(A/N: I don't own the Avengers. This is going to be a series of drabbles, with a variety of pairings. This one is a Tony/Loki or FrostIron request fill for kyrliu on tumblr. Prompt: Tony being protective of Loki.)

Avengers Drabbles


"You can't let him stay here Tony!" Natasha's voice was sharp and authoritative.

"It's my tower, I will do what I want with it, and that means letting whomsoever I damn well please stay here. What's your problem anyway?" Tony retorted, his arm firmly around the waist of the taller man beside him, the pressure of a clinging arm supported across his shoulders.

"He nearly killed all of us! He possessed Clint! He threw you out a window!" the red head shouted as the rest of the Avengers watched in quiet shock. Thor looked torn between embracing his brother and stopping the fight, one hand reaching limply toward Tony and Loki.

"I told you this would be a bad idea Stark. I...I can find other accommodations," Loki said, his voice weary and soft.

"Not your call," Tony growled, tucking Loki's head under his chin, something that he normally wouldn't have been able to do, but Loki was rather stooped at the moment. "He stays, and if you don't like it then you can go. You can just...go," Tony's voice cracked as he spoke, anger making him tremble.

"Oh, God, you care about him," Natasha took a step back and looked to Clint who just shrugged noncommittally. "You love him?"

"Yes, I do. And he's hurt. And I would like to not be questioned in my own house," Tony seethed.

"Let's get him to med bay then, if he's hurt," Bruce said and joined Tony, slipping under Loki's other arm so that he could help carry the weight. A relieved smile passed over Tony's lips as Thor moved to follow them and Steve rose to address Natasha.

"Nat," Steve's voice was soothing as he spoke her nickname, "I know that you're just being cautious, trying to protect the team..." the conversation faded away as Tony and Bruce maneuvered Loki into the elevator where Thor stood waiting.

"Thank you Stark," Loki whispered carefully.

"It's my job to protect you now, get used to it," Tony replied, pressing a kiss to the side of Loki's head.

(A/N: Hope you liked it, if you have a request, let me know.)