
Sorry for taking such a long time to update this Fanfic! I know part I is completed, but this thing is just to let my followers know that I'm now slowly posting part II!

Sorry for taking so long, but I've been busy with real life, because I'm an University Student now! And last year, I had exams, and was busy with other things!

I hope you read Lord of the Rings: Part II and enjoy it as much as you seemed to enjoy Part I! I hope you support Elariniel on her adventures!

I also would like to know what do you think of my OC! I'm trying to make her an interesting character, and a different Elf, from all the elves we know! I'm open for constructive criticism, so review please! Here or in part II! Up to you!

Also, thank you for the kind reviews I got from everyone, they meant a lot to me!

Replies to some reviews:

slytherensangel26 Nope, English is not my First Language. Portuguese is :)

To the guest who asked me when I would release part II: Apparently, 1 year later from the day you posted your review xD

To all other people who said they really liked my Story: THANK YOU SO MUCH, you have no idea of how much that means to me! (Sorry for not answering personally here, but make sure to check your inbox xD)

And to I hope you keep up with this story! Check my profile to read it! Thanks a lot!

Lord of the Rings: Part II is now out!