A/N: We hope that you enjoy this chapter…. Thanks for the reviews, the story alerts, the story favorites, and all that…

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Evening had quickly descended on castle and Poppy had let Christi go since she had minor injuries. Narcissa had insisted that she stay with Christi in the guest quarters of the castle. She was currently curled up on the couch sound asleep after taking a sleeping drought and refusing a dreamless sleep potion. Narcissa was sitting by the fire with Draco talking to him but he really wasn't paying attention he was busy watching the Gryffindor he fancied sleep soundly on the couch. Dumbledore had said that once Hermione was completely healed he would resort the three teens. He and Minerva discussed it and the returning 5th years and above will be resorted since the 4th years and below were sent home before the war broke out. They all knew that those students will be returning different people and may be resorted into new houses. But they will only be resorted if they wish.

"Draco Lucius!" broke through Draco thoughts. He looked over at his mother sheepish.

"Yes Mother?"

"You fancy her and the twins." She said with a smirk.

Draco went pink in the cheeks and nodded. He had fancied her since fourth year at the Yule Ball when she went with one of the Bulgarians. When he had seen her in her baby blue dress that hugged her in all the right places. He knew that his parents would have never approved because she was muggleborn and a Gryffindor. So he had kept his mouth shut about fancying her. Narcissa smiled. She knew it just by the way he was watching her and cuddling her twins earlier he fancied her. But she also knew at the moment and for a while she wouldn't trust any male near her. Narcissa knew it was going to take both the Granger twins a while to overcome everything that had been happening to them especially the most recent even with their own father attacking them to get over it. Narcissa was about to say something when Christi let out a scream in her sleep and she started whimpering and crying.

Draco rushed over to her gently pulled her into his arms as she started thrashing around.

"NO! PLEASE! NO!" she screamed in tears in her sleep.

Draco jumped back and Narcissa went over and ran a hand over her hair.

"Shh sweetheart, you're safe. He's not going to hurt you." Sooths Narcissa and then muttered a light spell that put her back to sleep.

Christi went back into a peaceful sleep and Narcissa stood and went back to sit back in her seat.

"What was that about?" questioned Draco.

"Night terror. She should be fine. Now I have to get back to infirmary. If she has another fire call me in the infirmary."

Draco nodded and watched as his mother walk out of the room. He sat back and worked on the summer work that he had gotten as soon as they got close to finishing the rebuilding of Hogwarts. He looked over at her occasionally seeing her sleeping soundly. He had a feeling she was going to be either a Slytherin or Ravenclaw when she got resorted. She was cunning when she had to be but she was a little know it all as well. He knew it was going to take a long time for Christi to even let her touch her let alone be within arms length of her.


Severus paced the length of the infirmary. There was something about the Granger twins looking as vulnerable as they were they looked so familiar to him. He couldn't place his finger on it. For a moment Christi looked like…Carina! That was it! That was it! They were his nieces! The bloody glamour on the girls to protect them. He sighed at the thought of his baby sister. He had been part of the raid that got her killed. He had never forgiven himself for not protecting her. He stood there watching as she fought to protect her daughters and lost her life because of it. He started to pace around the infirmary again. He had gone back the house afterwards and cradled her in his arms when he got there as she struggled to stay alive. She had made him promise to take the girls and bring them into the muggle world and bring them to an orphanage as their father had left as soon as their mother told him she was pregnant. He had up and left her.

The twins had only been a fifteen months old when their mother died in his arms that faithful night. But he had respected her wishes and did as she had asked him to do and took the girls to the muggle world and put them in the orphanage. It had broken his heart but he knew it was for the best, with who the girls were everyone would be after them and want to be with them for all the wrong reasons. He was glad they thought who they were because now they know who they're true friends are. He looked up as Lucius was sitting beside Hermione stroking her hair lightly as she slept. She had woken up a little while ago from a nightmare. He had calmed her down and gotten her back to sleep quickly.

"How are you and Cissy doing?" questioned Lucius pulling Severus from his thoughts.

"We're doing fine. How are you doing since everything?" pondered Severus.

"As alright as I can be. It was a shock that it happened. I mean I was expecting it but not just like that."

Severus nodded and looked over at his niece and friend and sighs. He was worried about his niece but knew that once Zabini, Theo, Parkinson, Potter, Lovegood, Longbottom and a lot of the Slytherin students return both his nieces were going to be well protected around the school. He knew he had to tell Dumbledore who the twins were in order for them to have adequate protection. Carina had made him the girls godfather despite protest on his end but she said she believed in him that he would do what was right for the girls whether it was fulfilling her wishes or going against her wishes and keeping the girls and raise them as his own. Severus sighed as he paced. He was starting to regret giving them up. At least with him they would've been safe and never harmed but then they would have grown up around Death Eaters and possibly been roped into getting the mark. So it was a loss/loss situation. Both had bad outcomes in the end of it all. He hoped that Rabastan got out because he seemed to be the only male besides Tom that the twins trusted me be near them. He would talk to Rabastan about him taking the girls in until they trusted him completely.

A/N 2: *grins* We hope you liked the chapter... Click the button and let us know what you think!