It's been a while. A long while, I know. But I haven't forgotten this story.

Again, I apologise in advance for any spelling/grammar errors in this chapter. And this chapter is actually a bit longer than usual, I just felt like writing more. Usually I write a little bit, but as I said, it really depends on what I want in each chapter. The song Bella sings in this Chapter is a song I recently found, and I really love it. Most of the songs Bella has sung so far have been break-up songs, and this song is a little different, to me.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Bella was worse than nervous. If there was a word than described the way she felt at that exact moment, she couldn't think of it. Her hands were sweaty and shaking, her throat was dry and her eyes were prickling with the threat of tears. She was sitting backstage in her dressing room, staring at herself in the mirror.

Rosalie stared at her with an eyebrow raised. Of course Rosalie cared, they'd been best friends since preschool, but even Rosalie knew Bella was working herself up. "Come on, Bella. You're being ridiculous. You are going to do great." Rosalie came over to stand behind Bella's shoulder and placed her hand there gently.

It wasn't Bella's first performance. No. It was just Bella's first performance in front of Edward, since the break-up of course. What had she been thinking? Singing with Tanya had seemed so simple, she'd prided herself on feeling able to rid herself of Edward, but it wasn't that easy. She'd spent a good amount of time believing she was over him, and she now knew she wasn't. She loved him, she guessed she always would. But there was that betrayal and burning hatred as well. Burning hatred? She didn't even think she hated him.

She sighed and started at herself in the mirror. She could do this. She was Bella Swan, the one and only, and tonight, people had come to hear her sing. Including Edward. Word was he wasn't with Tanya, at least for tonight. It was Bella's album release party, and Aro had coaxed her into singing a few songs off the album. Bella liked to think Edward had chosen not to bring Tanya so as Bella could enjoy the night, but just him being here was enough to unsettle her.

She hated the pull he had over her. But she could do this.

Aro opened the door gently and stuck his head through, "You ready?" He asked her, watching her carefully as she stood. Rosalie's hand stayed on her shoulder, and Aro's knowing eyes knew what had been going on. "He's at the back, we not so subtly told him to stay out of sight."

Bella smiled and even chuckled a little, "Thank you, Aro." Having lost her father at a young age, it was nice to have a father-figure, and Aro was amazing.

Rosalie took her hand, and started pulling her along. Aro opened the door even further and let them out of the room, closing the door and following after them. Even though it was Rosalie's first time to the Mockingbird, she knew her way around. They made it to the side of the stage before Bella could even change her mind. Rosalie squeezed Bella's hand twice, like she'd always done since childhood to wish Bella luck, and then went to find Emmett near the front of the stage.

Everyone was ready, the crowd had settled down and were being seated, and Bella's musicians were waiting patiently. Jasper was there, sitting behind his drums, and smiled when he saw her. Bella took one big breath, and then walked out on stage. She was centre stage when she remembered she'd forgotten her microphone, but Aro came out with it, gave it to her and kissed her gently on the forehead.

"Give him hell." He said. "And break a leg."

Bella squeezed the microphone and looked out at the crowd. "Hello." She smiled. "It's surreal to be standing here today, having a party for the release of my very first album. I remember dancing around in my room with a hairbrush singing, dreaming of this, and for it to become true is amazing. I'd like to thank my brother for never once giving up hope, and for joining me tonight. I'd like to thank my best friend, Rosalie, for always giving me a good kick up the ass when I need one. Aro, my manager, and the closest thing I have to a father. Alice, for always helping me with a song. And …" Bella paused. Edward. Edward had helped her, no matter how hard it was to admit, to get here. He'd shown her to the world. He'd given her the opportunity. But did she want to acknowledge him? She swallowed thickly. She didn't want to be a bad person, she didn't want to have grudges. Bella wanted to be honest. "Edward Cullen, for helping me get here."

With that, walking over to the piano, Bella introduced her first song. Lucky for her the dress was relatively tight so she just sat down on the bench, not having to worry about bunching the dress up. When she started singing, Jasper joined in with the drums. Her fingers danced over the piano, her eyes were closed.

I can hold my breath

I can bite my tongue

I can stay awake for days

If that's what you want

Be your number one

Her voice trembled a little, but she pushed through. Opening her eyes, she looked for Rosalie and Emmett in the crowd. They sat smiling up at her, and she smiled back.

I can fake a smile

I can force a laugh

I can dance and play the part

If that's what you ask

Give you all I am

Alice sat beside Rosalie, and Bella was more than grateful that she was there. All of the songs Bella had written for her album, she'd always sung them for Alice, and Alice had always helped her make them perfect, never once changing them, only offering advice. Alice understood how important it was for Bella that her music was her own.

I can do it

I can do it

I can do it

The piano and Bella's voice filled the whole room, a quick glance over the crowd told Bella that everyone was watching her. There were no whispered conversations. No wandering eyes. She smiled at the thought that she was captivating the audience. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, but she welcomed them.

But I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

'Cause I'm only human

Bella had pushed for this song to be on the album, as she'd written it whilst the album was being put together, and the producer had wanted to keep the original song listing. She'd performed it for the producer, and although hesitant, he'd agreed. She always put emotion into her songs, and this song especially. Most of the songs on her album were about her breakup with Edward, and although it pained her, it was true he'd been a big part of her life. She'd never felt that way before; Edward had opened up a new world for her.

I can turn it on

Be a good machine

I can hold the weight of worlds

If that's what you need

Be your everything

I can do it

I can do it

I'll get through it

Besides this song wasn't just about the breakup, this was about how Bella felt when Edward and she were together. She'd loved him, of course. But she'd been a small town girl, and he'd been an international star. They were from different worlds, and he hadn't seemed to completely understand that.

But I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

'Cause I'm only human

Edward was out there, somewhere, sitting in the crowd watching her. It had been a year, a whole year full of twelve months and eight thousand seven hundred and sixty hours since they'd broken up. He was still with Tanya, Bella still wasn't over it – and Bella couldn't fathom why he was here tonight. But he was.

I'm only human

I'm only human

Just a little human

It wasn't that Bella was pining over Edward, she would never be that girl. She'd just never gotten the answers she'd needed to move on.

I can take so much

'Til I've had enough

Bella closed her eyes and the words came out easily.

But I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

'Cause I'm only human

The crowd stood and clapped. Bella slowed her breathing and turned to the crowd, smiling. After doing another song, she stood and walked off stage. Right into Edward. She hadn't seen him there, hadn't really been looking. His presence shook her, she stood there still and silent, her heart beating fast and her breathing jagged. She admonished herself for letting herself react this way.

"Hello." He said gently, taking a step forward. "Bella. I just wanted to congratulate you."

Bella's body was tense, but she smiled and nodded. "Thank you." She said softly.

Looking up slowly, his emerald green eyes looked back. There was something in his eyes, a raw emotion that he was doing nothing to hide. Bella saw the want in his eyes, the sadness. She looked away, feeling guilty for intruding on his emotions, and confused to why he was feeling them. And angry; why was he here talking to her? Why was he looking at her like that?

"Anyway," She said steely, "I better go. Mingle with the crowd and all."

"Of course," He nodded. He stepped away from her, and his bronze hair fell into his eyes. He was dressed in black dress pants and a white shirt with his tie hung around his shoulders instead of done up. Of course he sported converse instead of black dress shoes.

Bella walked around him, careful not to touch him, but as she passed he took a hold of her wrist. A shot of electricity rushed through her, and she couldn't deny her emotions then and there. She turned, expectantly. Guiltily she wanted him, and she felt betrayed by herself.

"I need to tell you something." He said, looking around. "You need to know-" He cut off, something catching his eye. Bella turned and saw Jacob, Edward's manager, watching them with careful eyes.

Edward took a step back and Bella felt naked. "Doesn't matter." He said. "I better go."

With that, Edward walked off leaving Bella standing there, confused and alone.

The song Bella sang will be up on my profile. I also looked at a live performance, so if you want to see it I'll link that as well. The dress Christina wears is also the dress Bella is wearing. I chose not to describe the dress so that you guys can just imagine any kind of dress, but I envision that one :)

Also, I'd like to point out that it had been ONE year since Edward and Bella's break-up, so obviously there will be chapters about what's been happening for each of them.

Also, I tried to make Bella less whiny, but she does still have feelings for Edward. As Bella says, it is in part due to her lack of answers. She still doesn't know exactly why Edward ended it with her, and she did love Edward, and love isn't easy to get over.

Obviously something is going on with Edward, and Jacob has something to do with it. In this fanfic Jacob is Edward's manager, and he's late twenties early thirties. So we'll have to see if he tries to get with Bella, hopefully not :)

In regards to ages, Bella would be 17 now because it's a year later, Edward is about 21, Jasper is 24, Alice is 18, Rosalie is 18, Tanya is 22 and Aro is in his 40's.

Please fave/alert/follow this story. And please review!

I know it's been a while, but chapters will be coming more often. I am still in school, so I won't have a regular schedule, but it will definitely be about every week, every two weeks.