Lost In Thoughts

Columbus clouds slowly floated into the skyward view, the slight indicating of a possible chance of rain. It was rare since the city had not one drop for as long as time could remember. The sun continued to shine brightly overhead, only rays of light being cast through the gaps of clouds forming in front of the orange-red star.

Malik contently sighed as he pushed through the busy streets of the souk. He rarely left the Bureau unattended except when he needed to stock up on necessities or supplies. He did not need to today, however. He simply had the desire to get out from being cooped inside like some prisoner. And it certainly felt good to do so.

Malik went into a pondering state, blocking out his surroundings to utter silence in his mind. His mind reeled back to the previous day on the conversation with Ihtisham. He could not get over what the younger man's words. Those same words had lead him to being concerned upon the matter as the chat between them would not cease its constant repeating.

Ihtisham seemed deep in his own thoughts, the exposed lower half of his face from under the white hood set firmly, almost like he was contemplating. "I noticed a slight…change during this morning's practice."

The brunette placed his writing quill to the side of the motionless parchment then leaned forward against the wooden desk with his arm. "Tell me of this change." He was curious as to what was being said.

The young Assassin took a moment, carefully choosing his words. "I cannot explain it, but the air…It just didn't feel right, like something was off."

Malik listened patiently, eyebrows creasing slowly in wonder. "Perhaps your nerves, I suppose?"

"That was what I thought, at first." Again, he stopped before continuing while gesturing with his hand to help get his point straight. "But the air had a…a nip to it, something that was unexplainable." Ihtisham sighed and shook his head. "I am unsure if anyone else had the same feeling as I did."

The Rafiq grunted lowly in his throat. He himself did even notice anything strange or out of the ordinary. He was entirely unsure what, though. However, the more he pondered about it, the more curious he became. And almost immediately, his mind averted back to thought of Altair at the mention of 'strange air.'

The Dai scoffed and rolled his dark eyes. Of course. Typical, naive Altair. What did he care? The arrogant man was the least bit of his worries. Even the thought of him disgusted Malik. Why in the world would he be concerned or even think of him? For all he knew, the Assassin could be out somewhere getting himself into trouble like usual and alerting an entire city of his not-so-discreet presence. And the same always occur when he enters the Bureau: wounded by the guards for his careless actions and being the stubborn ass he was known to be in demanding information for his next assassination targets.

Al-Sayf scowled slightly, remaining in thought. There were countless of times when he wanted to strangle him. Not just for being naive and thoughtless, but for almost endangering other peoples' lives. The Rafiq wanted Altair to pay for his selfish actions, especially with the death of his beloved little brother. It broke his heart and enraged him tremendously that Al Mualim's favorite pet made him feel so distraught, having to live through agonizing pain of the lost while said man brushes it off like nothing happened at all. Even by the explanation said Eagle gave, Malik still did not want to believe his words.

Months had passed before in the end, Malik had come to terms whilst regaining his senses and finally ended the excruciatingly heated war through a truce by accepting Altair's apology. Granted, both were now allowed to feel welcomed into each other's presence and restoring peace as 'brothers' once again.
Even with the end of the traitorous Grand Master, Al Mualim, the Brotherhood could feel peaceful as well. However, not all was how it seemed. There still were some who are stilled angered and uncomfortable with the departure with the elderly man. The Dai understood as they were still enduring their own pain, grief, and sorrow. He, himself, was neutral, if not a little relieved of the matter. However, with the thought lingering on his mind, a meeting would be taking place soon to discuss the matter of the next Grand Master Assassin to lead the Brotherhood. The question is: who?

Al-Sayf grunted lowly. Maybe, just maybe, if he could put into good words with the other Dais, the next could be...Altair. Yes. The man had changed in more than many ways from an egotistical, disrespectful jerk to a wise, intelligent man that he currently was today. Others may arguably say differently due to his countless mishaps and faults. Malik knew about most if not all of the Eagle Assassin's shenanigans and failures, but all of it was old now. What happened in the past should be left in the past. Period. No questions asked.

Malik sighed quietly as he trudged onward through the crowded Bazaar aimlessly. As he turned around the corner of a building into a less occupied street, a flash of white caught his attention. He halted as his dark cocoa eyes averted their gaze upward, scanning for the source.

Nothing. All was silent and still.

He blinked. Just imagining things. The brunette hesitated before slowly continuing on his way, feeling a little cautious now of his surroundings. Within a couple steps, he heard a sound coming from above again. The Dai's muscles tensed, his pace coming to a halt on the dusty road. All senses were on high alert for anything out of the ordinary. Could someone be stalking him? If so, who? Hopefully not a Templar. The very least he wanted was to be caught in ambush of sort defenseless, seeing as he had not any type of weapon his person.

Movement again. A small gasp escaped as his brown orbs darted to over from a rooftop to the wooden walkway above his head. Within a second, a flock of pigeons shot out in a hurry, fluttering away in fury of feathers. False alarm. No Templar, no ambush.

Malik sighed, relief washing over him wholesomely. He blinked, gazing at cloudy sky with a thoughtful expression crossing his tanned features. With the combination of Ihtisham's word and numerous thoughts, an indescribable chill coursed through him mixed with an unknown sense of dread. The tiny hairs on the back of his neck stood on end while goose bumps rose on his arms under his black robe sleeves. Something did not seem right...

Wherever you may be, I only hope that you are in safe hands...Altair...

*Vyxen's Note*
Oh, no...! Altair's still missing! Questions is: is he alive or had he succumbed to his death? No one knows...

Again, I apologize. Still, I hope you readers like it, knowing it isn't much and not all that great. Well, in my opinion anyway. This will be a slow process, so please bear with me. Spot any errors or repetitiveness, let me know. I always feel like I am when I double/triple check. By the way, Ihtisham is not any way/shape/form a part of the original Assassin's Creed story, just a random novice [who is currently not for sale :)].

Thank you for your patience and the like. More will come soon!


*Review Responses*
Golden Eagle 603
To your question, yes, I have. I tried my best to make the angst…there, you know, as you read it, and it was hard, but I wrote whatever came to mind. Glad to hear someone's interested, and thank you. Sorry for late replies, too!

Glad to hear! Thanks for reviewing, elomelo!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it. I probably wouldn't say that mine is exactly best out now. This is long overdue, anyway. ^^'

Thank you kindly! :3

Thanks! I'll try! :D

I'll try! Thank you! :)

^/^ Thanks! I'll do my best to give more.

DX1118 C
Thank you, sir!