A/N- I wrote this because I love to see Bobby as a father-like figure to the boys so I thought I would give this a go. It will be my first multi chapter story so please bear with me

Bobby glanced at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He didn't miss them he told himself, he just wanted them to get there already because he had more important things to do than wait all day. He definitely wasn't excited for them to get there and he was certainly not looking forward to playing cars and getting drawn pictures all day long. Not to mention those two identical giggles at night when they were in bed and suppose to be asleep.

John had called last night and asked Bobby if he could drop the boys off for a few weeks while he went on a couple of hunts a few states over. Bobby didn't know why John even bothered asking anymore, those boys were as much his boys as they were John's and he would never say no to a few weeks of quality time with them. So, that day was spent getting the house set up for his two little guests. Making sure their room was ready for them and calling the nearby school to enroll them for the few weeks that they were staying.

The boys had attended the local school before, whenever they were permanent residents at Bobby's for more than a few days and they loved going there because each time their old friends were still there and they were not labelled the new kids.

Now though, it was getting late and Bobby was starting to get anxious. Not that Bobby was worried or anything, he just didn't want the little idjits too tired on their first day back at school. As he looked at the clock and glanced out the window once again, he noticed the unmistakable black car and heard the familiar rev of the engine. His boys were home.

Bobby opened the door and before he could even take one foot off the front porch, a small objet clung to his leg, a small shaggy haired object.

"Uncle Bobby! I've missed you!" Little Sammy said with a toothy grin as he looked up at Bobby.

God Bobby missed that smile.

"How are you Buddy?" He asked, returning the smile.

This was not a very smart question though, as this evoked Sammy to tell Bobby all about his life, from what he ate for breakfast, to finding a nickel on the ground of the gas station they stopped at on the way to Bobby's.

Sam however was cut short as Dean walked up the steps, much more calm because he had recently turned ten years old and ten year olds were not babies and did not run for hugs like the little kid that Sammy was.

"Hey Bobby," Dean said holding out his hand to shake Bobby's like his daddy did to other grownups. But Bobby was having none of that and instead he enveloped him in a hug.

John came up last, carrying the boy's suitcases and looking older than he should. Bobby took the suitcases from him and asked him in for a drink. John however declined saying he really had to get going. He told the boys to be good, hugged them both, told Bobby thanks again and was off. And it was just Bobby, Dean and Sammy left standing on the porch.

"Ok boys," Bobby said once the last rev of the engine was heard and the impala was out of site, "Let's go in and have dinner and then its bedtime 'caus you've got school tomorrow."

At this statement Dean scrunched up his nose. In his recent old age Dean was starting to rebel a bit and picked fights frequently. This was a new challenge for Bobby, who was used to having two easy going boys who believed that Bobby's word was gold. John had told Bobby on their last visit that they would have to clamp down on him before he got too big for his britches. Another thing Bobby wasn't used to. Sure Bobby had punished the boys before, doled out the occasional time out or lecture, but Bobby wasn't sure he was good at that particular aspect of parenting.

"And Dean," he said seeing the face," I don't want to hear it because you're going to bed and you're going to school."

Dean pouted but said nothing more.

They got inside and Bobby plated out the speghettios he had made before the boys arrived, knowing they were Sammy's favourite.

Both boys ate hungrily and soon the boys were standing in their room, teeth brushed, face washed and pajamas on. Sammy was out before his head hit the pillow and even though he wouldn't admit it, Dean was almost out too, eyes drooping as Bobby hugged him goodnight.

Once the boys were in bed, Bobby went downstairs and proceeded to make the boys lunches for the next day and make sure all their school materials were in order and packed.

He had planned on doing some research once he had completed his tasks, but by the time he was done, he noticed that he was just as tired as the boys were. So instead he went off to bed as well, knowing he would be up bright and early the next day in order to get the boys to school on time.


A/N- I'm not exactly sure where this is going, but I've wanted to try a multi chapter fic for a while now. So we'll see how this turns out. Hopefully I can actually turn this into somewhat of a story. I'm used to writing one shots, so please bear with me Please any constructive criticism or suggestions are appreciated.