different story. Despite being so tiny she had a mighty scream. River could only imagine the kind of pain she must be in with bones so fragile, every movement must hurt but there was nothing she could do. The Doctor tried to find some way to comfort the child, and found that the position she liked most was when she was bundled up in a blanket and held close to her father's or mother's chest. She was calmed by the beating of their hearts. Every once in awhile, though, both the twins would be out of their minds screaming, so the Doctor decided to try something, placing them both in Callie's crib. Both of them immediately stopped screaming, Callie promptly fell asleep, and Caleb held a firm but gentle grip on Callie's fragile hand. River was so proud of her husband, for he was turning out to be a great father.