this is a short chapter, but i hope y'all likey. please review. i know Natalie's a lil' oc but, yeah.


Amy and Ian walked up the porch to the elaborate mansion that belonged to none other than Natalie Kabra. Amy and Ian had many game plans on how to Natalie and they anticipated for the worst. what they hadn't anticapated was who Natalie was with.

"Hey Ian! Hey Amy! How are you guys?" Natalie said, welcoming the couple into her house. They looked around, everything looked the same from when they had been here last. Everything from the paint colour to the paintings screamed "EXPENSIVE!" and more importantly, "Natalie!". But the odd thing was the recent 'family' photos on the mantel. the frames matched their surrondings but the people in the pictures sure didn't. There was one with an elegant looking Natalie and Ian in one, a laughing Amy and an annoyed Ian in another. Dan looking murderous and Sinead and the twins in another. Amy and Natalie at Amy's wedding, there were many more; but the one thing that caught Ian's attention was the young man reading in the living room.

"Hello." Ian said warily, eyeing the young man. He wore expensive, tailored clothes but he looked like the kind of guy who'd look like a model in anything.

The man looked up, "Hello" he smiled, "I'm sorry, you must be Ian". He stood up and shook Ian's out stretched hand. "Excuse me for being rude, I'm Ryan".

Natalie took this as a cue to jump in. "Ryan and I have been seeing each other for a while". At "seeing each other" Ian jumped into the over-protective brother role. Amy realised that Ian was going to be more embarrassing that anything so she cut in before Ian started interrogating (read: small-talking) Ryan.

"Natalie, we were just wondering if we could talk to you alone" Amy said politely.

"I should go, I wouldn't want to impose" Ryan said, heading to the front hall.

"No, you wouldn't" Ian said under his breathe. Obviously Ryan heard this as he coloured. Amy lightly smacked his side. Ryan akwardly waved to Natalie before he disappeared out of sight. After a soft thwack form the front door opening and closing, Ian starting talking.

"Who is he? Where did you meet? How old is he? Is he treating you right? Why didn't you tell me? How long have you been dating? Where-"

"Shut up Ian!" Natalie cried, looking more than a little upset. "He's a classmate of mine, we're in a couple classes together. He's a gentlemen and we've been together a month!" Natalie answered all Ian's questions in a single breathe, and was now glaring at him. Amy internally shook her head at Ian, as endearingly protective Ian was, it could be over-protective sometimes.

"Ian, if he wasn't treating her well don't you think she would've kicked him out already? and he's obviously into her, so leave it alone. Anyways, that's not what we're here for." Amy tried to subtly remind him. It didn't work.

"Why are you here?" Natalie inquired curiously. She soon became suspisous at Ian lame response, "What, can't a brother visit his sister?"

"Amy are you pregnant?" Natalie deadpanned.

"Yes?" Amy replied, bracing herself for the explosion. The expolsion came, but in a different form.

"Omigawd! Really, this is so awesome! I'm going to be an aunt! I hope it's a girl..." Natalie continued her exuberant ranting, but it feel on deaf ears.

Amy turned to Ian, "This went better than I thought", "Let's not jinx it, love"

"Are you two listening to me?" Natalie said, irate.

"Told you so" Ian said under his breathe as Natalie started ranting again, only now about how the nursury should look. I think.

Amy shoved his side.


Sorry this took so long. I posted another poll on my porfile. This times question: Should the baby be premature? Yes or No?