Alright everybody! It is finished…short, but finished. I kind of like how I've left it off, simple but…not too much don't you think? I apologize for how long I took to finish it, I realize it's been a whole year since I began this…., but I'm hoping you will forgive me?

By the way! Be on the lookout for my new story! (She sing songs to herself) I'm very excited about it and I hope you will be too! Yay!

The pair returned back to the Montgomery's after resting in the park for a few more hours of a moment's peace. Eventually they gathered the courage to walk back through that large oak door (the entryway to their own personal hell), and held tight to the promises that they made to each other underneath the bright blue sky and the clouds that day.

They remembered the others feelings and did not allow each other to get angry at one another over the fights that her parents always seem to unknowingly start. They ignored her fathers death glares, with the positive outlook that one day, they would be gone. And they took Aria's mothers advice when she told them to lay low for a while, even taking to Ezra sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week just to relive some of the tension they had undeniably created.

The couple longed for Friday, when they could both return to their safe haven and run away from the Montgomery house and remain hidden for a while in apartment 3B and finally after hours of death glares from her father and the disgusted looks from Mike, they finally returned to the comfortable cocoon of Ezra's apartment, now bug free.

Granted none of the furniture had been returned yet.

Ezra and Aria walk into apartment 3B, kissing against the door, when Ezra throws his keys onto the table, only to hear them go crashing to the floor. The couple tears away from each other's faces, both pairs of eyes going to the keys scattered across the kitchen floor, only to discover that none of the furniture was there.

Ezra sighs his hands planted firmly on his hips as he turns away from Aria to survey the apartment. "I guess the moving crew hasn't gotten around to bringing back my things."

Aria looks at him a moment and gives him a kiss on the cheek, "I guess we could go back to my parents…"

"NO!" says Ezra quickly and loudly, making Aria's eyes widen as she looks up at him from where she is nuzzled into his chest. He looks down to her and rests his hands on her hips. "Look, I'm sorry, and completely no offense, but I don't think I can spend another minute at your parents."

She laughs and shakes her head. "I was just kidding, of course we are not going back to my parents." He breathes a laugh and pulls back from her embrace. "I think I have an air mattress in my storage closet in the basement, let me go check."

Aria nods and looks around the apartment as Ezra walks out the door. His apartment was completely bare. Nothing but the pictures on the walls. What oh what will we find to do in a completely empty apartment with no distractions and only an air mattress to occupy their time? Aria smirked to herself, she could think of a few things.

She began to look through his drawers to find that they'd left everything in them. Weird since they'd removed all of the furniture. And noticed that it had started to get dark outside, Aria walked over to the light switch and…nothing happened, she flipped the switch a few more times only to discover that the electricity must be out…great. Actually…

Aria moved back over to the drawers in the kitchen and began to pull out the candles and lighters that she'd put in there the last time it stormed and they had no light for three hours. She placed them around the room, where she thought they could put the bed and began to light them.

Ezra walked back into the apartment a few minutes later, a box in tow, which Aria assumed to be air mattress. He smiled when he walked into the apartment. He pointed puzzled at the candles. "Lights are out." I clarified and he groaned.

"I'm sorry Aria; I forgot they told me that they turned off the electricity since no one was going to be in the apartment while they exterminated it. I shouldn't have brought us here yet, I just thought they would be all done by now."

She walked over and held his face in her hands and gave him a kiss on the lips, "Hey. It's okay. I was just as desperate to get out of there as you were. "They laughed and she took the box from his hands.

"So, we are just going to set this up and go from there okay?" He nodded and she walked over to the center of the room, pulling out the battery operated pump and began to blow up the bed. "Hey, order us some Chinese or something?"

Ezra pulls out his cell phone and orders their usual before putting his phone back up. By the time he's done, Aria's got the bed blown up and he joins her plopping down on it. Aria flies up a little in the air at the inertia that he'd caused from his violent fall onto the mattress. She falls to the floor, giggling all the way and Ezra laughs with her and pulls her back on the bed.

They laugh together for awhile and he finally grasps her face and looks her in the eyes, "Are you okay?" he asks concerned checking her body for any signs of ruined perfection. "I'm fine," she giggles, "it's you who has the problem. You're always throwing me off of beds."

"Okay that was one time."

"It was our first time, and it is completely tainted by the fact that you threw me off the bed and we had to be careful the whole time because of the huge bruise on my ass." She giggles making him frown.

"Again, your ass is fine." She giggles again, not through with teasing him, "Yea…now. That I've had time to heal."

He finally gives in and laughs with her, admitting that he had gotten a little excited. In the time they'd been lying on the mattress, Ezra had ended up slightly hovering over Aria with his left arm propping him up, his right hand moving up and down on the back of her thigh. She found herself slightly turned on when she realized their position.

Aria couldn't help but to think how much she loved their relationship. She'd never been with someone who could joke with her and still be sexy at the same time. She smiled and he whispered a 'what?' in her ear as he leaned down to kiss her neck. She shook her head and arched her back as he kissed her neck, making her stomach quake with want.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of their food and Ezra got up to answer the door, paying the man and coming back with her orange chicken and egg rolls. They sit on the bed and eat, talking all the while, feeling likes it has been forever since they just sat down and talked without angst or anger.

Half way into their meal, Ezra got up and walked to the kitchen and opened the cabinet on top of the refrigerator. "Want some wine?" asked Ezra holding up a bottle of White Ziffindale.

Aria gave him a joking skeptical look, "Mr. Fitz, are you trying to get me drunk?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm already technically corrupting a minor, may as well do it all the way right."

Aria breathes a laugh as he pulls out two wine glasses. "How thorough of you."

He shrugs his shoulders, "You know I don't do anything half- ass." She rolls her eyes, forever the smart-ass. He walks over to her with the wine and hands her the glass. Aria takes a hearty gulp and Ezra eyes her skeptically.

"I take it you've done this before." She shrugs her shoulders this time. "Apparently you're not the first person to corrupt me." He laughs and they sit on the bed and finish their meal.

They talked for what seemed like hours and finish off the bottle of wine Ezra opened. They laughed and made love and got a little tipsy and were just together, something the pair felt they had missed out on for the past week.

Finally they were able to remember why they were so good together in the first place and enjoyed the breeze that blew in from Ezra's open window and the soft warmth that came from the glow of the candles, glad to finally have the week at the Montgomery's over and done.

Thank you so much to everyone who liked and followed this story. I really did enjoy writing it although I kind of drug it out by catching writers block. I truly am sorry! But hey! At least it is now finished! Yay!

Thank you again,
