The Consequences Of Your Rage

Kurt always had an inkling of Blaines anger issues and just how much rage he held himself. But he never thought he may become a victim of that rage.

Authors Notes: This was prompted to my on tumblr by anonymous saying: Klaine. Kurtbastian Endgame. Blaines Anger Issues. Kurt is traumatised. Sebastian is the hero.

I have deviated a bit from the prompt because I've had Kurt and Sebastian not getting together., but it is a mild-form of pre-slash Kurbastian which is a bonus. This prompt was also longer than expected.

Disclaimer: I do not, nor will I ever, own Glee. I will never obtain such a thing and any plots or characters that one may recognise from the original author is not my own.

The Consequences Of Your Rage

Chapter One: A Kiss With A Fist

Kurt had always known Blaine had had anger issues.

Personally, Kurt didn't know who Blaine thought he was fooling by trying to be a 'dapper gentleman' because when he grew angry - which was a lot and sometimes at the stupidest things - his shoulders would tense and his eyes would narrow and darken as he clenched his fists and his muscles flexed.

Before, Kurt would have said that way Blaines muscles bunched and flexed when he was angry was hot.

But that was before.


Kurt first realised Blaine had anger issues when Blaine had sat him down for coffee when he, Wes and David had cornered Kurt after performing Teenage Dream.

When Kurt had uttered that sentence, the one that was still ingrained in his brain - 'it's very polite of you to buy me coffee before you beat me up' - his observant eyes had picked up on the way Blaines shoulders had squared off, his golden eyes had narrowed and the hand loosely holding his coffee cup had clenched tightly.

He had recognised the signs, and couldn't help but react.

Logically, he knew that Blaine would do little damage considering Wes and David were far bigger than him, but all Kurt could see was bright over-lights and off-white yellowing tiles of McKinley hallways and the sharp bites of lockers and a heavy punch to his face.

Rather than squaring up, Kurt had bowed his head as his shoulders hunched in on themselves, trying to make the bullies leave - and Oh god, why weren't they leaving!


Those incidents, too close and too near to each other for Kurt to be truly comfortable with Blaine, all paled in comparison to that of the night after Kurt had dragged Blaine from Scandals, sickening of watching the oh-so-annoying yet oh-so-attractive Sebastian dance the night away with his boyfriend.

He still remembered the fear he had felt, how he had pushed against Blaines chest and how Blaine had only laughed, how Kurt had cringed away from Blaine, his breath stinking of alcohol which stained it like sin.

He remembered thinking that he couldn't let Blaine get him underneath, Kurt was tall and strong, but Blaine was stronger and broader and the Fight Club which Kurt had accidently found out about had all but encouraged this.

His heart had raced, his face had no-doubt been panic stricken as he tried and failed to get away from Blaine, unable to comprehend that this was his boyfriend, this was Blaine, trying to get him to have sex in the back of Kurts Navigator and all Kurt could think was that he'd rather be back in that locker room with David Karofsky because that had been a cake-walk compared to having to fend off his boyfriend from doing something that Kurt wasn't ready for and Blaine would regret.

He always regretted.

After that, huddled in his Navigator and trying not to look at the back seat where a broken button lay next to a wrecked belt because Blaine was clearly much more talented with his hands that Kurt had thought, he had wished only to be at home, huddled in his sheets or curled up with Finn on the sofa as his dad watched Deadliest Catch as he and Finn drank warm milk and chatted.

But he hadn't.

Still to terrified to even move an inch, Kurt had stayed huddled on the ground by the front passenger seat, not even paying attention to the fact that the rear doors was open. He had stayed there well into the early hours of the morning, watching sadly as Sebastian - not even stumbling and without a man on his arm - sauntered from Scandals with a nod of his head to Jeff, the bouncer who had taken a particular liking to Kurt because he apparently reminded him of his son, Leo.

That hadn't been the first time he had been scared of Blaine and wishing Sebastian - cool, calm collected Sebastian - could make it all go away.


The had been the scariest anger-fuelled scene yet.

But as Kurt cowered on the floor of the mens bathroom in The Lima Bean, watching with wary eyes as Blaine paced back and forth, anger riding in his every step, he couldn't help but think that this was far much worse.

Blaine was sober and when he was sober, he just had so much rage and anger and hate towards anything and everything that he wouldn't even care.

As bad as it was, Kurt almost preferred Blaine sober despite being a slightly man-whorish drunk.

Anything was better than the rage.

The rage was scary and terrifying because Blaine lost all control and didn't care about anyone when he was in a rage and it had completely shocked Kurt to the core when he had first witnessed one because this was Blaine.

"It-Its just, why can't you be nice to Sebastian for once?" Blaine paced back and forth, hand tangling in his gel-encrusted hair, not caring that his foot had just booted Kurt heavily in the calf or that his hands were covered in gel as he ran it through his hair. "Why must you always be - be -be such," Blaine stammered for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Be such an annoying little bitch?"

Reeling back, Kurt couldn't help the sting of hurt that flashed across his face. He tried to hide it before Blaine saw, but he was too late.

"Oh wipe that look of your face!" Blaine snarled, crouching down to haul Kurt back up on his feet. Shaking and terrified and wishing nothing more than to be outside with Sebastian who was cruel and mean but was nice and kind to him. "You know you're just an annoying little bitch with a bad-case of the gay-face,"

That stung.

When Kurt had first heard the jibe fromSebastian, his heart had jolted and his stomach had flipped because if he was sensitive to anything, it would have been his appearance.

But as he and Sebastian had grown closer, becoming close friends as they verbally sparred, Sebastian had said that it had become a nickname of sorts. He stilled used it, but he no longer had the biting tone it once held.

Biting his lip, hands shaking as his terror manifested itself physically, Kurt bowed his head.

Blaine laughed. "Good boy," His voice was condescending and Kurt felt his eyes narrow as his anger rose.

Raising his head, Kurt took in the slightly startled look Blaine sported as he stood up for himself.

"Fuck you," Kurt spat, the curse word vulgar in his mouth. "Fuck you, Blaine Anderson, I'm not anything to you so you can shut your big mouth, stop being angry and petty and get up the courage to act like a real ma-,"

Kurt never saw the fist that swung at him, but he sure felt it.

Pain exploded through his face as his head was whipped to the side with such force, he was forced to his knees with it. Feeling blood dripping from his lip, Kurt rose one hand to cup his cheek, eyes bright and surprised as he stared up at Blaine who was looking down at him with disgust.

Blaine took a step forward, eyes narrowing further when Kurt scrambled backwards, whimpering quietly when he felt the wall press into his back.

Eyes cold and body tense, Blaine crouched down so his face was near Kurts.

"I don't think your one to talk to me about being a real man sweetheart," Blaine growled lowly, voice sharp and mean and why couldn't he just leave?

Just as Kurt saw Blaine raise his fist again, clenched tightly and with blood smeared upon his knuckles, they sensed rather than heard the bathroom door open before the interior door swung open.

Shooting to his feet, Blaine plastered a smug smile on his face as he whirled around but Kurt could see the tension set in his shoulders as his hands clenched threatening towards Kurt.

The man who had just entered, tall, tanned and blond only nodded to Blaine before flashing Kurt a quick smile as he hurried into one of the cubicles.

Giving Kurt one last look of disgust and a cruelly hissed "It's over, gay-face," he stalked from the bathroom, not even bothering to hide the blood that still remained on his knuckles.

Breathing deeply to try and keep the panic back, Kurt stumbled to the long array of sinks that were held up on the wall. Placing his hands on either side of the sink, Kurt slumped over it, his strength leaving his body all in one go.

Bowing his head, he pretended not to notice the burning of his eyes nor the throbbing of his cheek as he tried to regain himself and his composure.

Paying little attention to the blond who gave Kurt a concerned look as he was washing his hands before leaving, Kurt managed to find some semblance of strength to lift his head.

Gazing into the mirror, Kurt didn't see himself. All he saw was the messed hair and the dark, wet stormy grey eyes with the lashes clumped together by tears and the bright blossoming bruise that spread from under his left eye to just above his chin. Blood was smeared across his lips, still dripping steadily from his mouth and an abrasion that had cut through his eyebrow steadily. Feeling like a failure, guilt and shame deep in his gut, Kurt closed his eyes trying to get rid of the person he had become. The person who he saw in the mirror and knew it wasn't him.

The person who had gazed back at him, broken and bleak and hurt, wasn't him. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel wasn't broken. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel wasn't bleak. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel wasn't hurt.

If only he could convince himself of that.

"Kurt?" A soft voice with an edge of worry made Kurt jump, his head snapping upwards quickly as he heard the recognisable voice.

"Oh-Kurt," Sebastian Smythe crooned, his voice light and quiet as he approached the trembling Kurt like one might a badly skittish animal. "C'mere," Sebastian purred, voice low and soothing as he took in the shivering Kurt.

When he felt the big, safe arms of Sebastian around him, pulling him closer to a broad chest and a large hand resting on the back of his mussed hair, pulling his head into the broad torso, did Kurt allow himself to cry.

Large, heaving sobs that made Sebastian bit his own lip, that made the Warbler clutch Kurt that much tighter to him as he back them up to a wall before Sebastian slid down so Kurt was in his lap and Sebastian was wrapped around.

But even as he rocked back and forth, murmuring comfortingly to Kurt, Sebastian couldn't help the rage that raced through his veins as he thought about the person who had done this.

There was only one person who could have.

Blaine Anderson would soon have the entire Smythe Family come down onto him.

The Smythes may not agree on some things - some were conservative, some were as gay as a pride parade whilst some were homophobic - but they all agreed on one thing.

Violence against a partner or a family member was wrong and would not be tolerated.