The salmon-haired teenager stumbled clumsily towards the Guild Hall. He'd been gone for the best part of three weeks, not a single word had been given from the employer or the teenager himself. From side the Hall, the members looked towards the Guild's large, arched doors, to see the silhouette drawing closer. The teenager stopped. To the members, so did the silhouette. A thud shortly followed as the teenager collapsed. Nobody moved. They all saw the same thing trail behind the teenager as he collapsed; a long, scaly scarf. They all realised exactly who it was. All of them frozen with shock. All but Lucy. She had her forehead resting on her forearm at the side of the bar. A muffled moan came from her, unaware of what was going on.
"Mirajaaane... when's he coming baaaack? My rent's due soon... I need him back so we can go on a mission...!"
There as no reply.
"Mirajane?" she tried again.
Still no reply. Lucy looked up to see Mirajane with her eyes wide open, and mouth slightly ajar, facing towards the doors.
"W-what's up?" she slowly turned her head to notice everyone else was the same. "Seriously wh-."
She saw it. The scarf. She knew.
"Oh my god...NATSU!" she screamed, as she ran as fast as she could to the collapsed silhouette, with tears in her eyes.
The collapsed teenager groaned.
"L-Lucy..." as he stretched out one of his battered and bloody hands.
She took it and clasped it between her own, she sat arcing over him, he felt teardrops fall onto his hair.
"Don't...cry...Lucy... I'll be...fine" he said, as he coughed uncontrollably.
"What the heck happened to you...?" she whispered, "Gray, come over and help me get Natsu to the infirmary!" she shouted to the navy-haired teenager, who was just as speechless as the rest. "And put some clothes on, will you!" she added, to hear a gasp of shock come from him soon after, not realising he was stood only in his boxers.
"Stupid idiot, what was he thinking...?" Gray muttered under his breath as he ran over to Natsu's body, which seemed to look worse the closer he got to it.