Disclaimer - I don't own any of the characters (I wish :( ) and I do not own the universe or DC.
Yeah, I'm updating! Whoo! Sorry for being away for so long. Did you miss me? Anyways, only just had an idea which is perfect and I thought, why not write it down. So .. er, I did. Ta da! Moving on -
"Red Tornado, I dare you to ..."
The silence was all-consuming and everyone was waiting with bated breath, watching the boy with interest and a small hint of fear ('respect' thought Batman). He lifted his head so his eyes were looking directly in Wally's. Although Wally couldn't see them, he still had to fight off the shiver that racked his spine.
"Tell us what happened when you walked in on Wally a few days ago." The mentors looked confused, they were not aware of any confrontations or problems. However, the teens smiles could have been considered deadly, even Kaldur was happy to get revenge on the annoying speedster. Wally's face was paler than a ghost and he looked like he was about to faint.
"No fair - that's a truth question if I've ever heard one!" The red-head glared at his friend and his clenched fists suggested he was uneasy and scared of what might occur.
"Oh no, Baywatch. You're not getting out of this! This is perfect! And it was a Dare, just subtly manipulated into sounding like a Truth. Just because it goes completely beyond your mental capabilities doesn't mean it's not..." She trailed of noticing Batman's twitching jaw. Many lessons she had learned, from the team and her father, none was as important as Lesson Number 1 - Never annoy a Bat.
Red Tornado, sensing a need to move on quickly, to prevent injuries and conflict, decided to answer the question and complete the dare. "I thought I heard a disturbance in Kid Flash's room so I quickly went to investigate. However, when I opened the door, he was dancing and singing on his bed, into a pink hairbrush." Wally's blush consumed his entire face whilst the team burst out laughing. Even Batman had trouble to stop the smirk that was creeping onto his face. Artemis was angry at Wally for stealing her hairbrush but she was having trouble expressing this through her fit of giggles.
Robin had stopped chuckling, trying to stop the cough which was threatening to cause him more trouble with an over protective Bats. He sighed quietly to himself, then thought a last bit of revenge was needed. "What was the song Re... mphhh ..." A hand was clamped over his mouth and a large form was sat on top of him. His vision was obstructed by an obnoxious Red suit and his hands were trapped beneath Wally's weight.
Batman's glare didn't even perturb the teen as he battled furiously to keep the question unspoken. Flash was about to intervene but before he could, Red Tornado spoke.
"I believe the song was about something called a Barbie and him being a girl." Wally just about fainted and slid of Robin defeated. His mentor and friends were laughing at him,and his best friend was just patting his head sympathetically. Damn that ninja. A frown was firmly etched into his face as the Bathound growled at the man who had just attacked his Pup. He knew his scent as a friend yet he would not let his guard down. A soft hand stroked through the dogs fur and he settled slightly, still glaring at the Red one.
Barry was unable to tease his protegé due to him laughing too hard. His hands were clutching his stomach in an attempt to stop the oncoming pain. Even Megan and Superboy, who had only known Earth culture for a limited time, had known of the abomination that was Barbie Girl. *shudder* . A soft cough was heard over the laughter and everyone's laughter soon died, looking at the Bat. His eyes were hidden behind the cowl but the Team felt like they were being X-rayed.
"Perhaps, we should focus on team building rather than silly questions which are causing far too much noise." Didn't they understand? He was trying to fix some form of energy so he could help his Baby Bird. Bruce knew his son was suffering and he needed to help him and he didn't need any distractions! Black Canary seemed to agree though.
"Why don't we try to get to know each other a little more, involved with being a Hero that is." She smiled softly at the Young Justice members. She had to admit, they had surprised her some what in training but they didn't rely on each other as a team and that's where mistakes were made.
Flash seemed to have an idea and waved his hand in the air, like a school boy eager for attention. "Yes Flash?" Canary replied, unable to hide the sigh that escaped her lips.
"How about we ask a question and everyone answer it! We could go in a circle!" His excited attitude was soon mimicked by Wally and both were vibrating slightly in their seats. (Ha ha, human vibrators ;) ) Black Canary agreed, if only to stop any further pleading from the two. Flash nodded his head towards his nephew, his face oddly serious. He was trusting his partner to ask an awesome question.
"Okay, my turn to pick if we're scrapping Truth and Dare!" Wally spoke up.
"No fair, you got to go first last time," It seemed like another Spitfire argument was about to commence. The older Heroes felt a weird urge to grab some popcorn. However, it didn't last long because Batman was already starting.
"I'll ask the first question and you can continue from there," Bruce spoke, his voice low and gravelly. Everyone hurriedly nodded there agreement. He noticed his Robin was looking tired and responded slower than the rest. He furrowed his brows slightly but consoled himself that he was safe to fall asleep in Mount Justice.
"What motivated you to become a hero?" He was slightly curious, but he wanted to see how Robin responded more than anything. The Batman watched as everyone looked thoughtful, wondering how to answer the question. Silence, at last!
Did you like it! I know, I changed the plot from Truth and Dare to .. story time? I dunno, but T&D was so cliché and boring. Plus - my teacher who is totally cold and creepy like Batman (but nowhere near BAMF enough) always tries to make us have conversations that make us think so we're quieter. Sly bugger.
Anyway - hope you like it, More Daddy Bats later because their was barely any here! Gasp! We'll also get to hear some of their responses, but they may slightly stray from cannon verse. Sorry if that kills you inside!
Thanks for the reviews and support, you motivated me to write again! Thank you sooo much!