zutara week 2008 | day one | denim

The Fire Lady stands before the mirror, running her fingers over the heavy fabric of her gown. She frowns.

"What on earth am I wearing?" she asks. The fabric is thick and heavy; she can already feel sweat dripping down her neck from the heat. The tailor finishes pinning a corner down.

"It's a brand new type of fabric, Lady Katara. Someone in the Fire Colonies created it; it's supposed to be very durable. All the noble ladies have these dresses. Are you not fond of it, my lady?" The tailor is a young woman, no older than twenty. Her face is wide-eyed and worried. Katara smiles.

"It's...interesting. Yes, I suppose I like it." The tailor smiles and continues pushing pins into the thick fabric.

Later that evening, Katara stands in the middle of the Fire Lord's chambers, staring at the dress. Zuko walks in, shutting the door behind him. When his eyes fall upon her, he smiles.

"Zuko! Oh, don't look at me like that. Apparently this is the new fashion. I'm only keeping it because that poor tailor girl looked so hopeful, and I just couldn't tell her no, and...it's really heavy and it gets terribly hot after a while...are you even listening?" Zuko's grin widens and he takes her into his arms.

"I'm listening."

"Do you know what it's called?"
