Chapter 46: Change the Future
Edward's POV
Leah and I decided to ride with Rosalie and Emmett. Emmett had a led foot just like I did and I knew he like to listen to his music loud. It would be a good distraction from the thump, thump, thump coming from my Leah. She sat beside me deep in thought as she looked out the window. I was shocked that instead of worrying about the possible battle her thoughts were calm and focused. She was focused on some of the more fun moments we'd shared. She focused on memories of being in my arms and the moments we'd shared before we even got together. She thought about us intimately and how she enjoyed my touch. I reached out and grabbed her hand and toyed with her fingers. She looked over at me and gave me a little smile.
I love you Edward, she thought. I kissed her hand and gave it a little squeezed. She took a deep breath.
Everything will be fine, she mused peacefully and the thought ran through her head on repeat. Her calming thought kept me off the deep end so I was thankful for them.
"I love you Chicky Wolf," I whispered and she chuckled. It was then the music lowered and Rosalie looked back at us.
"I wish you two would stop saying goodbye to each other. We are go in there and nail these suckers!" Rosalie was actually trying to be positive that was a change.
"I'm not saying goodbye to anyone and I don't think Edward was either. It's just at times like this it's good to be reassured of the good things in one's life. Edward, your love for me is most definitely something I don't mind being reminded of it gives me something very precious to fight for," Leah spoke with more conviction than anyone in the car expected.
"I love you too Babe," Emmett blurted out. "So raise hell and kick ass like only you can do!" He patted Rose's thigh and she snorted. It was then I realized Rosalie could hear it the little thump, thump, thump coming from Leah. She narrowed her eyes at both Leah and me. She wanted to confront us but now was not the time.
"I don't mean to be a pest but we have to stop soon I gotta pee," Leah blurted out.
"I bet you do?" Rose muttered and I don't think she expected Leah to hear.
"Excuse me?"
"Nothing, it's just don't you drink blood more than you eat human food. Why do you have to pee so much this will be the third time we've stopped," Rose asked and Leah shrugged her shoulders.
"I do drink blood but I also drink Cherry Coke. So I need to pee," Leah explained with indifference. It was easy for her because she still felt she was crazy and it was possible she wasn't pregnant. I was hoping that she would stay blissfully ignorant of the truth until this was over. We took an exit that led us to a little rinky dink gas station. Leah hopped out of the car and I started to follow suit.
"Uh hang on for a second Edward," Emmett called to me and I sat back down. It was rare he called me by my name usually he had something serious on his mind. Rosalie and Emmett both stared at me with accusatory expressions.
"Man, she's pregnant. We're gonna get crushed and she may be the very first. This is not good. Why didn't you tell us she was pregnant before?" Emmett snapped as he mind tried to figure out if there was way we could win without Leah fighting. In each scenario he envisioned us all dying. I took a deep breath in to steady my nerves.
"You could hear it too?" I was shocked that he hid his thoughts from me so well normally he wasn't that observant.
"Yeah it's loud as hell! Aro is going to hear the heartbeat and try to kill her on sight. Do you even know if she has all her powers while she's pregnant?" Rose asked and I shrugged my shoulders. I worried about this too but she had accidently cut herself last night and she healed was secretly praying she still had all of her powers.
"Until this evening I didn't know she was pregnant. Leah still isn't sure she hasn't taken a test or anything. I think she doesn't want to recognize it until this is over," I explained and Rose huffed out a sigh.
"So she plans to fight regardless! No, Edward we should call Carlisle and Alice. We need to tell them so we can turn around!" Rosalie snapped and then looked as Leah walked back to the car. She was drawn up as she wrapped her arms around herself. The wind was whipping her hair to and fro. I noticed the solemn look on her face. She took one of the tests. I guess curiosity got the best of her. So now she knew. She opened the car door and slid back in beside me. Rose was about to confront Leah when her phone rang.
"Look, I know this is going to seem morbid on my part. Leah you have to fight regardless of whatever news you may have received. I have seen the end two ways one with us all surviving and the other … Edward you die. Leah, you will lose your baby. When you phase the innocent life will be lost. I wish it didn't have to be this way but as of right now I only see two outcomes," Alice voice seemed deeper as if she were sobbing for the both us in the only why her body would allow. Leah nodded and looked out the window.
"Leah?" Alice was expecting Leah to say something but she thought her choice was pretty clear.
"We should get going don't you think?" Leah responded numbly. As the cars all got back on the road Leah reached out and grabbed my hand.
"As long as he's alive I can rest easy. I may be a little depressed for a while but I'll heal," she thought as she looked at me for a second and then down to our united hands.
"The future changes every second Leah. Alice isn't always right every thought and action we make changes it," I reminded her and she gave me a little smile a tear ran down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly.
"We always hope for the best Edward, but we must also prepare for the worst," she said at a whisper. She placed her hand over her stomach. "I hope we are all alright, but if not I will mourn someone I will never get the honor of getting to know but that's okay because I'll still have you." More tears escaped her even though she was trying to be brave her heart was breaking before my eyes. I hated that yet again her heart was breaking because of me. I knew I would fight like hell to change the future.
Author's Note: This chapter took forever to get together. Sorry it's taking so long guys work is taking all my energy and leaving me with nothing and I'm finding it hard to get any peace and quiet. Hopefully I will be back soon but I can't make any promises.