The Consequences Of Your Rage

Kurt always had an inkling of Blaines anger issues and just how much rage he held himself. But he never thought he may become a victim of that rage.

Authors Note: This is a second part to the fic; The Consequences Of Your Rage, carried on due to popular revision and a lot of reviews and because I wanted to. I hope you like my version of the Smythe family!

Disclaimer: I do not, nor will I ever, own Glee. I will never obtain such a thing and any plots or characters that one may recognise from the original author is not my own.

The Consequences Of Your Rage

Chapter Two: We Protect Our Own

Alexander Smythe was a tall man, with fair hair and light eyes. He was strict and very no-nonsense and was always willing to point out whenever someone had done wrong but was always ready with praise when something was done the way he wanted. He was the State Attorney and was very much in demand and spent the majority of his time out rather than in the Smythe Household but that did not mean he was distant. He also loved his wife and son very, very much.

Cassandra Smythe née Evans was very much like her husband, tall and slender but with brown hair and dark eyes. Kind and gentle, she balanced out Alexander in a way that Alexanders brother, Eric, had never seen before, but like her husband she was all to willing to give out constructive-critisim but was far more nicer in giving it out. However, whilst Alexander was mellow and hardly ever lost his temper, Cassandra was the fighting force of the duo, strong and fierce the lawyer would not hesitate to put someone in their place. She also loved her husband and son very, very much.

Apart, both of them was a sigh to behold. But together, they were like a well-oiled machine, cold and calculating when needed and gentle and warm when wanted.

Both of them also held a very firm affection on one Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, who Sebastian had quickly become best friends despite their very wrong first meeting.

Kurt Hummel had managed to do one thing that no one had ever managed to do before.

He had managed to secure his place in the Smythe Family, managing to get the affection of the notouris hard-ass Lacey, the House-Keeper who would keep sneaking glares to Sebastian who could only shrugged. Spill a glass of milk on an expensive Russian Rug and they never let you live it down. He had managed to charm homophobic cousin Ryan Andrews so completely that Ryan hadn't even flinched when Kurt had hugged him; the look of surprise on Susan and Brian Andrews faces had been a sight to behold.

Kurt had managed to single-handledly charm the entire Smythe Family to such a degree that Sebastian couldn't even begin to comprehend.

So when Sebastian, shaking with ill-hidden rage and covered tears in his darkened eyes, had stormed into the house, a deeply sleeping Kurt placed piggy-back upon Sebastian, a blossoming bruise unhidden upon his cheek and a cut placed across his eyebrow, Ryan had been the one to first jump up, anger in his eyes as his muscular body shivered as his hands clenched.

Sebastian so taken aback, had paused in the middle of the large living room, Eric, his mother and father staring at them in complete shock. Staring at them, Sebastian had skirted around them to place Kurt on the abandoned sofa, kneeling on the floor at his side, clutching Kurts hand in a gentle grip staring at the unconscenious Kurt with an emotion that made Alexander frown and Cassandra smirk knowingly.

That was before the anger had hit.

"Kitchen. Now," Cassandra hissed from between clenched teeth. White-faced and tight fisted, Alexander had followed his wife with Ryan and a quaking Sebastian following hot on his heels. Lacey, blond hair seeming to stand up on end, had chosen to stay behind with Kurt who was still sleeping on the sofa. Before the French Doors had been quietly closed, Sebastian had seen the tearful blue eyes of Lacey as she gently bushed the strands of hair that had fallen back from Kurts forehead, biting her lip as she did so.

"Sit," Cassandra did not shout nor did she swear. She stayed polite with monosyllabic words that were tense and snappish, showing her furious temper. Standing by the sink with her brown hair framing her furious, pale face Cassandra faced them all, eyes sparking as she flashed her eyes from Sebastian, to Alexander, to Ryan and back to a white-faced and obviously raging Sebastian. Brushing her hair from her slender face, Cassandraw glared at them. "Explain,"

With narrowed eyes, Cassandra watched as her only son sighed, sadness evident in his slumping shoulders as he stumbled blindly to the bar benches that sat around the breakfast bar. This was bad, so very bad, she decided watching as Sebastian closed his eyes, his back hunching as his head fell into his hands. With sharp eyes, Cassandra watched as Sebastian seemed to deflate in front of her very eyes. Anger coursing through her veins, she opened her mouth ready to deliver a scathing comment that she knew would only deserve to make Sebastian all the more sad. It was the soft grip of Alexanders hand on hers as he shook his head at her that made Cassandra pause.

"I-It was Blaine," Sebastian finally said, voice quivering as he looked up, eyes swimming with tears as he stared pleadingly at his mother. "He-he-he hi-hit Ku-," That was when Sebastian - her strong, stubborn Sebastian - dissolved into tears, shoulders shifting violently as he collasped into himself. Strong, sweet, confident and stubborn Sebastian had finally found someone who had broken through his defences.

Ryan, strong athletic Ryan, lept to his feet, eyes spitting fire as he regarded the slumped figure of his cousin. "Who is this Blaine?" He rattled through clenched teeth. To see his cousin, the one he had let down so many times before, and to see the boy who was currently becoming his best friend, so distraught and hurt was so disconcerning that Ryan couldn't help but feel the rage that roared in his heart. Sebastian was his cousin, someone he had failed but had quickly came to love and Kurt whom had so quickly became his idol and 'only exception', they were special to him and no one - no one - would get away with hurting them.

Sebastian took a deep breath, Alexanders supporting hand steady on his quivering shoulders. His head rose, eyes still stained with tears but with a glint of stubbornness that made Ryan quirk a slight smile. "His name is Blane Anderson," Sebastian stated, voice still shaky but no longer stumbling the words. "He was at Dalton before I transfered from Paris, he himself transferred to William McKinley High to be with his boyfriend, Kurt. I found Kurt huddled on the floor in the bathroom at The Lima Bean," Sebastian shook his head disbelivingly. "I knew Anderson had rage, but I didn't realise just how much,"

"Wait - did you just say Anderson?" Cassandra said, voice high-pitched as she express her shock.

Wide eyed, Sebastian nodded.

"Oh this is fantastic!" Cassandra crowed, cackling loudly as she clapped her hands in glee. Sebastian, surprise written straight across his face and Ryan stared at her with shock.

"Cassie, sweetheart?" Alexander asked, approaching his wife with skitterish movements. "Honey?"

"Oh Alex!" Cassandra exclaimed happily. "Blaine Anderson will never know what hit him!" He raised an eyebrow. "Rememeber my receptionist? A Mrs Sarah Anderson, married to Dr Michael Anderson and mother to sons High Schooler Blaine and NCIS Field Agent Cooper?"

A shocked expression over came his face before it split in malicious happiness. "I knew there was a reason you're my wife, my love," Alexander crooned loudly, waltzing towards his wife and picking her up.

Ryan and Sebastian, slowly getting over their shock, exchanged dark grins.

Sarah and Michael Anderson along with their eldest son would soon know the real Blaine Anderson.


"Yes, Mrs Cassandra?" Sarah Anderson, small and petite and much to kind answered the phone promptly; just as Cassandra liked it.

"I have a favour to ask of you Sarah," Cassandra said before ploughing on without allowing Sarah to reply. " I need to meet with you, your husband and your eldest son as soon as possible, if that can be done,"

Confusion shining like a beacon through her voice, Sarah replied to her boss. "You're in luck then, Mrs Cassandra, Michael has just returned from a conference in Chicago and Cooper is spending some 'downtime' with us at home so it will be more than possible,"

"I knew I could count on you Sarah," Cassandra said, smirking at Alexander before her eyes caught sight of Kurt, slumped next to Sebastian in the room, far out of earshot.

"When would you like us to come over?" Sarah - polite as ever - asked. Cassandra shot a successful grin to her husband who only let out a quiet chuckle.

"If it is possible, today in perhaps an hour?"

"Of course, shall we meet at your house?"

"Of course, see you in an hour Sarah, good bye for now,"

"See you in an hour Mrs Cassandra," The dial tone filled her ears and it filled her with a sense of malicious glee to hear it, even more so when she placed the phone back onto its cradle, hearing it click so satisfingly. She turned with a giggle, landing in her husbands arms.

"You, my wife, are a devious minx," Cassandra flicked him on the nose.

"And don't you forget it,"


The meeting with Sarah, Michael and Cooper Anderson had gone swimmingly well, in Cassandras opinion. Cooper, as Cassandra had first thought, had been furious at Blaine, at first disbeliving that his little brother could do such a thing but when Sarah - sweet Sarah, Cassandra thought fondly - had hesitantly faced her eldest son, an expression so pained that it had made Cassandras heart hurt, and had confessed to just what Blaine was like; how he had so much rage and anger inside him, how it had been Sarah who had innocently suggested that he take his anger out by way of Boxing which had than soon transformed into something called Fight Club.

At this, Cooper had gone white and had felt faint. Sick to his stomach, Cooper had relayed with a quivering voice that he knew about the Dalton Fight Club - because he was the one of the ones to organise it.

Michael, who had remained silent up until this point made a wild gesture with a deep growl-like sound in his throat. He was calmed instantly by a gentle touch from Sarah.

"You utter fool," Sarah expressed, voice even but cold as she stared at the man she had bore. She had given to more thought to it.

But it was when Cassandra, calmly and cooly, had relayed to them just what had caused her to call all three of them to her home, was when things had exploded.

Cooper had obviously inherited his fathers rage, just as Blaine had. Fiery and furious, Cooper had let out a great roar that had made Kurt jump with fright.

"That bastard!" He hissed, voice cold and trembling even as Michael stood next to him, body quivering with anger as his attempts to calm his eldest son failed spectacularly. "When I first saw Porcelain, I liked him," Cooper confessed. "He was much to nice and perfect to be with my brother. But I figured, hey, he loves Blaine and Blaine obviously did something to deserve him," Face scrunched in disgust, Cooper shook his head letting out a disgusted sigh.

Sitting down on a bar stool that was pushed towards him, Cooper sighed heavily. "I never spent much time with Porcelain, because Blaine monopolized all my time. I brainwashed myself into thinking that the fear in his eyes was because of something else, but I saw it across his face when Blaine would come near him. That damned bastard!"

"Calm yourself," Alexander stated sharply as Michael landed a heavy hand on Coopers shaking shoulders. "You will do no good to Kurt if you are emotional,"

Cooper took a deep breath, visibly calming himself. "You're right," He conceeded. "What shall we do about this?"

It was Cassandra that answered, with a sharp, malicious smirk that made them shiver.

"Leave it to us,"


"What is this all about?" Came the high-pitched tone of someone very much in a position that they didn't want to be. That person just so happened to be Blaine Anderson, who was looking in the face a decidedly displeased Sarah and Michael Anderson as well as a very disgusted and displeased Cassandra and Alexander Smythe that looked so malicious, Blaine was quaking in his boaters. "Will someone please tell what is going on?" He whined again, voice obnoxious to Cassandras ears. Stalking forward, she towered over Blaine.

"You," She hissed at him. "Will not speak for the duration of this session, do you understand?" She bit out sharply. Face terrified as he stared up at her, Blaine nodded his head spastically. Cassandra, malicious urge filled for the moment, nodded pleasantly to Sarah who smiled at her.

But when Sarah turned to her son, Blaine was quite horrorified to see that she was sporting a cold expression upon her face. "M-mum?" He stammered, reaching out a hand to grasp her wrist. She allowed the contact for only a moment, before purposely moving away, keeping her facial expression intact and cold.

"To think I raised you," She bit out, voice cold and so un-like Sarah Lucinda Anderson that Michael couldn't help the raised eyebrow. Sarah was normally so swift in forgiving people; perhaps Blaine had simply crossed a line that Sarah had set up. "Too think I raised my sons to be violent, too think I raised my sons to think that it was okay to go around hitting someone, never mind someone who loved them,"


Steam-rolling a head, Sarah paid no heed to Blaines protests.

"Too think I raised you to be foolish,"

She gave Blaine a once over, pale eyes lingering dissapointedly on the bruise on Blaines knuckles where they had collided heavily with Kurts face before turning and not looking at Blaine again. When Blaine turned confused eyes onto his father, Michael turned. But he paused when he reached the door jam, turning back round he parted Blaine on one sentence.

"We, Andersons do not hit those we love,"


"I'm so confused," Blaine murmured, voice low and confused as he sat there, shell-shocked in the middle of the Smythe's kitchen.

"You shouldn't be," Cassandra addressed him, voice cold as she busied herself with making a glass of water. Blaines eyebrows rose. Cassandra muffled a snicker. "You should really get them plucked you know, might get nits and be forever itching them," She referenced, gesturng vaguely to his eyebrows. "Either that, or change the person who waxes your eyebrows because they missed a few spots,"

Alexander, staying out the way until he was really need, smothered a laugh at the look of righteous indignation on Blaines face.

"And just who," Blaines lip curled up into a disgusted sneer. "Are you?" Cassandra smirked.

"Your mothers boss," Blaine blanched. Good, he knew who she was. "My name is Cassandra Smythe, you may know me better as the woman who is always called upon to do cases because shes just so god-damn good at her job that it's almost oobscene,"

"But-but why am I here?" Blaine stammered. Cassandra threw her braided head back and cackled loudly, clapping her hands together excitedly.

"Because," She drew it out, Alexander sure it was for torture purposes. "We know," She stated mysteriously, leaning forward into Blaines space so she could whisper it.

"Know- what?" Ryan, irritation coming to a full front as Blaine continued to be oblivious, rolled his eyes.

"Oh for fucks sake," Ryan snapped, annyance clear in his throat. "We know, hobbit and everything we're going to do is going to make that seem like a cake-walk,"

"See," a dark voice, malicious and seductive and everything that Blaine had been told to stay away from. From out of the shadows, silent and cold, was Sebastian who stared at him. Flanked by Alexander and Cassandra with Ryan standing tall behind him, was a rather pissed off Sebastian who stared at him coldly. "We don't like it when things we consider ours are damaged,"

"We're quite possessive that way," Alexander concurred, voice smooth and purring as his growled low in his throat. "And it makes for bloodied encounters when we get our hands on someone that hurt someone we consider ours," Blaine trembled where he sat, sitting in soiled jeans as he stared, horrorstruck at the Smythes.

"W-What d-do you want?" He squeaked before attempting to clear his voice. It was Cassandra that smirked widely, but it wa Sebastian that aswered, his lip curled into a sneer.

"We want you to stay away," Sebastian snarled low in his chest. "Stay away from me, stay away from Kurt and you won't end up with another fist in your mouth,"

Blaine nodded, too thunderstruck and full of terror to really contemplate doing anything other than agreeing. But that was when his brain finally decided to re-engage as processed just what Sebastian had said.

"Wait-another?" Terror rose in his gut when he witnessed Ryans superior smirk, Cassandra and Alexanders pleased glint and the malicousness in Sebastians eyes.

With a large grin that seemed out of place, a tightly clenched fist came from Sebastians general direction to land on Blaines nose in a direct hit.


"Good hit son," Alexander clapped Sebastian on the back, smile targetted at him as he watched Sarah and Michael pull away from their house, an unconsciene and bloodied Blaine in the back seat. Cooper had refused to sit next to him and so had ended up in the trunk of the car.

"Thanks dad," Sebastian said, grinning up at the taller man who went suddenly stern.

"Just don't make a habit out of it,"

"Of course not,"

Flasing a quick grin towards his father and mother, Sebastian sauntered from the room without a so much as by-your-leave, leaving a chuckling Cassandra and Alexander too stare after him. Alexander shook his head.

"He gets it from you," He insisted towards Cassandra. Cassandra only shrugged; she knew Sebastian had got a lot of things from her, his colouring for one thing. But there was many a thing he had inherited from Alexander and it would always stay like that, no matter what. Because the Smythes Family Code was all too emcompassing in its importance, it served as a guideline to make Smythes see just what they were doing wrong and right. It would always be there; no matter what. One teaching applied very much and very easily to this situation and Cassandra couldn't help the smirk that spread across her handsome features.#

Her Kurt would be fine, shaky and traumatised, but he would have someone like Sebastian looking after him, and she knew Sebastian would protect Kurt to the ends of the earth.

A Smythe may be weak and vunerable, but they will always gain revenge on those who had hurt there loved ones.