I should be working on my other holiday story, but this came to me this morning…inspired by the news that Belle is now a season regular! I'm halfway done with the Rumple Charming Dinner story so I will post there next. But this one wouldn't leave my head.

I own nothing.

Chapter 1: The Encounter

Returning to town, Gold could feel the magic begin to seep through his veins. All that remained of the purple smoke was a slight haze that lingered in the air, unwilling to leave. Gold was unsure how magic would act now that it was released into this strange world, but it was a step he had to take. Even if meant Her Evil Majesty might benefit in the short term.

"We have to go back to the shop for a few minutes, Belle," Gold told his companion as he pulled up to the clapboard building. "I need to get some things and make some preparations."

Coming around to the passenger side with the aid of his cane, Gold opened Belle's door and ushered her toward the building she first entered just an hour ago as a different person. As she was about to go into the shop, she could hear a man shouting the distance. Whom this was she did not know, but as she turned her head in the direction of the noise, she saw a couple running towards them hand-in-hand.

"Gold," demanded the man who was now only yards away from the shop, "what was that? Was it you?

"Oh, I see the happy couple is back together," Gold replied with a sly look on his face, ignoring the man's questions, "…Charming."

"Rumplestiltskin, I know you had something to do with this." Snow White said as she stood next to her prince. "What happened? We need answers?"

Holding up a finger in the couple's direction, Mr. Gold, or Rumplestiltskin as he was also known, informed the two before him, "I suggest you first make a trip to the hospital and talk to Ms. Swan and your grandson."

At the mention of Henry, Snow began to silently cry. Her last memory of her grandson flat lining and doctors rushing everywhere. Putting his arm around his real wife, Charming replied. "Don't worry, we're headed there now, but we need answers. This isn't settled."

As the scene was unfolding before her, Belle just stood beside Gold and absorbed everything being said. She didn't know the couple and had no real knowledge of who's who in Storybrooke, so she silently took in everything happening.

"Come on, Charming, let's…," Snow commented, not finishing her sentence. She was looking at Belle in a strange way, just now noticing her standing beside Mr. Gold.

"Hello," Belle said to the couple, not knowing what else to say in the silence that now engulfed the little group. She knew by the way the woman before her was staring that her presence was startling.

Knowing she never met this woman before her, Snow didn't know what to think. She was disheveled and dressed in a hospital gown. What was Gold doing with her?

"Hello," Snow responded in kind to the woman, not knowing what else to say.

Belle continued on with the stilted introduction, "My name is Belle. And you are?"

At that comment, Snow gave a sharp look to Charming and then to Gold. How did this stranger not know who she was? Her face was in the papers for weeks during her incarceration for murder. Everyone in town knew who she was. Mary Margaret Blanchard was now a household name in Storybrooke thanks to the trial.

"My name is Mary Margaret, or Snow White," Snow replied to the puzzling woman before her. "What are you doing with Mr. Gold?" asked in an interrogating tone. "Do you need help? Would you like to come to the hospital with us?" she continued, taking in Belle's hospital gown and pointing to it in meaning.

"No!" roared Gold in a voice he never used in public in Storybrooke.

Sensing that Gold was about to unleash something he'd regret, Bell laid he hand on his sleeve and pleaded "No, please don't. I want nothing to do with that place. Please."

Calming down enough to speak through gritted teeth, Gold replied, "It seems our lovely Mayor has a special wing in the basement of the hospital. I suggest after you deal with your grandson, you take a look at it."

As the conversation was going on around him, Charming stared at Belle's hand gripping Gold's arm. It wasn't in fear of Gold, but almost as if she was seeking comfort in the man standing before him. Suddenly, a memory from the past invaded his thoughts. No, it couldn't be, he thought. But as he looked up into Gold's eyes, Charming blurted out in a questioning manner and with a raised eyebrow, "Her?"

Gold's slight nod was all the response that was needed, immediately understanding Charming's meaning. As Charming exhaled both women stared in confusion at the men's silent communication.

Snow turned to her husband and demanded, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," Charming replied, taking Snow's hand. "Let's go see Emma. She needs us now." Putting a hand to her mouth to stop the crying that restarted, Snow nodded in agreement.

As they turned in the direction of the hospital, Gold quietly informed the grieving couple, "He's fine." With nothing more added, they immediately knew what he meant.

I like reviews. Next up Belle goes exploring in the Pawn Shop and our fabulous couple have a nice long talk.