Well, I noticed there were'nt really that many stories for Marble Hornets with ocs...in otherwords, non. At least from my searching. So I decided to give it a shot. Please let me know what you think if you would'nt mind.

I'm not too sure why I agreed to do this in the first place really, but he called about my older brother's tapes, saying I might be able to help. I have'nt seen or had contact my brother Alex for the last three years and our parents died(1) just a couple months after he transferred to another collage, so seeing Jay again after three years was a nice thought, it was'nt like I had anything better to do. I had already graduated from High School and I was working some odd jobs to earn some extra money for collage. Mom and dad had saved money for me, but it would'nt hurt to have a little extra just incase anything popped up like sudden rise in costs and-

Oh, excuse me I was just rambling on was'nt I? Well, my name is Rebecca Kralie. Your probably expecting a long, boring description of myself. Well I won't bore you with pointless details so I'll just say I'm nineteen, I'm five feet and three inches tall and that I'm short sighted but I normally only wear my glasses when looking at computer/tv screens and looking or reading something at a distance. Oh, and I have shouldor length, dark and wavy hair. I doubt that interests you though.

Right now I'm outside of Jay's apartment. I took a small breath and rapped on the door before looking at my silver watch. I was only about a minute early, but I prefer to be on schedule. I only had to wait about a minute before the door opened and I saw Jay. He looked the same the last time I saw him when my brother had gone to the same collage as him.

"Hey Rebecca, good to see you", he greeted me with a handshake and smiled at me, both of which I returned before picking up my bag. I did'nt bring too much since I only expected to be here for a couple months. Just some spare clothes, my phone, my laptop, two chargers, my glasses and some money (hey, if I want to buy something I'm not using Jay's money). "So, where to first?"

"Oh, well I don't really have a guest bedroom but you can have my bed and I'll sleep on the couch"

"No, it's okay. I'll sleep on the couch", I said. I honestly did'nt mind. I was sure I'd be comfortable enough...well, that and I was uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping in someone else's bed. Hotels were an exception though.

"Are you sure Rebecca? Because I don't mind...".

"Jay, I'm sure. I'll just drop this on the couch and we can get down to why you called me here".

Jay apartment was as oraganized as much as a single guy can be. There was some little things like a shirt carelessly thrown on the couch but it had a nice, casual atmosphere. The two of us were sitting at the kitchen counter, each with a cold can of Coke in our hands, talking about the one thing we had on our minds.

"Okay, so you remember that movie Alex was working on right?", asked Jay before taking a slurp.

"Yeah. What was it called again? Marble...Hornets?"

Jay nodded. "Yep, that's the one".

"Right. You got the tapes right?"

"Yeah. I figured it's been what, three years since either of us have seen him. So I decided to finally look at those tapes".

"And?", I looked up at him, wondering what he had to say, but he looked a little unsure what to say himself.

"Well, I thought that maybe you could help. I'm not too sure what to make of it, but your Alex's sister so I thought maybe you should get in on this too you know?"

"Why? Does something horrible happen?", I started to feel worried. I can't deny that my brother had been acting odd during the summer he was doing his movie. He was a little aggresive towards me when I had visited him after he did'nt return my calls. I put it down to stress over the movie so I did'nt think much of it at the time.

"No. It does'nt look like it anyway. Look just, let me show you", Jay left the counter to pick a laptop off the coffee table and opened it up. While he was clicking I was putting my glasses on and it was'nt long untill a video screen came up.

"The audio's missing. I don't know if the sound was off at the time or if Alex removed it", Jay explained as the video started.

The first thing I noticed was that it was'nt on the set for Alex's movie. It seemed indoors and I was going to assume at least for the moment it was his house. The video seemed a little distorted at the bottom. Alex turned off a lamp and it was dark untill there was faint light to be seen from the window, blocked by curtains. The curtains were opened a little and it seemed Alex was looking out for something. The railings outside confirmed it was Alex's house. But then it landed on a figure outside. It was a little hard to make out since the camera was shaky, but the figure seemed tall and male. Taller then average I think. He was dressed as if he was prepaired for a funeral and he lacked hair. He had been looking away untill he faced the window and Alex moved away.

Jay stoped the tape there and looked at me. "So what do you think?"

"I'm...not too sure. Maybe it was the trick of the light or the camera movements, but...did that guy not have face?", I was hoping he'd say no and that it was just some sort of balaclava, but Jay just frowned.

"To be honest, it looks that way to me to".

"So, what should we do? Go to the police?" Jay snorted in response.

"You really think their going to believe something like this?" Now that I thought about it, Jay made a very good point. What were the odds that they were going to take this seriously? Sides, it would look weird to only be reporting a missing person after three years.

"I guess you have a point. So what should we do?"

"Well", Jay started. "I was thinking of...putting it up on Youtube". I looked at him with a look that I was certain was showing how much of an idiot I thought of him at that moment.

"Are you serious? Youtube? If there are weird stuff like this on the video, why the hell would we publicise it! And did'nt he tell you not to bring it up? A lot of people use Youtube these days and if he finds out-"

"Look just...Just look at it like this", Jay cut me off and I reluctantly stayed quiet to let him talk. "Look, some people might believe this and it might help us. That and if something happens to me, people will know and...", Jay trailed off and gave a small sigh. "Look. I undersand if you don't want to get involved, but I thought you might interested and want to join. It might give us and idea of where Alex is now".

There was silence between us for a moment and I glanced at his laptop and thought about what he said.

"...You know Jay, if this was a horror movie then we would be mocked by the audience for going into the lions den. I know I'm going to regret this sometime in the future and when I do I'll tell you so, but lets do it", the both of us smiled a little and returned focus to the laptop.

I did'nt really think it would really do either of us that much harm. After all, what danger could be done by looking through some tapes and putting them up on Youtube?

Date: 06/20/09

Time: 19:57

I have decided to keep my own written record in this notebook of the research Jay and I are doing, related to my brother Alex's movie, "Marble Hornets".

In this first video by Alex we have seen we have seen there is some tiny amount of distortionmissing, lack of sound, and a mysterious figure outside of my brother's house.

Judging by my brother's actions on tape, he is obviously hiding, but from who?

We are going to countinue looking through tapes, and if this figure keeps appearing I'll see what I can find on the internet. For now, we'll just look for anything in the tapes.

Jay has already made an account on Youtube for this, and Twitter. The accounts being under the same name as Alex's movie.

I don't know what we may find, but all I know is that I have'nt seen Alex in three years and I want to know what's up.

Rebecca Kralie.

(1) I'm sorry if this annoys anyone, but I just feel since there are no mentions of parents by the characters, there might be a chance of this. Maybe I'm wrong and I'm willing to accept that, but there's nothing to disprove it either.