Eddie walked upstairs to Patricia's room.
Normally Eddie wouldn't bother Patricia when she was sleeping,but today was special.
The blonde haired boy opened his girlfriend's door and walked in.
Eddie smiled at Patricia who was still sleeping.
He walked over to Patricia's bed and laid down beside her.
Patricia woke up and looked over at her boyfriend.
"Hey Yacker,"Eddie greeted.
"What are you doing in my room?"Patricia barked.
"Its our anniversary my dear Yacker,"Eddie stated.
"I can't believe we've been dating for a year now,"Patricia added.
"Time flies by fast,"Eddie smirked.
"It sure does,"Patricia laughed.
"Anyways I have a surprise for you,"Eddie admitted.
"Can I have it now?"Patricia asked.
"You have to get ready first,"Eddie laughed.
"Alright I'll get ready and meet you downstairs,"Patricia stated.
"Okay,"Eddie said as he got up and walked out of the room.
Patricia went over to her dresser and got out a pari of blue jeans,and a black top.
Patricia took her pajamas off and put on her top and jeans.
Then she put her socks and shoes on and went downstairs.
"I'm ready,"Patricia said as she walked over to Eddie in the kitchen.
"Alright let's go,"Eddie said leading Patricia out of the house.
"So can I have my surprise now?"The redhead asked.
"Not yet,"Eddie smirked.
"Why not?"Patricia asked.
"Because we have to go there first,"Eddie stated.
"Go there?"Patricia asked.
"Yes,"Eddie answered.
"Now come on its not far,"Eddie said.
"Fine,"Patricia sighed.
Patricia and Eddie walked off of campus and went into town.
Eddie smiled when he saw the restaurant he was planing on taking Patricia too.
"Here we are,"Eddie announced as they arrived outside the restaurant.
"I don't do restaurants,"Patricia snapped.
"Too bad,"Eddie laughed.
Patricia glared at Eddie as they walked inside.
"I'm sure you will have a great time since your wonderful boyfriend is paying for the whole dinner,"Eddie stated.
Patricia smirked at Eddie's comment as they found a table and sat down.
Then a waitress came by their table and handed Eddie and Patricia both a menu.
"What can I get you both to drink?"The waitress asked.
"I'll take a coke,"Eddie answered.
The waitress smiled and looked at Patricia.
"What would you like hun?"The waitress asked once more.
"I'll take a coke aswell,"Patricia stated.
The waitress nodded then walked away.
Patricia and Eddie opened there menus and looked at them.
"What are you going to order?"Eddie asked.
"I don't know,"Patricia answered.
"I'm going to get pancakes,"Eddie announced.
Patricia rolled her eye's as she continued to look at the menu.
"I think I'm going to get pasta,"Patricia said.
"Sounds good to me,"Eddie agreed.
A few minutes later the waitress came by again with their drinks.
"So what I get you two?"The waitress asked.
"I'll take the pasta,"Patricia answered.
The waitress nodded as she looked over at Eddie.
"What do you want?"The waitress asked once again.
"I'll have the pancakes,"Eddie said.
The waitress looked at Eddie for a moment then nodded as she walked away.
Soon the waitress brought the food out.
"Heres your pasta,"The waitress said giving it to Patricia.
"And here's your pancakes,"The waitress said giving them to Eddie.
Patricia and Eddie ate their food and Eddie paid for the meal.
"So did that change your mind about restaurants?"Eddie asked.
"Yes as long as my boyfriend is paying for the meal,"Patricia laughed.
Eddie smirked at his girlfriends comment.
"Eddie can I tell you something?"Patricia asked.
"Of course,"Eddie answered.
"I love you,"Patricia admitted.
"I love you too,"Eddie added as they walked home.
I've been thinking about this for a while now and I decided to redo Peddie Moments so anyways review?