Chapter 10

Severus knocked on the door to the headmaster's office and entered. Dumbledore was sitting in front of an empty fireplace with a cup of tea and the Daily Prophet, and Severus went over to join him, sinking into a chair next to him.

"How are you Severus?" asked Dumbledore after a moment's silence.

"I am well," he said slowly.

"Did you get my message?" Dumbledore was smiling.

"I did. I have just come from the Hospital Wing."

"And? Did you tell him?"

Severus looked up at Dumbledore, a rare smile creeping onto his face. "I told him."

"Severus, you are keeping me in suspense. How did it go? How did the boy react?" asked Dumbledore, leaning forward slightly in his chair.

"He took really well, actually. I had envisioned him shouting and throwing a tantrum, telling me I am a liar."

"I take it, then, that never happened?" asked Dumbledore.

"No. At first he was agitated, though he seemed to accept it almost immediately, and without much question."

"And that bothers you?"

"I am assuming he has grown up hearing great things about his parents, and even more so here at Hogwarts. He has most likely been told that James is a great man, a wonderful husband, loving father, and yet he just accepted that I am his father. It just doesn't make sense to me." Severus sighed and set up a chess game between them.

"I think what you need to remember is that Harry has grown up without parents of any kind. He has had his aunt and uncle, but they are not the same as genuine parents. This world of magic is new to him, even now. He might have been here for a year, and might have made friends here, and the teachers strive to guide him and others like him, through this daunting new world, but it's nothing like the support and guidance of a parent. I have a feeling it is something he has been longing for, and now you tell him he does have that support, so he would have grabbed it." Dumbledore eyes were twinkling brightly.

Severus said nothing for a while, their game continuing. "Do you think it was a mistake telling him this late in the year?" he said quietly. "Do you think he'll be able to forgive me for it?"

"I have no doubt of it. You need to show Harry that you can be trusted, and that you are willing to be a good father, and I am sure he will come around. He is still young, after all. I have found that young children are not nearly as judgemental as adults, and are far more willing to forgive."

"I hope you are right. Harry is young, but he is far more mature than his peers, at least in some aspects. In others, he is still a child."

The two of them sat in silence again for a moment. Then Severus voiced a concern that had been bugging him for some time now. "Albus, I have absolutely no experience in being a parent. I have no idea what to do. What if I mess it up?"

Dumbledore smiled. "This is not uncommon for first-time parents, and most manage to raise their children perfectly well. I cannot instruct you in raising your son, but I do have every faith that you will get it right. You have managed to see a number of students through from their first to their seventh years under your care. It shouldn't be too difficult, surely?"

"Those students might have been under my care, but I did not raise them and care for them like a parent. I did not have to make sure they were eating properly, or make sure they are healthy, or check up on their marks, or see if their friends are good for them, or listen to their stories unless it had something to do with another student doing ill to them. The list goes on, but you catch my drift. How will I know how to take care of an eleven year old?"

By now, Dumbledore was smiling broadly. "I think, Severus, that you have just answered your own question. Checkmate," he said, and Severus glanced down at the board and grimaced.

"One more thing, Albus. Where is the boy going to stay in the summer?"

"Ah, yes, well as I am sure you are aware, there is a powerful magic protecting Harry while he is at his aunt and uncle. It becomes null and void when he comes of age, but I will be working on it so that he will be able to come and live with you, if that is what you both desire. Unfortunately, the magic is very powerful but also very subtle. I need to work on the magic to transfer it to your residence," said Dumbledore.

"So when will he be able to stay with me?" asked Severus.

"I need to confer with him about it, but in the mean time he will remain with his aunt and uncle in Privet Drive," said Dumbledore firmly.

Severus might have been frustrated when he left Dumbledore's office that afternoon, but he had been left with some food for thought. Perhaps he could do it. Perhaps he wouldn't make a bad father after all. He knew that if he ever needed advice, he could always turn to Dumbledore for help.


Severus was sitting in his living room a few days later, reading the latest copy of Potions Today, listening to Wagner on his gramophone when he heard a knock on his door. He was surprised by this, as the teachers left him alone in general, and most of the students didn't know where his quarters were. He closed the magazine and went over to the door. He was taken aback to find a very nervous looking Harry standing there. He looked up and down the corridor before ushering Harry inside.

"Harry," he said as he closed his door. "What are you doing here?"

Harry looked sheepish. "I… er… I was hoping I could talk to you a bit. There are a few things I want to know."

Severus raised his eyebrows. "Sure Harry. Take a seat."

Harry sat nervously in the chair in front of Severus' desk while he took his own seat. There was an awkward pause that stretched out between them, making them both feel rather uncomfortable, yet neither wanted to break the silence.

"So, Harry, how are you feeling?" asked Severus eventually.

Harry looked relieved that something had been said. "I'm fine thank you. Madam Pomfrey did a good job," he said, smiling.

"Good, good. Congratulations on earning all those points that won Gryffindor the House Cup," he said with an edge of sarcasm in his voice. He was very annoyed that Harry had earned points from Dumbledore when he had blatantly disregarded the rules and put his own life in danger, but he didn't want to bring that up right now, not when things were hanging in a balance.

Harry grinned proudly. "Thanks Professor," he said.

Severus paused. "So, Harry. You said that you want to know a few things?"

"Yes please, if that is alright with you."

"I wouldn't have invited you in if I minded," said Severus, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh… er… alright," he said carefully. He looked around quickly before he spoke. "Um, I was wondering, why didn't you tell me earlier that you are my… father?" Harry watched Severus as he thought about his response.

"You have to understand, Harry, that I was put into a difficult situation. There are…certain things in the balance that needed to be considered first. The news came to me out of the blue, and it surprised me. At first, I thought it was a lie, but then I thought about it. I now believe, without a doubt, that you are my son. But it took me a while to accept that." He paused. "Also, you are still very young Harry. You have been thrust into this new world of magic, and you were trying to find your feet. You have, no doubt, grown up hearing about your parents and how wonderful they are and – "

Harry cut him off. "Actually, all my aunt and uncle ever told me was that my parents were drunks and were useless," he said quietly. Severus detected the slightest hint of sadness in the boy's voice.

"Ah. I see. Your aunt being Petunia Evans?" Severus said lightly. Harry's head shot up.

"How do you know?" he asked, amazed.

"You forget that I was best friends with your mother at school. We grew up in the same neighbourhood. I knew Petunia. Never liked her, though."

"Yeah, well, I feel the same way. They are horrible." muttered Harry. Severus was about to ask Harry what he meant by that last comment, but Harry asked a question first. "What was my mother like, Sir? When she was my age?"

"Lily was the best friend I ever had. She loved with all her heart. She was passionate and strong-willed, and curious, always curious... Much like you it seems. She was the most caring person I ever knew, but she was not one to cross. She was an excellent witch, very clever, and became a favourite among the teachers." Severus was momentarily lost in his thoughts of Lily, and Harry was thoughtful too, taking this information in.

"And what was my dad like? Er, I mean James..." Harry blushed slightly at his mistake.

"You have grown up believing that James was your father, and you have his surname, so I don't mind. But to answer your question, you have to understand that James and I were never friends. Our relationship was similar to yours with Mister Malfoy."

"Oh..." He thought for a moment. "Professor Dumbledore told me something the other day when I was in the Hospital Wing. He said that my da- that James saved your life..." He trailed off, but Severus heard the question in his voice.

"That, I am afraid, is a story I shall tell you another time," said Severus firmly. Harry looked like he wanted to know more, but he changed direction.

"There is one other thing I'd like to know," said Harry slowly. He looked nervous once more. "If you have known this whole year, why were you so... mean to me? Don't you like me?"

"Harry, I do like you. You are the best kind of son I could ever have hoped for. But as I have said before, there are things in the balance here." He was getting serious now, trying to get Harry to understand. "Certain... people need to believe that I hate you. I cannot tell you why, not yet, but it is important that to everybody else, you and I hate each other. You cannot tell anybody about this. Not until I give you permission."

"Not even Ron and Hermione?" asked Harry.

"No, not even them. Things may be peaceful now, but I have no doubt that it will change sooner or later, and it is then that my reputation needs to be intact. There are many lives potentially at stake here. I need you to make a promise to me that you will not reveal this secret to anybody, and that you will continue to outwardly dislike me." Harry looked utterly baffled by Severus' impassioned request, but agreed to it anyway.

"I promise, Sir, that I will not tell anyone, not even Ron and Hermione," said Harry solemnly. "Thank you for answering my questions."

"Of course, Harry."

Harry stood up to leave, but just before he opened the door, Severus remembered something.

"Harry," he said and the boy paused. "Do you think you'd like to come stay with me for some time in the summer?"

Harry thought hard about it. "Yeah, maybe I would. It'd be nice to get away from the Dursleys for a while."

"Excellent. I shall send you an owl as soon as things are ready, and you can send one back if you'd still like to come. You still have that snowy owl, I assume?"

"Hedwig, yeah. I'll send you a letter with her then." Harry turned to leave. "Oh, and Professor, thanks," he said as he closed the door behind him.

Severus was confused as to what the boy had thanked him for, but he let it pass, enjoying the suddenly bright mood he was feeling.


Suddenly the students were all packed and ready to go and the students made their way to the Hogsmeade station. Severus went to the platform but stood far away from the students, watching them. He saw Harry saying his goodbyes to Hagrid, the tiny boy hugging the giant man.

When Harry climbed onto the train, he glanced back for a moment and his green eyes met Severus' brown ones, and there passed between them an understanding, a shared knowledge. Then Harry closed the compartment door behind him and was gone. Only when the train had vanished out of sight did Severus stalk back to the castle to pack his own things to go to his home in Spinner's End. He had a lot to do there to make it nice for Harry's impending visit.

He smiled to himself. He had a son. He had a family. His life had changed forever. He was happy.

A/N: Well my dearest readers, this is the last chapter of "Lies and Secrets". I shall begin with the second year in Harry's adventure in a week, perhaps two. I know that this fic was rather short, but trying to stick to canon and write longer chapters was a tad difficult. The next fic will be longer, I promise. Have you checked out the 'prequel' to this story, "A Stolen Moment"?

I hope you have enjoyed reading "Lies and Secrets". Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, followed or favourited this story. You really warm my heart.

I would appreciate it very much if you read and review.