Disclaimer: I do not own the 39 Clues.

A/N: This is written for PercabethandScrabbleForever (AKA, ILovemySeniorsSoMuch, BabyBiscuitsAreAwesome, BAHAHAHAHAHAHA and many other anonymous usernames)'s birthday. So happy birthday, and enjoy!

Ian cleared his throat awkwardly.

"I hear you're getting married to Twinkie."

Twinkie had always been what he and Dan addressed Evan as, apart from "Alan", "that Tolliver creep", and many other unflattering names.

Needless to say, Amy had gotten used to it.

Amy looked surprised.

"Evan? Yes, he did propose."

The awkward tension wasn't eased.

"Oh? And you accepted, I suppose."

Amy looked down, not looking at Ian.

"I told him I'll think about it. I'm not too sure myself, but most likely I will. Accept the proposal, that is."

Ian fought to ignore the ache in his heart, throbbing so hard it hurt.

"Well, congratulations, then."

Amy looked uncomfortable.

In fact, she was uncomfortable. This wasn't the ideal conversation to be having with a Cobra.

The words seemed lodged in her throat.

She forced them out.

"Thank you."

A relatively awkward silence ensued between the two. The air was buzzing.

Ian tried to assume a lighter tone, one that would, hopefully, ease the situation.

"You know, I used to think it would be me and you."

His tone was joking, light and airy.

Even though he meant it.

Amy gave him a small smile, even though she was surprised.

It was fine, he was joking.

Just joking.

Only joking.

But why did she feel so disappointed?

"I can imagine Dan's reaction already." Then, she mimicked, "all Kabras are Cobras. Cahills are not Cobras. Kabras will always be Cobras."

She and Ian laughed softly, both feeling much more comfortable than before.

"So you would rather be a Twinkie than a Cobra?" Ian asked.

"Who said I didn't want to be a Cobra?" Amy replied.

A major organ responsible for the purification and the pumping of blood around Ian's body sped up erratically.

Yet, if only Amy meant what she said.

If only what she said were true.

"Well, there are many ways to becoming a Cobra."

Like marrying him, Ian thought. The easiest route to becoming a Cobra.

"Oh? Like getting Dan to use his amazing ninja powers to turn me into one?"

"For starters, yes. Even though he might accidentally turn you into an anaconda instead."

Amy thought of her reckless brother. "Knowing Dan, he will."

Amy smiled, which made Ian want to smile too.

With a shake of his head, Ian thought that he had liked Amy since Korea, but had never admitted it, even cancelled going to America to meet her. And now, he was going to lose her to that Tolliver creep.

And he would never, ever be able to call her "love" again.

He looked at Amy and smiled.

Ian smiled, which made Amy want to smile too.

She remembered Korea, where she had thought that, maybe, he liked her.

She had liked him back.

When he hadn't come to America to meet her, she had been so disappointed.

So, she chose Evan and it all started from there.

Now, Evan had proposed and she wasn't sure if she really liked him.

Because somewhere, deep down, she still liked Ian.

Ian leant back and took a long drink of his coffee.

To hell with it all.

"Amy, will you marry me?"

Amy was shocked, to say in the least.

"What? Ian…"

"I mean it."


"Fine. I've liked you. A lot. Since Korea. I've just not admitted it."

Amy stared at him uncomprehendingly.

So, he resorted to extremes, grabbing her and giving her a kiss.

That day, Amy chose to become a Cobra instead of a Twinkie, and she didn't regret it. Ian was, however, still a Cobra. Because the only way Cahills could become Cobras were to marry Kabras, thus becoming Cobras. Kabras, were, still Cobras. So such was the circle of logic.

A/N: I am rather worried about this oneshot, actually. I love the summary but I am very worried about the characterization, the length, the content and the overall awesomeness of the story. Plus I stayed up till 12am trying to complete it, and I would love to hear your thoughts.

Reviews are much appreciated.


~Love, Wicked.