Just an idea that came to me. Byron and Ella are not divorced in this and are letting Aria date Ezra so yea! Just tell me what you thought. Also, I'm sorry if you can't tell where the line breaks are, I've tried putting them in when I write the stories on my computer but they never show up on the site, oh well I'll figure it out eventually.

Disclaimer: Nope not mine! Wish it was, there would be a heck of a lot more hot doctor (wren) and more shirtless Ezra, preferably not kissing all up on Aria, I mean I love them together as much as the next fangirl but, hello, I like him with me a hell of a lot better. Haha!

"Come on Byron, the poor man's apartment is being exterminated. I think we can let him stay here for a week." Ella looked pleading at her husband who stood before her defiantly with his arms crossed.

"No, I won't have them sleeping in the same house together, I'm sorry I just can't stand for it." Ella sighed.

"Look, when we agreed that Aria could see him, all dislike of him should have deceased. I can't see why you don't like him. He treats Aria well and hell he probably knows more about her life than we do right now." Byron still continued to stand in their bedroom shaking his head like a disagreeing toddler.

"No, and that's the end of it." Ella sighed, throwing her hands up in despair as seh walked out into the hall and walked down to Aria's bedroom with Byron following her. She peeked her head into Aria's room and knocked on her doorframe. "Sweetie?"

Aria turned her head from her task and looked at her mother with her eyebrows raised. "You go ahead and tell Ezra he is more than welcome to stay here this week." Aria smiled and nodded her head. "Okay, thank you mom. I'm sure he'll really appreciate it."

Ella turned around to the angry face of her husband and gave an irritated look. "It'll do you some good to be in the same house as Ezra for awhile," she began while walking away. "Give you some good bonding time."

Ezra showed up at the door that night with a small suit case in tow. Aria met him at the door and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Hey, you're just in time, dinner will be ready in a few minutes." he smiled as Aria took his suit case, "Come on just follow me."

She walked up the stairs and took him to her room where she sat his luggage down in the corner. "Aria I doubt this is where your parents are expecting me to sleep." She stuck her lips out in a pout and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well this is where I'm expecting you to sleep."

He smiled and leaned into her kiss when they were suddenly jolted out of their embrace by a cough at the door. They turned to look at Byron, who stood with an angry look on his face. "Did we say you were allowed up here?"

Aria rolled her eyes. "Dad, please quite treating him like he's some little boy. And he didn't just come up here, I brought him up here."

"Well there are going to have to be some boundaries set if you too are going to be in the same house for more than a few hours." He said and turned to walk down the hallway. "Dinners ready by the way."

Aria just sighed and smiled while rolling her eyes, "Don't worry about him, he's just being unreasonable that's all." Ezra forced a smile and slowly nodded his head, but couldn't help but to feel uneasy while following Aria to the dining room.

"So Ezra, how are classes at Hollis going?" Ella asked, trying, although not succeeding, to ease the tension in the room. Byron only glared at Ezra, who sat to the left of him next to Aria. Ezra only sat nervously, pushing his dinner around on his plate, while Aria, seeming to try to me a mediator just like her mother, tried to strike up conversation whenever she could, sometimes placing a comforting hand on Ezra's knee under the table.

"They're going great. I really love all of my students this semester."He said, not sure where to go from there. Ella smiled, liking the idea that Ezra seemed genuinely interested in his job.

"Well this is awkward." Everyone's eyes shot to Mike, who sat looking unpleasant.

"Mike. Not now." Said Ella warningly.

Everyone looked back down to their plates and shuffled their food around some more, before Byron asked Aria if she'd begun to fill out any applications this summer.

Aria nodded enthusiastically glad she had something to talk about. "Yeah, I've applied to NYU and Hollis just in case. Also, I'm still considering Stanford, but who knows."

Aria smiled at Ezra, "I just can't wait to finally be out of school so we can get the hell out of Rosewood." He smiled at her, while Byron just scowled.

"We?" Aria looked over to the head of the table at her father. "Yes we. We fully intend on moving together somewhere. That's essentially what's going to decided where I go to college." Aria looked over to Ezra who suddenly looked very nervous at Aria's confession. Sure they'd talked about it and he was completely on board, they just hadn't mentioned it to her parents yet.

"Aria you can't be serious."

"But I am Dad. Why would I want to go anywhere where Ezra wasn't?" Byron stood up from the table and threw his napkin onto his plate. "Excuse me." Byron walked away and slowly walked up the stairs to him and Ella's bedroom.

"Mike, Aria, will you two do the dishes please." Asked Ella as she pushed back her chair and followed after her husband.

Ella pushed into her and Byron's room fully prepared for the fight that was inevitable, but stopped short when she saw him sitting on the edge of their bed with his head in his hands.

"When did she grow up?" he asked, his voice muffled in his hands. Ella huffed and sat next to him on the bed. "I don't know. It happened right before our eyes without us realizing it."

"I can accept her going to college and leaving home. But God Ella the way she talks about him…."

"I know. But she's in love Byron. There's not much we can do to compete with that. And if we do, all we'll end up doing is pushing her away." He nodded. "It's just hard. She's just a little girl."

"No Byron." He looked over at her quizzically as Ella sighed and looked at the wall. Both of their heads turned to the sound of laughter and a slamming door from Aria's bedroom. "She's a young woman."

Aria laughed and slammed her door playfully as Ezra continued to hold onto her stomach tickling her. "S-s-s-to-top" Aria managed to get out in between pants and bouts of laughter. "Say uncle."

"U-u-un-un-cle" Ezra stopped his assault on her stomach and smiled down at Aria as she wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up at him. "How did I get so lucky?" Aria smiled and gave Ezra a small peck on the lips. "I ask myself the same question all the time."

Ezra leaned down and kissed Aria allowing his hands to travel to her hips, pulling her against him. He slowly walked back to her bed and laid back with her on top of him. His hands descended from her hips and smoothed over her ass, causing her to moan. Aria began to trail her kisses down his neck, hearing Ezra's harsh breath in her ear.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea. I mean your parents are right down the hall." Aria rolled her eyes and lifted her lips up to his ear, nibbling on the lobe. "I think you spend entirely too much time thinking. Don't you think?"

He smiled and scoffed, "That may have worked on me before but…" Aria looked up at him and pouted. "What are you trying to tell me? I don't have any effect on you anymore?" he huffed a laugh. "You have too much, that's the problem."

"Well I don't see that as a problem." She smiled and kissed him on the lips again, harsher this time, fisting his shirt in her hands to pull him closer. He smiled against her lips and returned her kisses with the same vigor.

They jumped apart when they heard a knock on her door. Aria sat up in her bed and adjusted her clothing while Ezra did the same. "Come in."

Ella poked her head in the doorway smiling. "Hey you two, we're going to watch a movie downstairs if you want to watch it with us."

Aria nodded and said they'd be down in a minute. She turned towards Ezra placing herself back in his lap. "Hopefully Dad's cooled down after dinner."

"Well you have to admit, you kind of dropped a bomb on him." Aria rolled her eyes and stood up. "Well you had to find out sooner or later. It might have well been sooner, now he has more time to get used to the idea." Ezra nodded and allowed Aria to pull him up from her bed and out the door to downstairs.

Byron sighed when he reached the living room, prepared to face the prospect of watching a movie with the family and him. He surveyed the familiar sight before him in the family room. There was a large bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and blankets piled up on the sofa for anyone to take.

"Hey you." Greeted Ella as she walked into the living room with smaller bowls for everyone to have their individual popcorn in. She lifted herself up on her toes, giving him a peck on the cheek before moving farther into the living room.

"Hey. So this will be nice. We haven't all sat down and watched a movie in a while." He watched as Ella set down the bowls and moved over to the DVD player to set up the movie. "Yeah, well I figured this would give us all something to do together in one room. That way it would probably settle your mind about Aria and Ezra. Plus, I just really think we need some good family time."

Byron grimaced. "Does family time include Ezra?"

Ella sighed and turned around. "If family time includes Aria, then yes, family time includes Ezra." She gave him a stern look that told him to drop it as Mike came bounding down the stairs.

"So, what chick flick are you and Aria going to force us to watch this time?" Ella rolled her eyes and looked at Mike pointedly. "We do not make you watch chick flicks."

"Oh, come on. You never let Dad and I watch what we want to."

"Because we don't want to watch 300 again." Came Aria's voice as she came down the stairs with Ezra in tow. "We only had to watch it about a hundred times. There is only so much bloodshed a girl can take."

The group chuckled as Ella placed the movie in the player. "She is so right. So you owe us for all the bloodshed we had to watch. Besides, I promise this one will be funny."

Byron quietly surveyed the room surrounding him. He and Ella sat comfortably cuddled on the love seat with a blanket over them and a bowl of empty popcorn between them. Mike lay on the floor in front of the love seat, perched on a bean bag chair that used to be in Aria's room before she "grew out of it" and put it in the closet under the stairs in case someone needed to use it.

He, however, could not get his eye's to unglue from Ezra and Aria, who lie comfortably entangled on the couch. His first intention, before the movie started, was to sit over there with him. They wouldn't be able to do much touching if he was sitting right next to them. But, as he made his way to sit down, Ella asked him where he was going, and gestured to the seat next to her.

So now, he just sat, smoldering in anger at each finger Ezra would place on his daughter. He noticed that at first he was hesitant as Aria sat close to him on the couch. Soon they had pulled out the footrests on the reclining couch and had snuggled in close under the blanket. Now, Ezra had his arm lazily wrapped around Aria, his fingers slowly moving up and down her bicep, his eyes glued to the screen.

He suddenly was jolted from his trace by Ella nudging his arm. "Byron."


"Are you okay?" Ella whispered, trying not to disturb everyone from the movie.

"Yeah. What did you ask?" she pushed the empty bowl towards Byron, shaking it, making the un-popped kernels in the bowl rattle. "Will you grab me some more popcorn, your closer to the bowl." Bryon nodded, and leaned forward, scooping up the buttery treat.

He handed Ella her popcorn and tried to look at the screen and find some interest in the movie before him. He could still see them from the corner of his eye, as Ezra silently whispered something in Aria's ear, making her laugh and lightly slap him on the chest. He continued to watch as Aria whispered something in his ear, which made Ezra blush and look at her sternly as he attempted to hold back a laugh. He suddenly looked uncomfortable and was making an extra effort to look at the television screen.

Byron wondered what had him so worked up, before he caught the smallest movement under the blanket of a hand slowly moving up Ezra's thigh. Appalled, Byron cleared his throat, causing Aria to jump and quickly turn to look at the television, making sure to not let her eyes meet her fathers, and trying to hold back a laugh at Ezra, who's cheeks were so red they could beat the fiery gates of hell.

"Your father is watching us." Ezra whispered into Aria's ear, his hot breath making her shiver. She laughed, knowing this and lightly slapped Ezra on the chest with the back of her hand. She looked out of the corner of her eye, to see her father's face trained on she and Ezra. She turned to him and lifted her lips up to his ear.

"Then we should just give him something to watch." Ezra looked at her warningly, begging her not to try anything, but trying not to laugh at the same time.

Aria slowly moved her hand from where it was resting in her lap, to Ezra's leg, languidly making her way higher up his thigh, when her father cleared his throat, making her jump, knowing it was directed towards her. She looked back up to Ezra who was red as a beet and tried to hold back a laugh.

The family stood up to stretch as the credits rolled on the screen, everyone saying how good the movie was or wasn't, Byron remaining quiet since he didn't watch most of it. He just stayed tuned in to the real life soap opera that was playing in his living room.

Ella yawned, saying how tired she was, Aria doing the same. Aria turned towards the stair case to walk upstairs to her room, but stopped on the first step, turning around to look at Ezra. "Are you coming?"

"I'm not so sure that's…"

"It's okay. We trust you." Byron looked at Ella pointedly, knowing full well it wouldn't do him any good.

Aria smiled brightly and waited as Ezra nodded and started for the stairs. Ezra wrapped his arm around her waist as they made their way up the staircase. When they'd made their way to Aria's room, she quietly closed the door behind her smiling smugly.

"I told you that you could sleep here." Ezra scoffed and sat down on the bed. "Yea, well after the stunt you pulled during the movie, I'm surprised I'm not outside on my ass right now." Aria laughed and climbed on top of him on the bed. "Oh come one. He deserved a bit of a startle, he stared at us through the whole movie."

Ezra sighed placing his hands on her hips. "What am I going to do with you?" Aria shrugged smiling and kissed him lightly on the lips before suddenly hopping up from the bed. "I need a shower. Want to join me?"

Ezra looked at her warningly as Aria giggled and fled into the bathroom across the hall.

Byron could hear Aria giggle from down the hallway as her door closed. He listened to the silent padding of feet as she walked across the hall to the bathroom. He turned over, still angry over the fact that Ella had allowed him to sleep in their daughter's bedroom. He watched his wife walk into the room, dressed for bed.

Ella quickly became self conscious underneath her husband's unrelenting expression. "What?"

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Ella rolled her eyes and sat down at her make-up table, catching Byron's gaze in the mirror. "It's fine Byron and I didn't much feel like pulling out blankets and sheets for him to sleep on. Plus, I'm not going to force the poor man to sleep on a couch for a whole week."

"Yeah, well, I'm just not comfortable with them in the same bed together, that's all." Ella shook her head, as she rubbed lotion onto her hands, still keeping eye contact with him through the mirror. "Why don't you trust Aria? I know she kind of lost our trust by keeping this a secret for so long, but then she did the mature thing and came to us about it. So, in my book that made up for it. Besides Byron, what are they going to do with us right down the hall?"

"It's not Aria I'm worried about. Besides how many times have we caught them chewing each other's face off when we were home in this house?" Ella breathed a laugh and turned to face Byron.

"Look. Whether or not we like it, they are a couple and at the moment, we have given them permission, so there is nothing we can do about it. Besides, what do you think they do when they are at his apartment? Alone. With no one around. You can't honestly think that they just have deep conversations the whole time she's there." Byron sighed, putting a hand to his forehead.

"I try not to think about that. And when they're here I just feel like I have a smidgen of control, so I try to control the amount of touching that he does to our daughter." Ella shook her head and turned back around to her beauty ritual.

"Well, there's not much we can do Byron." She stated, rising up from the chair and walking over to the bed, switching off the light. "Aria's a free spirit and she just does what she wants."

Ezra looks up from the book he was reading as Aria silently stalks into the room wearing nothing but a towel. She locks the door and looks over to him and smirks, not saying anything and knowing she doesn't have to. His eye's follow her as she saunters over to her dresser, before allowing her towel to fall, as she mumbles an 'oops'.

He looks at her with curiosity, allowing his gaze to fall over her small naked curves. She takes her time in choosing an outfit, soundlessly rustling through a drawer of clothing. After a moment she removes a familiar looking t-shirt , one she's obviously stolen from one of his own drawers, and pulls it on over her body. He continues to survey her, noticing the t-shirt only reaches to mid-thigh and rises up with very little movement.

Aria continues to move around the room, coming to various drawers and boxes, revealing another piece of her nightly routine. She pulls on a pair of black lace panties and finally retreats to the bed, where Ezra lies already changed into his pajamas.

She smiles and crawls onto the bed, choosing to straddle Ezra's legs. She leans in and gives him a small kiss on the lips which he returns back slowly. Aria pulls away and smiles looking him in the eyes. "What are you reading?"

Ezra raises his head from where it's cocked to the side and looks over to the book that lay deserted on the mattress. "Winesburg, Ohio. It caught my eye. Do you always keep that on your night stand?" she nodded. "In case I ever need to get away." He returned the smile and leaned forward to give a gentle her a gentle kiss on the lips.

Aria laced her hands through his hair, slowly making the kiss more heated. She sucked on his bottom lip, soliciting a moan from him. Ezra pulled away and looked at her before moving his lips to her neck, sucking on the flesh that lie there. Aria moaned and quietly whispered his name as he sucked on the spot where her neck and collar bone were connected.

Ezra suddenly flipped them over, causing the old mattress that Aria had to creak, and hovered over her. He ran his hand up her thigh, moving the thin t-shirt out of the way. His hand moved over the soft lace that covered her ass, as his hand continued up her torso. His palm lay flat on her stomach as they continued to kiss, slowly exploring each other's mouths.

Aria allowed her own hands to explore, letting her hands run down his sides and back up again teasing him. She could feel gradually begin to harden on her thigh and ran her hands across his butt. Her breathing hitched when his hands finally reached her breasts beneath the t-shirt, his hands invitingly warm as her body arched into his touch.

Allowing her hands to continue exploring his body, Aria moved her hand up his thigh, moving closer and closer to his manhood, until she felt him stop and gently grab her hand. "I don't think that that is such a good idea right now Aria."

She rolled her eyes and looked up at him. "Why not? It's not like my parents are going to hear us. We've just got to be really quiet." Ezra raised himself up from the bed and walked over to the light switch to turn it off. "No. You're parents are trusting me here. I don't really want to screw it up." Aria sighed as he inched his way under the covers beside her.

She turned her head to the side to look at him in the darkness. "If only my parents could hear this conversation, I'm sure they'd be thrown for a loop."

Ezra snorted a laugh. "Why?"

"Because, they're so damn convinced that you're the one that pressures me, or at least my dad is. If only he could see it's the other way around." Ezra gave a quiet laugh and pulled Aria close to him smelling her freshly washed hair. "Oh come on, you don't pressure me into things."

Aria laughed incredulously at him, "Whatever Ezra. Half of the things sexual we do, I've talked you into."

"That's not true. Having sex at all was my idea." Said Ezra defiantly, prepared to defend his argument "Yes, after I begged and pleaded for forever."

He soon realized her statement held some truth and gave up. He sighed. "I guess you're right. You're a bad influence on me." Aria giggled and turned towards him giving him a small peck on the lips before whispering goodnight. Content with just having his arms wrapped around her for the night.

Listening to the sounds of the house, Byron couldn't allow himself to drift off into slumber. He just knew that as soon as he did, something would happen that could have been prevented if he'd only stayed awake. Granted if he just fell asleep now he would never know, and be blissfully unaware of anything going on in his daughters….sex life.

However, his curiosity mounted and continued to as soon as he heard Aria leave the bathroom and go into her own room. What made this so increasingly awful was how well he could hear what was going on in Aria's bedroom from he and Ella's room.

If someone coughed or spoke he could hear the muffled sound through the thin walls of their old home. What made him especially uneasy was the amount of no talking that was going on in Aria's room. He knew she'd gone in there about a minute ago. Why was she not talking to Ezra? Had he fallen asleep?

Byron listens for several more minutes before he decided that it was okay for him to go to sleep now, and that nothing would happen with a sleeping Ezra, when he suddenly heard talking. What about he wasn't sure, but the talking soon went away and was replaced by more quiet.

He relaxed and decided that they had finally fallen asleep, when he suddenly heard a bed creak, one that sounded too loud for someone to just be moving to get adjusted. He looked over to Ella who was sleeping soundly and edged out of the bed, careful not to wake her. Tiptoeing down the hallway, Byron held his ear up to the door, and sighed disappointingly when all he could hear was heavy breathing, quiet moans of Ezra's name, and the smacking of lips as they kissed hungrily.

He was about to burst in, not caring that they knew he was eves dropping when Ezra suddenly spoke.

""I don't think that that is such a good idea right now Aria." He listened intently, wondering what that was referring to, although he had a pretty good idea.

"Why not? It's not like my parents are going to hear us. We've just got to be really quiet." Byron stood appalled, not really wanting to hear this conversation, but forcing himself to stand and listen to it. He heard Ezra rise up from the bed and prepared to move from the door when he heard footsteps coming towards the door, but relaxed when he realized he was only turning out the light.

"No. You're parents are trusting me here. I don't really want to screw it up." He was surprised to hear such this come from Ezra's mouth, this conversation completely flipped from how it normally would go in his mind.

"If only my parents could hear this conversation, I'm sure they'd be thrown for a loop." Aria said.

"Why?" inquired Ezra. Byron was thinking the same thing. "Because, they're so damn convinced that you're the one that pressures me, or at least my dad is. If only he could see it's the other way around."

Byron stood aback for a moment, not really sure how to process Aria's words. "Oh come on, you don't pressure me into things."

"Whatever Ezra. Half of the things sexual we do, I've talked you into."

"That's not true. Having sex at all was my idea." Byron could feel his nostrils flare, his new appreciation of Ezra going away after that statement. "Yes, after I begged and pleaded for forever."

Byron heard Ezra sigh, decided to give up. "I guess you're right. You're a bad influence on me." He shook his head and walked away from the door after he heard one final smacking of lips and them both mumble goodnight.

He slithered his way back to bed, not sure what to do with his new found information. Aria was the aggressor in the relationship. How would have thought it? Byron wondered for a moment if he knew this all along, but wanted to blame someone else instead of his precious little girl. He looked over to the clock on his bedside table that read one a.m. when he had to wake up for an eight a.m. class in the morning.

If Byron had anymore nights like this while Ezra was in the house it was going to be one long week.

Okay so what did you think? I would really love it if you would give me some feed back in a review. I'm not really sure where to go from here, so I'm thinking of just leaving this as a oneshot, I'm not to good with updates. Anyway I may try. I like this idea…. anyway read and review.