Chapter 1
Breath. Breath. Silence. Focus. Breathe. Breathe.
The time had come. She was now facing off the greatest challenge of her life against her greatest rival: N. How long ago was it that they had last met, N being accepted by Zekrom, inviting her with his challenge: "If you wish to stop us, you too must become a hero."? How long ago was it? One month, two? At this point the days just blurred together as she prepared for the moment at hand.
Breath. Breath. Silence. Focus. Breathe.
She finally opened her eyes. Standing before her was the king himself, N, now staring at her expectantly. They may be enemies but they fought on fair grounds. They were each down to their last pokemon, and fittingly for this final battle, only their dragons remained: the dark dragon of thunder, Zekrom and the white beast of fire Reshiram. N looked so serious compared to back then, that day on the Ferris Wheel, but at the same time she saw that excited glint in his eye, almost as if he thought he would have fun with this battle. Perhaps the boy on the Ferris Wheel was still their somewhere. She shook her head. "Now is not the time to think of then," she thought to herself, "Now is the time to focus. This battle isn't for only me, but for the sake of all the Pokemon and trainers in Unova. That is the priority. And maybe, just maybe, I can save N as well. Arceus knows he deserves better than this." She looked up to the green haired boy and nodded. He had been paitent and she was ready. She trained with her pokemon for over 2 years, and with the arrival of Reshiram, she had proven her worth to be a hero who could stand against the might of N and Team Plasma. She gripped one of the pokeballs at her belt. The energy of her newly caught Pokemon radiated through its pokeball and gave a comforting sense warmth through her fingers. Touko raised her arm and threw out the red and white ball, ready for the decisive battle. "Let's go Reshiram!"…
Touko fell to her knees in utter defeat. The battle was over, and she lost. Reshiram and Zekrom were the final two still standing in the battle, with both N and Touko trying their best to avoid the falling debris of the throne room. Reshiram would have won, but as a piece of the ceiling was about to fall on Touko, it turned and used its Fusion Flare attack to destroy it, and while its back was turned, Zekrom took the advantage and used Fusion Bolt to strike Reshiram. Here before her now was the result; all of her Pokemon now too weak to fight, N standing as the final victor, and the vile sage Ghetsis' gloating behind him. Touko was too weak to even stand. Even so, she refused to let herself cry, not in front of them. She would be like her team, strong until the very end. Behind her Cheren and Alder were staring in shock, not only because of Touko's defeat, but what it now meant: Team Plasma won, and now they would be separated from their pokemon forever.
It was over.
"That was a good battle you know."
Touko's head snapped up. Ghetsis was bathing in N's victory, and N had a look of modest pride.
Was he mocking her?
N slowly approached Touko, not with a look of smug triumph like his father, but with a rather strange look never the less… it was happy… but it was an accomplished, modest type of happy, sort of like the look a child gets when they who finally beat their parent in a game for the first time. He knelt down to her eye level. "There were always two heroes, but it was always destined for one of us to lose, and apparently the one to lose had to be you." He was not mocking her, she could tell by looking at his emerald-green eyes. He was just innocently stating a fact.
However the rough voice from behind him was not as kind "Yes N, the real hero is obviously before us, only to be expected." Touko glared at Ghetsis. His voice was full of nothing but malice, with a smug smirk across his face to match.
"Well girl? What do you have to say to your new King?'" Touko knew that that bastard of a sage relished every word. She said not a word and continued to glare.
Touko glanced at N. Even he looked at her expectantly. What did he want from her? He already won didn't he? Why couldn't he just leave her alone already?
Ghetsis noticed that N was still kneeling to Touko. "Get up you idiot. A king never kneels before anyone, especially to those he defeats." He snapped, N stood up sheepishly "Sorry Fath- I mean Sage."
Touko simply continued to watch. She felt numb, she couldn't move, her mind still absorbing the harsh reality.
She had lost to N.
From what she seen and learned of N from their battles and from their occasional, short talks, he wasn't a bad person, he was just naïve and innocent. His father on the other hand… in three words was he prideful, aggressive, and manipulative. As Ghetsis faced back to Touko, she found enough strength left in her to met him with the most defiant glare she could muster.
"Well girl? We're waiting" He walked up by N's side, a sneer etched on his face.
Touko tilted up her head to N, who now stood above her and looking him straight in the eyes, she lowered her head on defeat. There was no other option, she had lost and that was the reality she had to accept.
"Touko NO!" Cheren bellowed. She flinched at the desperation in his voice. She had let him down. She had let everyone down.
But that didn't mean she had to give up.
N was about to say something to Touko, when she suddenly raised her head, turned to Ghetsis and spit on his shoes. She quickly turned back to N, and launching herself off the floor, head butted him in the stomach. N could have sworn he heard the girl whisper softly "I'm sorry" before he fell to the floor clutching his middle in pain. Before either men could react, Touko spun toward Cheren and Alder, and cried, "RUN!" All three sprinted towards the castle steps, and as they left Touko turned her head back towards a still stunned and red face Ghetsis and yelled, "There is I have to say to you and your King!"
The Sages downstairs had been defeated by the Unova Gym Leaders who quickly joined them and as the trio was running past. "How'd the mission go?" Skyla called out. Touko couldn't admit to them the truth and simply held her head and kept on running, the hot prickles of tears starting to well up inside her. She never spoke much in the first place and with the hat hiding her expression as they ran, the Leaders didn't read much into her silence. Cheren and Alter were the only ones who knew the truth of what happened. Touko lost, and she had failed.
Cheren caught up to the girl's side."Don't worry," he whispered,a half, slightly forced smile on his face, "You're still my hero, win or lose." Touko smiled, despite it all. Even after her failer and even while running away from Team Plasma, Cheren was thinking about her. He, Bianca, and her twin brother Touya were always her best friends, always supporting and caring about her, even when beaten by her in battle. She looked to Cheren smiled, and nodded. He knew understood that as thanks, Touko was never much of a talker and he felt that if she spoke now, her voice would break. Showing weakness was not something Touko would willingly let herself do. All he wanted was to protect that smile, especially since there would seem to be very little to smile about in the future.
The group of trainers ran and ran, avoiding Grunts left and right. The exit was just ahead of them. They would escape! Touko was exhausted from the battle, but she kept running. No way in hell, was she going to fail her friends again. Alder wouldn't even look her in the eye the whole way down, and who could blame him? She had let him down when she lost to N. In fact she failed everyone, both Pokemon and person alike in Unova… maybe even the world. All she could do now was help her friends escape. They were sooo close…BAM! Almost out of nowhere an attacked flashed by the group and hit the wall. N and his Zoroark, Ghetsis and a bunch of Plasma grunts exited out of a hidden stairwell. So that's how they were able to catch up with us. Touko thought to herself. The attack forced the group of trainers to stop. Ghetsis stepped forward looking livid, his face almost as red as his eyes. N was looking shocked and disappointed. Both men's eyes were on Touko. Ok,she thought, I understand why Sage Twisted Green here is angry with me, but what's with..? She felt a slight twinge of guilt she could not explain. He looks like a Lilipup that someone justl kicked. The look on his face was that of the betrayed, confusing Touko to no end. She didn't know why, but she also felt something akin to guilt. But what should she be feeling guilty for? Did he honestly expect me to stay and be captured? If so, I'm sorry Lilipuppy, but that's just not something I am willing to do.
"You little brat!" Ghetsis snarled,stomping up to her snapping Touko's attention from N to him. He thrust his face close to hers. "Did you really think you would escape?" She said not a word, and continued to glare back at him, which seemed to only infuriate him more; he was not a man used to being ignored. He raised his hand and backhanded her across the face, knocking her to the ground. Cheren quickly held her, and Alder stepped in front of her protectively. No matter if she failed, he knew the girl did her best. NO ONE had the right to do that to her, just like he had no right to ignore her on the way down here. He threw out all his pokemon, ready to defend Touko. N was shocked by his father's actions toward the girl. He of course had been on the receiving end of those before but this was different. Other than spitting on his shoe, the girl had not done anything wrong. Following Alder's lead, all the Gym leaders threw out any conscious pokemon that they had left. The grunts in turn threw out their fully rested and healthy Pokemon out in response. Ghetsis sneered at them.
"So this is how the great hero and her friends are going to end. At the mercy of their new King. Had you not run, we would have let you all live. Foolish people."
Touko sat up in Cheren's arms. Hero…hero…That word…You're still my hero, win or lose. That's what Cheren said right? Wait…That was it! Touko struggled to her feet, using Cheren as support. Had she been watching him, she might have seen the small flash of jealousy that flashed across N's eyes as Touko clutched Cheren as he helped her to her feet. If he had won, why was she clutching the glasses boy. Surely to the winner goes the spoils? At least that was what his father said, and he still wasn't sure what that meant. But surely the allegiance of the losing trainer should be a natural result…right?
Touko released Cheren, who stood close behind her, and turned to face Ghetsis. Her eyes however, were locked upon those of the young king N right behind him, who was still trying to comprehend the situation before him.
"Oh-ho!" Ghetsis jeered, "Has the great hero come to make a last stand with her allies?" He threw back his head and began to laugh.
Without her eyes leaving N's, Touko answered, "Yes Ghetsis, she has."
Okie Dokey then, so this year has been complicated for me. Let's just say, focusing on college sucks, senior year in high school isn't that great, and multiple computer break downs don't help. So for those who were wondering why I am making some changes to the chapter, the answer is that I wanted to revise it. The story is exactly the same, but just written better. Okay then I'll have the rest fixed and posted tomorrow. Chao!