

Chapter 23



The End



The next morning a set of nurses came in and stated that they were here to give Sakura a bath. Itachi swiftly told them that they were to leave and he would take care of getting his fiancé bathed and clothed.

"Itachi!" Sakura laughed from the bed at the horrified expressions on their faces.

"What, I'm merely taking care of my fiancé." He smirked and made his way over to her bed.

"You know this will spread through the village like wildfire. Itachi Uchiha shameless pervert, I can see it already circulating." She giggled again as he pulled back her bed covers.

"What would make me a shameless pervert? You are soon to be my wife." He said rolling his eyes, nurses always exaggerated everything.

"Of course, Itachi, anyways everyone thinks you're actually an old romantic now, sorry to say you've lost your bad boy image." She said as he picked her up off the bed holding her gently in his arms.

"Well if losing my so called 'bad boy image' is the price I must pay for being madly devoted to Sakura Haruno then it's a price I'm willing to make." He said kissing her head as they entered the en-suite. He was grateful of the privacy that Sakura's room offered this would be slightly more awkward if they had to use a communal bathroom.

He set Sakura down on the toilet seat and began running the taps on the bath. He made sure she was well propped up on the seat for her muscles were weak still and if she were to fall over there was little she would be able to do to stop it.

"Umm, Itachi." she said sweetly and he turned to look at her.

"What?" he questioned pouring bubble bath into the water filling the tub.

"Do you have a razor?" she asked feeling a little embarrassed for doing so.

"No why would I have a razor?" he asked and saw her blushing slightly.

"Well this is awkward." She said laughing lightly.

"Is this about your hairy legs?" he said bluntly and her slight blush turned into a red beam.

"Don't say it out loud!" she snapped and he rolled his eyes.

"Sakura, it doesn't bother me, you've been in a coma for three weeks. Your hairy legs were the last thing on my mind." He said and she had to agree it was trivial in comparison.

"How can it not bother you, it's gross!" she exclaimed as Itachi whipped out his kunai.

"This will do the same job if you're that concerned." He chuckled as her eyes went wide.

"A kunai? Seriously? Why don't you just take a chunk out of my leg instead?" she bit back sarcastically and he realised how good it felt to have the old Sakura back.

"I shave using a kunai it's much sharper." He said practically and turned off the taps.

"Come on princess." He said picking her up and she scoffed at the new name.

"Since when did I become princess?" she questioned as he set her at the edge of the tub, lifting the hospital gown over her head and then assisting her in sinking into the hot water.

"Since I decided." He said annoyingly avoiding answering.

"This bath is amazing." She sighed sinking down further into it as Itachi sat on the edge of the tub.

"Shall I wash your hair?" he asked and Sakura looked up at him, it was such a simple request but it sounded so special coming from him.

"Yes please." She replied and he lifted the shower head attached to the taps and began soaking her hair. He took his time before grabbing the shampoo bottle and began lathering the liquid into her scalp. Her hair hadn't been washed in three weeks, he was glad Sakura hadn't seen herself recently, she would no doubt have freaked over her matted locks. He lifted the shower head and rinsed the suds from her hair and she sighed gratefully.

"This I really nice." She said and he chuckled.

"Right set your leg up on the tub." He instructed and she looked at him stunned at what he had just said.

"No." she said as he whipped out his kunai.

"Sakura, put your leg up." He said again and Sakura couldn't help but laugh.

"It's too weird Itachi!" she whined but her hairy legs were really bothering her and she begrudgingly set her leg up on the edge of the tub.

Itachi lifted some soap and rubbed it until a lather formed, he then carefully and precisely grazed the blade over her leg removing a line of hair. Sakura was quite surprised at how skilled he was and she finally relaxed with having him shaving her legs so she sank back into the water. It wasn't long before he was finished and asked for her other leg, although a slightly more awkward position was being held he made quick work of her other leg and grinned like a cat once finished.

"Thank you 'tachi-kun." She said sweetly and he glared at her.

"'tachi-kun." He glowered.

"Then no 'Sakura-hime' 'outta you." She replied smartly and he agreed. He stood from the tub and lifted a large towel set out for her. Sakura tried to push herself up but she was still too weak and he helped lift her out of the tub and set her on the ledge. He wrapped the towel around her arms gently rubbing it against her skin.

Sakura tugged the towel around herself not wanting to be completely useless while Itachi went and got a smaller towel for her hair. He dropped the towel and her head and rubbed it in whilst Sakura scowled under the thing.

Once dressed in her own nightgown and her hair dried off Sakura was placed snugly back in bed and after a sultry and sensual kiss from her beloved she quickly fell asleep.



A month had passed since Sakura woke from her coma. It took two weeks until she was up on her feet like normal. She was seriously cursing her vegetated three weeks for she had a lot of training now to do to get her body back into shape.

The village was functioning as normal again and you would have had to look hard for signs that an attack had taken place. She was walking through the village and made several quick turns which would take her to the memorial stone. She reached the cemetery where the large stone was placed and she was thankful no one was around to see her. She couldn't deal with people telling her how happy they were that she was back on her feet, not when she lost her team before the attack the most painful of which being Akemi Nara.

The name stood freshly engraved near the bottom of the stone. It was tough to look at, they had made it through that avalanche, she protected him with her jutsu which she thought was something she would never be able to do. Without him they would never have been able to contact Konoha and make it back in the first place, she owed her life to him and she hadn't even realised they had been poisoned.

She kneeled before the stone and prayed silently for him. She then rose from her kneeled position and looked over at another stone in the cemetery. The missing in action stone and her thoughts immediately turned to Neji. He was still missing, Itachi had told her several teams had been out on search missions but no one had been able to track his whereabouts.

"He's not dead." Said a voice from behind her and Sakura turned to look at TenTen.

"I don't care what anyone says, I just know he's still out there somewhere." She said smiling softly. "That's why I refused to let them put his name on the stone."

"I think it's good that you're not giving up." Replied Sakura quietly and TenTen nodded.

"Congratulations." The brunette said her thumb grazing over her own engagement ring.

"Oh, thank you." Sakura said feeling a little uneasy.

"I won't be able to make it to the party tonight, I hope you understand." TenTen said and Sakura didn't blame her, her own engagement party was the night she found out her fiancé was a clone.

"I do, take care of yourself TenTen, don't give up on Neji." Sakura replied leaving the cemetery before their conversation got any heavier.

Sakura didn't want a big celebration about her engagement but Mikoto and her own mother insisted that it would be something positive for the village to have some sort of party after the destruction it had just encountered.

She quickly made her way to her apartment and was glad to see Itachi lying sleeping on her sofa. It was a sight she would happily put up with for the rest of her life but she was not for having him laze on her sofa whilst she had to spend time getting ready. She quietly walked over to him and gently pinched his nose blocking his air ways. Moments later he woke gasping for breath turning to look at her.

"Oh, you're awake." She smiled acting surprised.

He glared at her before springing forward and grabbing her tickling her sides. Sakura screamed and laughed all at once.

"Ahhh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She giggled as he continued his torture for a few more moments until his arms encircled her waist and he pulled her in close to his chest.

"As payment for you wrong doings I am owed a kiss." He smirked and she only giggled more obliging as his lips lowered to her own.

Kissing Itachi was perhaps the very best experience in Sakura's life, she couldn't quite believe how far they had come. The intense secret affair they started, so lusty and passionate evolved into something so powerful and loving. Not one person in the village could have guessed it let alone believe it, yet now they were the star couple everyone gushed over. She still hadn't gotten used to that bit.

Itachi pulled away from Sakura's plump lips and grinned.

"I have something to show you." He said placing soft kisses long her neck and Sakura sighed pleasantly.

"Oh, and what's that?" She asked as he worked his way back up her neck and placed another kiss on her lips.

"It's a surprise." He further grinned and Sakura raised her eyebrow. "Come on I'll show you." He said leading her to the door.

"It's not here?" she questioned taking his hand as they walked down the hall out of the apartment complex.

"Nope." He said and Sakura stared at him suspiciously.

Along their journey to this 'surprise' they were greeted by many people in the village wishing them well on their engagement it was another thing neither had gotten used to. Most of all Itachi going from the elusive and handsome Uchiha bachelor to a public figure engaged to a woman with pink hair.

After several turns, Sakura quickly realised they were heading to the Uchiha compound but upon entering Itachi didn't take the normal route to his parents' home.

"This is different." Sakura supplied, he looked down and smiled at her.

"A surprise." Was all he said leading her further into an area she had never visited before.

This area of the Uchiha compound was much quieter than the rest and eventually they reached a forested area where a small lake sat a large modern house on the other side.

"Surprise." He whispered and it took Sakura several seconds to realise that the surprise was the house.

"Itachi." She whispered tears welling in her eyes as she looked up at him.

"Do you like it." He asked wiping a tear that trickled down her cheek.

"I love it." She replied leaning forward to kiss him.



Sakura sat patiently on a high stool chair as Ino faffed over her hair preening and curling and pulling and brushing. It took most of her strength to remain still whilst her best friend worked on her hair and makeup. It was the least Sakura could do for her friend as Ino had freaked out once Sakura had awoken screaming about wedding dresses and parties. She couldn't deny her friend the excitement of such an event.

"How much longer?" Sakura asked as Ino pouted.

"As long as it takes for you to completely knock Itachi off his feet when he sees you!" Exclaimed Ino excitedly.

"I could turn up in a bin bag and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind." Sakura laughed but Ino chastised her taking a step back to admire her handy work.

"Stunning!" she said flicking back her long blond ponytail and angling Sakura towards the mirror. The pink haired kunoichi had to admit Ino did a damn good job when it came to hair and makeup.

"Wow pig! Thanks so much!" she grinned and before Ino could retort a smart reply she wrapped her arms around her friend taking her by surprise.

"Oh forehead, stop or you'll make my mascara run!" she said hugging back the friend she almost lost.

"Let's go." Exclaimed Sakura taking one last look at the diamond on her finger as they exited the Yamanaka home.

The jounin bar was packed. Sakura couldn't believe so many people had come although Itachi had been regarded as the 'most eligible bachelor' in Konoha so a lot of guests happened to be of the female variety looking to see who it was that grabbed the attention of the notorious Itachi.

When she entered the lounge, she was greeted by many congratulations most of which coming from people she had never met. Through congratulations there were also plenty of thanks. Although the battle had been fought months ago, it was still fresh in a lot of people's minds.

Finally making her way through the crowd at the front she entered the private area at the back reserved for her nearest and dearest and soon spotted the tall lean figure of her soon to be husband. Uncharacteristically laughing with Sasuke, a sight she had longed to see and grateful that if one good thing could come from such devastation of their village it was to bring people closer.

He stopped his conversation sensing her presence and turned giving her a heart-warming grin striding forward as if she were the only person in the room to him at that moment. When he reached her he placed one hand around her waist pulling her forward and kissing her sweetly on the lips. Reclining from her so slightly he whispered in her ear.

"You look stunning." Sakura blushed at his bold actions feeling as if it were the first time he kissed her all over again and giggled. She wasn't the only one taken back at the scene some of their friends still hadn't quite gotten over the Sakura - Itachi coupling and were even more aghast by the stoic Uchiha showing emotion.

"Itachi you're freaking people out! You're supposed to be the dark and moody one." She teased as he grabbed a drink for her.

"Sakura, around you I don't think I could ever be dark and moody again. They may get used to it." He smirked.

"How are you going to scare the new recruits if they aren't afraid of Uchiha Itachi anymore?" She quipped back and he smiled.

"Why I'll tell them my wife can break every bone in their body with just her little finger." He retorted and kissed his soon to be wife again. It was weird for Sakura to hear him call her his wife and she decided that she rather liked the sound of it.



It had been three years since the war on Konoha courtesy of Madara a long since thought dead Uchiha. Since this mighty war many alliances had been made the most controversial of which being the union of Uzumaki and Uchiha just shy of a year ago, Sakura smiled overlooking the vast lake just out the front of her home, it was so peaceful in the house she and Itachi had made a home those three year ago.

He was due home from a mission any day now and she couldn't wait to see him. As the thought occurred to her she spotted three black dots in the distance.

His team were home.

Sakura raced down to the front door as Itachi, Shisui and Anko crossed the small bridge over the lake towards the Uchiha-Haruno household. As he did every mission Itachi grabbed his wife around the waist and lifted her into a swinging embrace before setting her back down, bowing for a passionate kiss.

"Sheesh, every time! Could you two wait until we leave?" Exclaimed Anko playfully, Itachi turned his sharingan on and glared jokingly. As he turned back to his wife however he froze, took two steps back and feinted.

"Itachi!" Exclaimed Sakura.

"What happened?!" Yelled Anko as Shisui began laughing his own sharingan spinning lazily.

"Sakura's pregnant!"




The End




Last chapter guys *tear* it's been a beautiful journey also the start of this chapter you may think is random but I think its sweet and I really enjoyed writing it.

This is also a non-eventful chapter, I just felt like I needed some Ita/Sak fluff to give this a happy ending. It's not particularly exciting but I wanted to close it out gently.

Also, it's my TENTH ANNIVERSARY on this site, I can't believe I started writing on here ten years ago, and it's incredible how much my life has changed.

FFN was literally the only thing I looked forward to in my life when I started posting. I had a very rough time at high school and this site and the people who commented and I interacted with almost daily brought me happiness and friendship where I did not have it in reality.

To anyone similar to myself that live on this site, use it as escape I promise you, life will get better, harder, but better. Never give up on yourself or your dreams because hope and courage is the most powerful magic you have.

Much love to you all

Flowne xx

Extra for those who care…

My thoughts on this fiction:

So…as you may notice this fiction was started many, many years ago, in fact I wrote it when I was doing my last exams in high school, I'm now graduated and have a full-time job…wow. Even I can't get over that one.

I wrote this fiction up until chapter 22 and had fully intended posting weekly until it was done however with exams and starting university somewhere around half way through this fiction I stopped posting.

Mostly because I was out experiencing many new things for the first time and fanfiction became a long forgotten past time. As sad as it makes me say that it was true. I tried getting back into it several times but it had been over a year at that point and I struggled to connect with it all again.

I spent the last two years battling anxiety and depression and struggling through a very unhappy unhealthy relationship I really wasn't sure I'd make to this year. After finally coming through all that, gaining the courage to dump said unhealthy relationship it was as if I had awakened again, I had lost myself somewhere in the last few years and now I've found myself, I've found the passion that drives me to write! And I've never been as happy in my life, it's amazing what happens when you truly put faith in yourself and do what's best for you even if it scares the shit out you to do so.

And here we are, so the plot didn't turn out the way I would have liked, reading back on work that is much older than the last chapter which I wrote this week from scratch it's easy to tell my writing has evolved! There are scenes I would have done differently and characters I would have written differently.

So, a huge, huge, huge thank you to all the amazing responses on this, and to those who are reading now and read this from the beginning, you my friend are a legend!

Until next time…