Original A/N: Rated T for later chapters, let me know if you enjoy it and what you'd like to see come out of it. Also if you enjoy this story and would like to beta it I'm always open to a muse and a second set of eyes, English isn't my first language.

New A/N: I'm taking a look back over this story, because so many of you enjoyed it, I see its potential and it could be great, even better than that, it could be awesome, but I didn't give it the attention in the editing process it deserved. I am still looking for a beta reader if anyone is interested. You'll notice some of the chapters bulk up and I may add some new ones as it goes on. I hope you like the rewrite as much as you enjoyed the original. I'm sorry to those of you who don't in advance and I'm sorry to those of you who were offended by my poor grammar.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, JK does, I don't make money from these.

"Mummy," Orion cried as he shot off the train, into his mother's arms, "Lyra said you weren't coming."

"Yes well, your father and your uncle James were held up, so Auntie Lily and I came to get you," His mother laughed as his twin Lyra darted off train into her arms. "Hello my girl, how was your first term at Hogwarts?"

"Amazing, did you know that Daddy and Uncle James got in all kinds of trouble, all the teachers warned Orion and Harry not be like them." The willowy, bushy haired girl told her mother as her grey eyes shone.

"They were trouble," Lily confirmed, as she collected Harry who was talking with the youngest Weasley boy.

"Is it true Aunt Mione, that you went to Beauxbaton? Professor Dumbledore told us that is where you went." Harry asked.

"Is that what he told you?" Hermione smiled at the young boy she remembered from her youth as well as her adult life, "I've never known the man to tell a story he knew to be anything but the truth." It was in that moment that her breath caught as she placed both her children down. "Lil," was all she could get out as her eyes made contact with another set of parents on the platform.

"Alright children, let's get out things together so that Hoppy can bring them home for us," Lily said as they pushed their trunks together and the Potter's house elf came to collect their things.

"Mum," Lyra pulled on Hermione's sleeve, "I want you to meet my friend she has the same name as you, we thought it was funny because there aren't many Hermione's around." Hermione had to muster every ounce of Gryffindor courage she had as she followed her daughter over to where the muggleborn witch stood with her parents.

"Hermione, this is my mum," Lyra told the girl who Hermione recognized to from the mirror over 24 years ago.

"Hello Mrs. Black, it's a pleasure to meet you," The bushy haired brunette stuck her hand out, Hermione carefully took it, she had hoped that this day would have been put off for a while.

"You as well Hermione, I hope you have a pleasant yule. We really have to be going now Lyra, Daddy and Uncle James have a surprise for you at the house." Lyra bid farewell to her friend and Hermione waved to the Granger family. She was starting to lose the control she had when she had walked over.

"Come now Lyra, I'll bring you home" Lily told her goddaughter, then turned to her best friend, "I sent my patronus to Sirius he'll meet you at home." Hermione nodded before bending down to hug her children.

"I'll see you when I get Daddy," she told them then apparated home. She unlocked the door and yelled, "Sirius! Where are you?" She had started to tear up during the process of apparation and at this point was almost sobbing.

"Kitten, I'm here." He said coming out of the kitchen he wrapped his arms around his wife, "Lily told me, we knew this was going to happen, are you alright?"

"She's Lyra's best friend." Hermione sobbed.

"How is that a bad thing, your daughter has immaculate taste in best friends." Sirius tried to joke. "I know, I know it's hard, Hermione do you regret coming here?" His voice changed with the last question to almost an accusatory tone.

"Never, I wouldn't have you or the kids, Harry wouldn't have any of you," Hermione sighed looking up at her husband. "They're, they're just my parents too, well they were."

"I know, should you not be happy then?" he asked flashing her his devious smile, "If Lyra is friends with her, you'll get to see them."

"I didn't see it like that; I only saw what I had lost." He smiled and kissed her head as he watched her wage a war of emotions.

"You also had forgotten what you had gained, come let me show you, Rex and Stella are with James, he said to come when you were ready." His hands found the ties to her cloak and he started to unbutton the snaggle hooks that kept it closed.

"Hmm the twins missed you though they want to see their father," She protested as he littered kisses against her neck.

"Yes and they will once I remind their mother of all she gained." He retorted as she gave in and started to push his waistcoat from his shoulders.

It was late that evening when Sirius gathered his children from the Potters.

"Dad, is Mum okay?" Lyra asked as he tucked the twins in after helping them unload their trunks.

"She just saw someone who reminded her of her parents today and it was difficult for her, she was sad she couldn't give you a granddad and grand mum like Harry has." He replied tucking the comforter around his daughter.

"Oh, but we have you and mummy and Uncle Remus, and Uncle James and Auntie Lily, and Granddad Charlus and Grand mum Dorea." Orion said as he pulled his own covers up.

"She knows. She'll be fine tomorrow and we'll go shopping for the Yule." Sirius nodded as his son named off the people in their family.

"Tell us the story about how you and mummy fell in love again." Lyra asked as her father sat on the end of her bed.

"Well it was a long time ago," He sighed as his eyes twinkled, reminiscing of their short time together before the children came.

"It was not," Hermione said ducking into the room, causing her children to beam up at their mother "You make us seem so old Sirius. It was not that long ago, about 12 years."

"Your mother fell into my lap, quite literally." Sirius mused as his wife took a seat on their son's bed.

"It's better when Mum tells it Dad," Lyra pouted, "You always make yourself out to be the irresistible wizard Mum couldn't help but flock too."

"I do no such thing." He mocked hurt, his hand over his heart.

"You really do Sirius," Hermione laughed, giving him a little tussle, "But I did fall into his lap, he was at the pub with you Uncle James, they were all getting ready to head out and I showed up as Tom the bartender at the Leaky told me your Uncle Remus was renting flats and I had just moved back and needed a place to stay." Her voice lulled the twins to sleep as her story continued.