Disc.-I shall write it no more. Look in the previous two chapters please.
FYI…- FairyTale is not good at writing accents! She just thought you should know this! As for Hermione, well…She'll be mentioned later. And I suppose I'll spoil you by saying, yes, she will be rescued. But not in this chapter, mind!
Once all three schools were crammed into the Great Hall (perhaps crammed wasn't the best word to use- it certainly had room enough for even more), the Headmaster and his two guests stood, sparking all Beauxbaton students to stand as well (including former students- a small group of girls from Durmstrang and several Hufflepuff older years-it was habit) until the large woman with sleek black hair and warm black eyes waved them down with a graceful flick of her wrist, looking very delicate and elegant even with her larger stature. A number of professors looked impressed with the amount of respect and honor shown to the woman. Igor's own students looked to him with all their attention, unwavering and strong. Then again, after the magnificent presentations given perhaps it was to be expected. The Durmstrang with their staffs expertly wielded, and the Beauxbaton with their dazzling display. Albus clapped his hands happily, looking out at them all.
"This is simply marvelous is it not?", he asked the room, "Seeing the loveliness and charm of Beauxbaton,", he gave twinkle and nod to Madame Olympe before sending a proud look to Igor, "And the ferocity and discipline of Durmstrang here with our own fine students.", he smiled widely out to the crowd. "Now, as some may have heard we will be holding a rather large ball- for fourth and up only-", he added and many girls groaned and whined at the knowledge, making him and Olympe smile as Igor looked over them curiously. "One the night known as Halloween or Samhain.", he said gently with a smile. "The night before that, however, we will be bringing out an ancient artifact. This artifact is known as the Goblet Of Fire. Now for those who have researched the TriWizard Tournament, they will know that this is what chooses each Champion from the three separate schools. There will, of course, be an age-limit set as these tasks are very dangerous for those who have not reached a certain level in their learning.", he said as concerned baby-blue eyes impressed on them that he was quite serious about the risks and dangers. "Again, for those who have researched it, they will know that deaths were common in olden times. Be rest assured however, that there have been safety requirements met to have allowed such a practice to once more begin and that fatality will not be something either of the three Champions will face. There is, of course, the dangers of being seriously injured or maimed however.", he warned them solemnly. Then he smiled once more, lighting the tense atmosphere that had transcended. "The age limit is-", he was interrupted, however, when Highmaster Karkaroff leaned in close and whispered into his ear. The man looked slightly surprised and a little concerned, but nodded his consent after a small conversation to quiet to be heard by others (excluding Headmistress Maxime who looked at the two curiously but nodded in understanding after a moment). "Well, the set age limit is seventeen,", many groans and protests began, one of the loudest coming from the Weasley twins who stomped onto the table to shout in fury. He held up a hand, waiting for them to quiet once more, the twins being forcibly pulled off the table by their housemates. "Or at the year of sixth-years.", more hopeful faces than before popped up in the crowd.
Chatter began to rumble through the children and teens, some afraid, some excited, some angry about not having a chance at eternal fame and glory, not to mention the winnings.
"Aside from the ball happening for the 31st of October, there shall also be a corresponding Yule Ball and then after that, one for Beltane."
Soon after the speeches and words were over and dinner appeared, the students whose tables held the guests began to question them, introducing themselves and enquiring about their own schools and practices. A few such students at Slytherin with those of Durmstrang included some of the more…Known of the house, including Draco Malfoy, heir to the ever-influential and high-society Malfoys, a line of well-respected and clever wizards and witches and to some circles, son of the right-hand man of Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy. Another was Blaise Zabini, the only (known) son of Lady Maeve Zabini, the Black Widow. A neutral woman in regards to war, but firmly entrenched in the Dark and Black magics, marrying handsome or influential men, only for them to…Disappear under mysterious circumstances, never once being blamed or questioned directly and never once put on trial for her involvement. A third was Pansy Parkinson, whose older brothers attended Durmstrang- their own family were firm-believers in the Dark Lord, sneering down upon people like Dumbledore and other openly Light people, with almost as grisly a history as the Blacks and as fanatical as the Flints.
Draco Malfoy sat near Seeker superstar Viktor Krum who was talking in hushed Bulgarian with a small (compared to his muscular bulk) girl for some time before a triumphant smile crossed his ruggedly handsome face. Then the girl politely turned to them and said in a crisp and cultured accent (though with a softer and gentler voice than one would expect from one of Durmstrang), "If I may, who do we have the pleasure of sitting with?"
Delighted with being acknowledged, Draco introduced himself first. "Oh, the pleasure is ours, I assure you, miss. My name is Draco Malfoy,", he grinned in a charming way, silvery eyes looking to the girl, whose fur cap shadowed her eyes so they weren't yet seen, though he saw that her hair was utterly raven black, tucked up inside of it. "My friends here, Pansy Parkinson,", the girl waved with a sweet smile on a pretty face, though her nose was a bit blunt compared to the rest of her sophisticated features, "Blaise Zabini,", he nodded his head, his boyish looks charming a few of the girls already, "And these two are Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe.", he introduced. "And you?", he added politely.
"Ah, well I'm sure you know all about my big friend here, Viktor Krum.", she said with a small smile that reminded him of a muggle painting his great-great aunt had once took him to see before she was banned from visiting him ever again. Mona or Mina, some name like that. "And I am Lyra Black.", she lifted her head and they startled and the disconcertingly bright and- were they glowing? They were glowing!- green shade of them.
"Miss Parkinson,", his accent and the rough texture of his voice was slightly off-setting compared to the girl, Lyra's speech. "I happen to haff some classes vith your brothers.", he told her, a somewhat predatory grin on his face and she felt a chill travel down her spine slowly, "They prove to be most entertaining.", yes, some of his words were hard to distinguish but they could understand him reasonably enough. Draco however, was now focused on Lyra.
"Miss…Black, would you happen to be related to-"
"The Most Noble and Ancient House of Black? Yes, yes I would happen to have come from that line. And from what I've been told, so would you?", the questioning lilt made him nod carefully, keeping his eyes on her. He'll have to write to mother of this, or obtain a copy of his maternal family tree. As if she had sensed his thought (which made him shudder), she smiled at him eerily, eyes calm but there was a daring glint there that made him shudder once more. It reminded him of the way his mother had described her oldest sister. Her insane, jagged oldest sister. Except instead of insanity with a glint of obsession, her eyes were calm and peaceful with that challenging spark that made him wonder at the phrase 'the eyes are windows to the soul'.
"You have lovely eyes,", Blaise told her, staring at her intently, resting his chin against his hand and leaning forward. She looked up at him through thick curling lashes as a shyer smile came over her pretty petal-pink lips.
"Why thank you, Scion Zabini.", she said demurely and Viktor looked at the boy peculiarly for a moment.
"Oh no, please. Call me Blaise, lovely.", he smiled, focusing all his attentions on her as his other hand joined him under his chin, sparkling yellow-hazel eyes wide on his dark and handsome face as if to take in all of her at once. Her eyes had him captivated. They were ethereal and fae, unlike any other color he had seen before, human or no.
"Then I must return the favor.", the sweetness of her smile made his lips move into an involuntarily widespread smile.
"I'd be very careful, Zabini.", Viktor warned, "Her brothers are very protective of their little sister."
"Viktor,", she chided gently before continuing Bulgarian and by the amused but at the same time kind of frightened look, they were sure she was threatening him with something, be it violence or maybe embarrassing moments. Who knew. Then she turned back to them.
"So how old are you?", she asked them as she smiled once more.
"Draco turns fifteen in March, Pansy in November, and I turn fifteen in two weeks.", he told her immediately. Blaise frowned a bit at his friend. It wasn't like him to tell the truth so easily, usually going around it until the person asking gets worked up. It was, apparently, one of Blaise's favorite past times. "And you?"
"That depends on who you ask.", she said simply with another smile and they looked at her curiously. "According to my school record, I'll be turning sixteen at the end of October.", she elaborated with a small and chime-like laugh.
"And…What if we asked you explicitly?"
"Then I'd say once more that it depends who you ask.", she reiterated before she looked behind Pansy (who was seated across from her) and a warm smile bloomed over her face as she suddenly began speaking in French and they looked to see a pretty (though not as pretty as that one blonde girl) Beauxbaton girl who was smiling at her brightly, wide amber-brown eyes exuding cheer at seeing the other girl and they carried on the conversation for a bit longer before both laughed and bid their adieus, waving and smiling.
"You know her?", Gregory asked before realizing what a stupid question he asked, blushing slightly in shame (he wasn't as stupid and mean as he presented himself as- and he loved poetry for that matter). But the girl merely smiled again, same as she did before. No looks or pity or disgust at his ill-asked inquiry.
"I was in Beauxbaton for my first three years of education. And this is my last year for Durmstrang."
"Then, you're going back to Beauxbaton?"
"No. I'll transfer here after. Mother said it builds a more rounded individual with further ties and alliances than most others would have.", she smiled to them again. Then her eyes strayed and she saw a few teary-eyed girls, making her lips tilt in a frown but only for a few moments before it disappeared. "Why are they upset?", she asked them, nodding slightly to the teens. Draco sneered with a vindictively pleased look.
"Their little mudblood friend went missing over the summer.", he said gloatingly and her eyes flashed too quickly to be noted- except from Blaise, who had been watching her eyes, positively charmed by them. A slow smirk settled on her face and she purred.
"Oh? And…You wouldn't have had to do anything with it, would you?", now Blaise was especially interested. He'd seen the dark look she gained- now she was fishing for more information, stroking his ego. Draco puffed up a bit in more pride.
"Well…We may have been keeping a new pet in the manor since late August.", he hinted arrogantly. "Though we keep it in the dungeons- can't have it fouling up the manor, you understand."
"Perfectly.", she smiled again, small hint of teeth coming through and while it seemed rather impressed to most, to one man- Albus Dumbledore, who had been listening in (he'd had his suspicions about the young Malfoy)- it was dark and promising retribution. He leant back in his throne-like chair, stroking his beard thoughtfully. He wondered it, perhaps, if the muggle expression he'd heard could work backwards. 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'- a religious saying perhaps, but what about Dark intentions on the road to- what do the muggles call it now? Ah yes, heaven or some such.
He opted to keep an eye on her.
I myself am not religious, but I thought it fit pretty good. It reminds me, actually, of another quote I heard, I forget by who; 'One murder makes a villain; millions, a hero. Numbers sanctify, my good fellow!'
Anyways, sorry about how long this took. I'm not quite sure why, but my power went out and…Well, it wasn't fun and our precious milk went bad…We actually had to go to a relative's house and they wouldn't let me use their one singular giant ancient computer. Not that I would after owning a laptop. Please review, if you forgive me?