Title: Untitled thus yet. I really can't think of anything

Summary: Jenny crash-lands in Gwen and Rhys's back garden. She joins the newly re-established Torchwood, as she continues her efforts to find her father.

Rating: T

Fandoms: Doctor Who, Torchwood and the Sarah-Jane Adventures

Warning: Spoilers for Miracle Day, series six of Doctor Who and series five of SJA

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Writing AIT made me realise how much I love both Jack/Jenny and Luke/Jenny. Luke/Jenny is probably more appropriate. I'll see which I end up writing. The Ponds will pop up later. Sorry if everyone is OOC. Fun fact: Adria is actually a planet. I looked it up. Thanks to Lara (theraggedyblog on tumblr), my lovely new beta.

Chapter One

They'd bought a house on the outskirts of Cardiff city, not far from the ruined Torchwood building, which, surprisingly, was being rebuilt. Gwen took Anwen for walks to the bay to check its progress, wondering if Jack was behind it. She hadn't seen Jack since the events of Miracle Day, and had returned to the city, not necessarily because it seemed safe, but because her father was gravely ill, and, since Miracle Day was over, it was much more of a pressing concern. She'd spent countless nights in the hospital, drinking coffee and telling Anwen stories until Rhys came to collect her in the evenings. Her father had died several months ago, the day after Anwen spoke her first word in a hospital corridor.

Anwen was a year old now, and beginning to walk, falling over on the carpeted floor of their living room, which was one with the kitchen, the point where tiles turned to carpet marking the place where a door would have been. There was no talk of Torchwood, and Rhys had no idea that she had been anywhere near the bay.

It was lazy afternoon in late summer, when it happened. It was a bleak day, but the sun fought its way through and weak rays shone through the window. Anwen was playing with her toys on the living room floor, watched by Gwen, who was sitting at the kitchen table, trying to will herself to get up and make lunch. Rhys was in the tiny room where they'd put a computer and called a study, doing god-knew-what.

It was peaceful, but that was quickly shattered by a loud crash from the back garden. Gwen turned to look out the window.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Rhys demanded, appearing in the sitting room and scooping up Anwen, who had begun to cry.

Gwen took her gun from where it was hidden in a cupboard of mugs and, putting it in her back pocket, she slipped out the door.

The smoky remains of what appeared to be a space shuttle were strewn at the bottom of the garden. Luckily, the neighbours did not notice anything – Gwen was down to her last few retcon tablets. The mangled door opened, and a young woman, her blonde hair in an askew pony-tail, emerged from the wreckage, greenish eyes flickering around, surveying her surroundings. Blood trickled from a wound on her forehead.

"Hello," she said, jumping out and landing on the grass with a slight thump. She tested her leg, which was obviously hurting her, and gingerly touched her head wound. "Sorry. I don't know what happened; I've never crashed before. I'm Jenny."

"Jenny? That's it?"

"Yup," said the stranger, sighing as her gaze passed over her ruined space ship. She turned back to Gwen. "Who are you?"

"Gwen Cooper, ex-police. How did you get here? What are you?"

"I'm a Time Lord, I think. Or Time Lady, if you like. I was on a planet called Adria, where horses are sacred. Humans and Aplans live there. I lost control just as I was leaving; I don't know what happened."

"Come inside," Gwen offered, feeling compassion for the lost girl. "I'll see if I can do something about that cut."

"Thank you," said Jenny graciously, following her inside, limping only slightly.

"Who's this?" Rhys asked.

"Jenny, she crashed. Jenny, this is my husband, Rhys, and our daughter, Anwen."

"Hello," said Jenny politely.

"'Lo," Anwen gurgled. Rhys remained silent.

Gwen patted the table to indicate that Jenny should sit there and disappeared to find the first-aid kit. Rhys brought Anwen away, mumbling something under his breath.

Jenny sat on the kitchen table and Gwen fiddled with the first aid kit, dampening a wad of cotton wool and cleaning Jenny's wound.

"Where are you from?" Gwen asked curiously.

"Messaline," Jenny replied, wincing. Gwen apologised, dabbing more gently at her forehead.

"And you're not human?"

"No," said Jenny. "I've got two hearts."

Gwen's eyebrows rose, but she merely asked, "You were travelling, I take it?"

"Yeah. Looking for my Dad."

"Who's that then?" Gwen asked, dipping a clean wad of cotton wool into some antiseptic.

"The Doctor."

Gwen froze, eyes widening and meeting Jenny's questioningly. 'Are you serious?' they asked.

Jenny's eyes lit up. "You know him?"

"You're his daughter?"

"Yup. Well, I'm a generated anomaly … apparently. I was created using his DNA."

"Stay there," said Gwen, backing out of the kitchen. "Stay there."

"I'm not a dog," Jenny said. Gwen smiled.

"Rhys, where's the phone?" she heard her call, and heard him yell back. Gwen returned, holding a black mobile phone to her ear, pacing anxiously around the kitchen.

"Jack?" she asked. "Hi … yeah, it has been, hasn't it …? We're back in the city, yeah … what? Yes, I thought so but I wasn't sure. Anyway, there's someone here I thought you'd like to meet, as long as you behave. Yeah, see you soon."

"Who's Jack?" Jenny asked curiously, as Gwen hung up the phone and picked up the antiseptic-dampened piece of cotton wool, dabbing Jenny's now-clean wound with it.

"An old friend," she replied vaguely. "There; it's the best I can do; I'm no doctor. I don't think you need a bandage, it's not that bad. What about concussion? Do you feel all right?"

"Yeah, a bit dizzy …"

"How many fingers am I holding up?" she asked, holding up a hand.

"Four, and a thumb. I'm fine, I'm a soldier."

"A soldier?" Gwen frowned, closing the first-aid kit.

"Messaline, you've never heard of it?"

Gwen shook her head.

"There was a war. I was created in the middle of it, programmed to be a solider – all this … stuff in my head. I stopped killing, though."

"Hmm …" said Gwen, rummaging in the cupboards for something. "How's your leg?"

Jenny felt it. "It's all right," she jumped from the table.

"Ok. Would you like some tea?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"Go in and sit down."

Apprehensively, Jenny stepped into the living room, sitting on the sofa. Toys that must have been Anwen's were strewn on the floor not far from her.

No sooner had Gwen handed her a mug of tea than the doorbell rang. Gwen disappeared down a hall and opened the door.

"It's good to see you again!" Jenny heard Gwen say.

"And you," a stranger, Jack, replied. "Now, who were you talking about?"

"Jenny, this is Captain Jack Harkness," said Gwen, as she returned to the living room, with a black-haired man, dressed in a blue shirt and braces, and a dark blue coat. "Jack, this is Jenny, the Doctor's daughter."

Jack stared. "Really?"

"Really," said Jenny with a small smile, standing up and offering a hand. Jack shook it. She sat back down and he sat in an armchair, considering her.

"Would you like some tea?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, thank you," Jack smiled at her.

"You know my Dad, then?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah, I know him. Met him three times now," he fell silent. "How did you end up on your own?"

"He thinks I'm dead," said Jenny, as Gwen returned with a mug of tea for Jack, and Rhys appeared from a hallway.

"Jack," he nodded.


"Where's Anwen?" Gwen asked.

"Asleep," Rhys replied.

"What do you mean, he thinks you're dead?" Jack asked, as Gwen and Rhys went into the kitchen. "Did you regenerate?"

"No," Jenny shook her head. "I don't look any different. I don't know what happened. This man was going to shoot Dad – I took the bullet. I woke up, not long after, but he was gone."

"Who was with him?" Jack questioned.

"Donna and Martha."

"Well, I could take you to see Martha," he said, as Gwen reappeared with a plate of biscuits. Jenny took one. "He has a mobile phone that belonged to her. She's got the number."

"What about Donna?"

Jack sighed. "She can't remember anything. I don't know what happened, but I met her and she didn't know me."

"That's awful," Jenny murmured. "I liked Donna. She named me, you know."

"Did she? Well, she's happy, anyway. She's married."

"What about Martha?" Jenny asked curiously.

"Yeah, she's married too."

"So," said Gwen. "You're starting up Torchwood again?"


"Shut up, Rhys."

Jack nodded. "There's been more rift activity than usual. I'm going to try and investigate it myself. I've put enough people in danger. I can't do it to anyone else."

"Rubbish, I'm helping you," said Gwen, raising a hand to shush Rhys and sitting on the couch next to Jenny.

"I'd like to help too," she added. "Whatever this Torchwood is, it seems like the best way to find my Dad."

"There's a Rift in time and space running through Cardiff," Gwen explained to her. "Now and then aliens – and people – fall through it. It's our job to find them and stop them from causing any trouble."

"Sounds like my kind of thing," Jenny smiled.

"The rift energy is perfect for the TARDIS," Jack added.

"What's the TARDIS?" Jenny queried.

"Blue box? Says Police?"

"Oh, that."

"Your Dad comes every so often to refuel. You might be able to catch him, as long as he's got the right face …"

"That settles it. I'm joining."

"Right then, I expect to see you both first thing Monday morning. Thank you for the tea, Gwen. I'm off." Jack rose from his chair.

"Where are you going?" Jenny asked.

"London," he replied, frowning slightly.

"Can I come?"

"I suppose."

"You can stay with us until you get sorted, all right?" said Gwen, taking their mugs. "Bring her back in one piece, Jack."

He saluted her. "See you around, Rhys. Give my love to Anwen. Come on, Jenny."

I hope I at least got some of everyone's personalities right. And I've only seen two episodes of Miracle Day, so I don't know what Gwen and Rhys did after, or why they felt the need to hide and have all those guns. I also don't know how long Miracle Day lasts, so I don't know if Anwen's age is right. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.