Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (ANBU)

Special Assassination and Tactical Squad


Chapter One




The pink-haired Kunoichi sighed as she thought over the past few months of her career. She wasn't even given many missions these days, it seemed like she was just floating by in her life rather than living it. She lifted her glass from the bar counter and took a large gulp before slamming it down on the wooden surface.

"I'm fed up!" she suddenly outburst and the two males seated next to her looked up in confusion.

"How do you mean?" Sasuke asked carefully, he had been watching Sakura for the last few minutes as a series of emotions flit across her face. He had noticed she'd seemed unhappy for the last while but he hadn't commented on it. Sakura was not fond of people trying to pry into her business.

"All I do is work at the hospital and go on the odd mission. I'm bored Sasuke, nothing seems to challenge me anymore." She sighed, thinking perhaps she was being ungrateful for what she already had.

"Maybe I should go back to Suna." She then murmured as an after-thought. Sakura had spent a great two years working in Suna before she returned home eight months ago. Perhaps it was her time there that had left her feeling bored once she returned to the monotony of life in Konoha.

"You're not going back to Suna." Sasuke said rolling his eyes at how Sakura could be so over-dramatic at times. "But I can understand your problem." He said surprising her, she expected some smart reply but Sasuke looked serious. He himself was always looking to be challenged, and the only way he found this was when he joined ANBU, he had been encouraged to join the police force with his father but it wouldn't have been enough for him. He could relate to Sakura's 'itch', as he had named it and knew what would scratch it.

"Have you ever thought about going into Black Ops?" he asked curiously and Naruto choked on his sake.

"Sasuke! We can't let Sakura go into ANBU!" he immediately began shouting at the idea, Sasuke was not surprised.

"Would you shut up!" shouted Sasuke, glaring at the blonde for yelling about ANBU in a crowded bar.

"Sakura-Chan can't go into ANBU, she just can't." Naruto said stomping his foot for emphasis, Sakura glared at him, less than amused at his still childish antics with regards to her safety.

"I think I'm the one to make that decision, Naruto." She snapped but softened her expression upon seeing the genuine concern in the blondes' eyes.

Sasuke watched on quietly but he could see there was a fire in Sakura's eyes and despite Narutos grievances with her being put in danger, this was the type of stimulation she needed.

"So how does one go about getting into ANBU?" she questioned as Sasuke smirked and Naruto frowned.



In her twenty years, the thought of joining ANBU had entered Sakura's mind a few times but never once did it garner enough to interest her. Recently however, things had become boring, she went on A and B class missions, most of which were far below her skill level. She liked work at the hospital but it was nothing compared to being out on the field.

Her feet dragged as she walked home from the hospital but home was the last place she wanted to be, she loved her parents and everything but they worried too much. Kami only knows what they would do if they found out she was thinking of joining, the 'Dark Side'. Detouring from the civilian area of Konoha she headed out to her favourite training grounds, the place where it all started.

Training ground three brought back a lot of memories for Sakura...and a lot of lessons. Sitting atop one of the three wooden pillars she was reminded of the passion that had filled her when she was younger. She uncrossed one leg and let it drop, swinging it back and forth lazily as she closed her eyes, enjoying the breeze this late at night.

She had sensed the presence of someone in the training grounds not long after she arrived, but she chose to ignore it. That was until a shiruken was fired at her head, without even opening her eyes she tilted her head to the side, allowing it to whiz past producing a buzzing noise in her ear.

Sakura then opened her eyes and hopped off the stump.

"Kakashi –Sensei, you can come out now." Called Sakura as her former teacher walked casually from behind a nearby tree, smirking at his student.

"Just making sure your skills haven't slacked off." He said casually, as Sakura smiled at the warm eyed crinkle he gave her.

"So a little birdie told me you were thinking of going into ANBU." He said cutting straight to the point, and Sakura frowned making a note to slap Sasuke. She wasn't even sure she wanted to, she didn't even think about it seriously until he mentioned it, it's not like she had set her mind to do it.

"I was just entertaining the idea, I wouldn't say I was going to apply for it." She answered not wanting Kakashi to go ahead making plans for her when she didn't ask for it.

"I think you should." He said taking her by surprise; it's not often that Kakashi gives his opinion so sincerely.

"Really?" she questioned, if anyone knew ANBU it was Kakashi, for him to think she was capable of it, meant a hell of a lot.

"There aren't many women, and even fewer medics in Black Ops; you would be a very formidable opponent and sought after teammate indeed." He said causing her to blush slightly at the compliment, the only other time Kakashi had said such words of praise about her was after the Jounin exams. She had been the first in her team to pass.

"Jese Kakashi, don't go all soppy on me." She joked and he laughed, her mind was set, "So what's my next move then?"



The next morning Sakura stood banging on the Uchiha household front door, it never seemed to become any less intimidating each time she knocked at their door but she smiled, thankful Mikoto had answered.

"Sakura-chan." She smiled warmly to Sakura who returned the smile to the Uchiha matriarch.

"Mikoto-san." She replied stepping into the house.

"Do you want breakfast?" Mikoto asked, not leaving room for Sakura to say no as she lead her to the kitchen.

"Sure." Sakura replied with a smile.

"Is Sasuke about?" Sakura questioned as the long haired Uchiha busied herself plopping Okayu into a bowl.

"I think he's upstairs, probably still in bed." She sighed and shook her head; Sasuke was such a spoilt brat and a complete mother's boy. Sakura couldn't think of one single Uchiha who would get away with half the things he did.

"Thank-you." Sakura thanked Mikoto as she set the bowl before her.

"Did I hear someone mention my name?" A dazed Sasuke asked, making his way to the chair opposite Sakura, his eyes still bleary.

"Yes, I need to talk to you." Sakura said taking mouthfuls of the Okayu in front of her.

"Ah, I take it Kakashi talked to you." He said accepting the bowl his mother set in front of him.

"Yes he did, I believe I need a reference." She grinned, seeing the smirk on Sasuke's face once it clicked with him she was going to apply.

"I'll have it done before the end of the day."



After a lengthy talk with Kakashi the previous night, Sakura was positive this is what she wanted, he told her she needed five recommendations from members within ANBU; it surprised Sakura that you needed so many. She assumed this was why it was hard to get in, although Kakashi had told her there were other ways of gaining entrance, this was just the one easiest for her. He told her that once she had gotten five references, it would go to Ibiki, who was currently overall head of the division. Once he was satisfied, he would then send a request to Tsunade for a new operative to be tested, once it was cleared with her, it was all up to the individual.

Walking back from the Uchiha compound and into the busy streets of Konoha, Sakura found herself faced with two tough conversations; the first to be had with her parents, and the second with Tsunade. Tsunade, she decided was the lesser of two evils and detoured heading for the tower, she was hopeful that she would be understanding in her decision and perhaps even happy? She sighed, not wanting to have this conversation at all.

Walking into the Hokage tower the receptionist smiled and waved letting Sakura walk freely up the stairs towards her Shisou's office. Making it to the door with her legs shaking, Sakura took a moment to breathe, if this did not go well, Tsunade could refuse Ibikis request and then her ANBU career was over before she even had a chance to start it. Raising a quivering hand she knocked on the door, accidentally causing it to splinter as her nerves played havoc with her chakra.

"Come in Sakura, we don't want you taking down the door." Yelled Tsunade as Sakura opened the door smiling apologetically as her hand left an imprint on the handle. Sakura stopped when she saw three men in the room; it didn't take long to recognise Sasuke's older brother and his team.

"Sorry Shisou, I didn't realise you were busy." Said Sakura feeling rude for having walked in on what seemed like a serious discussion.

"It's ok, what do you want, is it about that Aburame case at the hospital?" Tsunade said pulling out folders presumably for the case that Sakura was 'supposed' to be working on.

"No Shisou," she paused and looked at the three men, Itachi stood rigid staring at her, while Genma winked at her and Shisui grinned. "I need to talk to you in private." She finally said and Tsunade lifted an eyebrow.

The Hokage knew it was not often her apprentice seemed so serious about something, this clearly was not medical related and the Godaime curiously dropped the folder on her desk.

"Very well," Tsunade replied dismissing the team to her right, Sakura smiled apologetically for having them kicked out.

"Don't worry Sakura-Chan; you can make it up me anytime." Smirked Genma before Tsunade fired a sake cup at his head.

"What's the matter Sakura?" asked the Hokage reclining in her chair, watching Sakura nervously shift her weight from foot to foot.

"I'm applying for ANBU." She said mustering whatever courage she had to get it out quickly. Tsunade said nothing as she observed her student, watching the spark in her eyes and the blood rushing to her cheeks.

"Ok." Tsunade replied crossing her arms over her large bust.

"Ok?" repeated Sakura not believing her ears, this was really going to happen.

"I said ok; don't make me change my mind." Said her Shisou smiling gently "I hope you know that I'm going to make sure you get put through the training from hell, to get you into shape for the exam." Sakura nodded her head, not expecting any less from her mentor.



The pink haired medic wished telling her parents had been as easy as telling Tsunade, but far from it, they went mad. Her mother started crying and her father begged her to reconsider. All they wanted from her was for her to quit being a Shinobi and to settle down, how many times did she need to tell them; that, that just wasn't going to happen.

After her heated argument with her parents, ending as she slammed the front door of her house, her head was swimming with thoughts of ANBU. It was almost painful; she just wanted this to all disappear. Why did she want to do this again...oh right, she wasn't being challenged enough.

Yes, well she was clearly feeling challenged enough now. It was all happening so fast she didn't have enough time to think, her brain was running a hundred miles an hour. So she did the most sensible thing when one was stressed and needed her mind eased. She hit the drink.

There were only few times in her life where Sakura had gotten really drunk, her eighteenth, that awful time she made-out with Genma, and at a party of Inos.

Sakura laughed giddily at Inos house as they made their way through the third bottle of sake. This was the true meaning, of having a best friend.

"You know what!" exclaimed Ino swinging the bottle about excitedly, Sakura watched her with anticipation.

"I think we should go to the bar!" Sakura was quite drunk yes, but she had enough consciousness to know that going to a bar would be a very bad idea, and most likely result in their mutual embarrassment the next day. Yet through all these thoughts, Sakura found herself praising Ino for the idea, and they linked arms haphazardly making their way to the local Jounin lounge.

They burst through the doors with more gusto than Sakura would have liked, but the liquid in her system made the eyes trailing her disappear. Ino led Sakura to the bar, where she ordered shots and Sakura scanned the room trying to locate her boys if they were about. Sure enough at a table far across the room were Sasuke and Naruto along with several others. Downing their shots the girls made their way over to the group.

"Sakura-Chan!" said Naruto smiling but his smile faltered seeing Sakura with the drink swaying precariously in her hands, "Oh no." He paled, there was a reason as to why Sakura Haruno didn't drink...she was dangerous.

"Sakura put down the drink." Sasuke ordered as she took a seat on his knee, much to several nearby males' displeasure.

"No Sasuke-kun, I'm ok." She said giggling slightly, taking a sip of her drink as Sasuke groaned at the use of the suffix 'kun'.

He carefully lifted the drink from her grasp as she turned to say something to Ino but at that moment however, in walked Itachi along with Genma and Shisui. Once seeing Sakura, Genma immediately led the trio to the table.

"My Sakura-Chan is drunk." Grinned Genma taking a seat as Sasuke shifted uncomfortably from having Sakura on his knee. He didn't like the leering look that Genma was throwing at his teammate and he noticed his older brother eying her curiously also. He decided that perhaps drinking tonight was not such a bad idea.

Sasuke was not one to have his space invaded so personally, he took comfort in the fact that Sakura was like a sister to him than anything else. However that didn't mean he liked her sitting on him so provocatively and also that he had several pairs of eyes watching his pink haired teammate lustfully. Thankfully he didn't have to worry very long before Ino had dragged the woman onto the dance floor.


It had been another two hours and everyone was drunk, which explained Sakuras current position on the floor.

"Aow." She said making no attempt to move from her spot on the ground as Genma began laughing at her dishevelled state.

"Ah Sakura-Chan, I have not seen you this bad since the time we-"

"Shay another word, Shiranimou and you're dead." She threatened slurring her words and her pointed finger drooped with her inability to control her body.

"Don't be embarrassed princess maybe-" Genma was cut off for a second time but it was Sasuke who interjected.

"I would be careful what you say next." He said angrily while Shisui helped Sakura off the ground, smirking at the pink haired Kunoichi. Seeing Sakura drunk was perhaps one of the most entertaining nights of his life.

The gang separated and Sasuke and Naruto helped Sakura back to the Uchiha compound, where the three landed in heap on Sasukes bed. Sakura however was already unconscious before her head hit the soft pillow.



Sakura woke the next morning in a tangled mess in Sasuke's bed, Naruto had taken up half the bed to himself, whilst she and Sasuke were huddled at the edge. Her head spun as she tried to disentangle herself from the sheets but got caught, jerked and rolled both she and Sasuke off the bed.

"What the hell!" yelled Sasuke jumping off the floor unaware of what was going on, Sakura lay on her back unable to move.

"I'm dying." She groaned and closed her eyes.

After several attempts at getting off the floor, she finally made her way downstairs to the kitchen, thankful that breakfast was over. The sight of food might just have killed her. Sat opposite her was Itachi looking slightly darker under the eyes than normal, she couldn't even remember Itachi being there last night.

She graciously accepted the hot cup of coffee Mikoto offered her and drank greedily letting the hot liquid sooth her stomach.

"I've left food the refrigerator for later; don't let Sasuke and Naruto sleep in too long." Mikoto said before leaving, ruffling Itachi's hair on her way out. Sakura laughed at the expression on his face as she did so, she loved staying at the Uchihas it was so unexpected to see them all looking like a normal family.

"I'm surprised you're able to move." Said Itachi after a moments silence since Mikoto left, she was surprised Itachi was speaking to her, she was unfamiliar to hearing the stoic man speak. She did feel a little uncomfortable at sitting opposite him as his mother left but her hung-over state dampened that feeling, and all she wanted was her coffee.

"Me too, I don't even remember you being at the bar last night." She admitted laughing and Itachi smirked taking a sip of the coffee in his hands. There was something very alluring, yet very dark about the man in front of her. She had often thought Itachi was quite attractive, but he seemed too distant to remain interested in.

"That doesn't surprise me." He said almost teasingly but as he finished his sentence, in bound Shisui looking radiant, as if he had woken from the most peaceful sleep.

"How are my two favourite people?" He said loudly leaving a ringing in Sakura's ears as she grimaced.

"Do not cross me Shisui." Threatened Itachi as the man took a seat at the table, grinning from ear to ear; he then turned his attentions to Sakura.

"So Sakura-Chan, remember much?" he smirked wickedly as she shook her head shamefully.

"Probably for the best, you dancing on the bar counter was priceless." Sakura's face went white, she did what?

After sitting listening to Shisui retell her most embarrassing actions from the previous night, she got up and left the Uchiha compound, dreading going home where she had left in such a strop the night previous, hence her inebriated state.

She stepped into her family home and it was empty, she thanked Kami and headed to her room to shower off the smell from the bar and change into something fresher. It was around mid afternoon before she was finished getting ready, and after relieving some of her hangover with chakra she heard her mother come in through the front door.

Sakura made her way downstairs expecting the cold treatment but instead her mother smiled and walked over taking Sakura's hands.

"Sakura, your father and I want you to be happy first and foremost. If this is what you want, we'll support your decision." She said fixing a light pink strand of hair back into the bun on her daughters head.

"Thanks mum." Sakura said holding back tears pulling her mother into a hug of relief.

"So when do you go to this 'ANBU'." Her mother asked making her way to the kitchen with the intentions of making a pot of tea.

"Oh, not for another few months, I have a lot of training to do between then." She replied sipping at the tea her mother poured for her.

"So who's going to be helping you train?" her mother asked taking a seat at their table. Although her parents were both civilian they had made the effort to learn as much about the shinobi profession as possible. Sakura believed it helped them remain closer to her if they could understand what it was their daughter did.

"Tsunade-sama." Replied Sakura as her mother's brow knit together.

"Then who will be covering at the Hokage tower?" she asked and Sakura pondered for a moment.

"Shizune." She replied unsure when her mother's brows knit further together.

"So then who will be in charge at the hospital?"

"..." Sakura drew a blank, she thought Tsunade-sama was going to train her for these exams, she needed the best help possible, but it was stupid of her. Tsunade has so much on her plate; she can't be taking time off for Sakura.

"Hmm." Her mother hummed thoughtfully at the confused woman before her.



"Right Sakura, one more recommendation and were done." Smiled Kakashi proudly as he looked at his and the other three papers in his hands.

"Hmm, who should the last one be from?" asked Sakura partially thinking aloud and partially asking Kakashi.

"Itachi." He said but Sakura frowned, she wasn't sure that she wanted to ask something so important from Itachi; they were in no way close. She had been on two missions with him but surely it wasn't enough for him to give a detailed recommendation for her.

"He's the top dog in ANBU; a recommendation from Itachi would secure your entry. Trust me." Kakashi smiled placing a hand on Sakuras shoulder as she nodded her head.


In the next few days that followed, Sakura had yet to ask Itachi for a recommendation, she didn't know why she was so worried about it. The worst he could do is say no. Sakura never liked to try and invade on Itachi personally, asking him to do her a favour made her feel like she would owe him somehow.

Truthfully she was worried about what he might say, what if he said things like she was average or mediocre, she knew Itachi was by the book, and would be painfully honest. Was Kakashi sure about this, she had managed to dodge the silver haired Shinobi when he came looking for the recommendation, and if Sakura didn't get it first, she had no doubt that Kakashi would ask Itachi on her behalf. That was ten times worse. How embarrassing if Kakashi asked him for her. Sakura pushed her fears to the side as she stepped up to the familiar Uchiha house and smiled at Sasuke who answered the door.

"Hey what's up?" He said letting her into the house, Sakura tucked her hair behind her ear nervously.

"Is Itachi here?" she asked seeing the surprise on Sasuke's face.

"Yea why?" he asked suspiciously, leading her into their living room where Itachi sat un-characteristically slouched, reading a book.

"I just need to ask him something." She replied vaguely as Sasuke raised an eyebrow sceptically, leaving the room. Itachi turned to watch Sakura walk across the room taking a seat in the chair opposite him. He put down his book and straightened up.

"Can I help you?" he said watching her fidget in the chair opposite him.

"I wanted to ask you for a recommendation...for ANBU." She said calmly and evenly, looking at Itachi straight in the eyes.

"You're applying for ANBU?" he replied surprised after a few moments silence between them.

Sakura nodded her head, never breaking her eye contact with him. She knew she needed his recommendation, and Itachi actually admired how she spoke so confidently to him.

"I'll write you one." He said simply and Sakura's shoulders slumped with relief as smile broke on her face.

"Thank you, Itachi." She bowed slightly springing off her seat excitedly, she briefly heard Itachi chuckle before she closed the door behind her.



So welcome to my new fiction, if you do not want to be bored by a lengthy authors note I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and please leave a review!... BUT for those of you who wish to hear some facts on this fiction continue!

1.) This fiction is complete, I've worked hard at this for over a year, and hence it's completed which means…


3.) This actually was started back in April/May 2011 and I wrote up until chapter 14. I then completely lost touch with writing, fan-fiction and Naruto. I only re-read the fiction at the beginning of March 2012 and hence I've started writing at it again and completed it.

4.) There are 23 chapters

5.) Chapter length is usually 3500-4500 words

6.) This is a romance/drama and a bit of action thrown into the mix

7.) Character changes throughout the fiction are to be expected especially from Itachi!

8.) Expect a lot of mature content

9.) I have also made up all of the ANBU stuff as there's not really much to go on for it.

10.) Chapter one admittedly is a bit boring but the good stuff is soon to come!

If you read that please drop me a wee review, let me know what you think and I really hope you enjoy this as I found it a joy to write!

Flowne xxx