Dear Diary,

Big news! But first, my awesome story.

Today was a world meeting. I didn't really need to be there, but I decided to be awesome and grace them all with my presence.

I totally forgot how boring those meetings were! And when you're not doing anything, it's Hell. So I was just spinning in my chair, bugging the crap out of West, and doodling on the paper that was given to me.

I never knew how boring not being a country was. I thought being a country sucked, having that constant duty of doing something, but it's worse to just sit around and doing nothing.

Anyway, the awesome story. So, all of the countries started fighting, like they usually do. And I saw Hungary go and step out of the room. Ever since she started wearing dresses, she hasn't liked fighting.

So I thought of that as my chance to get her for myself! The second I stood up, though, West's attention snapped from Italy, to me. He's still slightly protective of me. It's only been a couple decades or so since the whole Russia thing. I told him I was just going to the bathroom and that he needed to take a chill pill. He's always needed one.

On my way out of the meeting room, though, guess who I ran into. That damn sadistic bastard, Russia. He was grinning like that stupid idiot he is. And he was being a creepy perv, too. He grabbed onto my wrist and started trying to talk to me. But I was having none of it and I was busy trying to get to Hungary, so I wasn't paying attention to him.

That is, until he placed his hand on me chest. Right on top of the scars. After I totally yelled his ass off and beat some good freaking bruises into him, we finally gathered the attention of the rest of the countries.

And West dragged me away and sat me back down in my chair. I fought back, sure, but that was so I could get to Hungary, not Russia. Please, that dick's not worth my time.

But West wouldn't let me leave my chair. And Hungary soon came back in just as I was glaring daggers at Russia. It was all his fault, anyway… And what made matters worse was that America had to play daycare with us and made us apologize to each other.

Naturally, I refused. I'm far too awesome to apologize for trying to kill someone who clearly deserved it. Russia just happily hummed his apology and that just made me even angrier. I mean, he's an idiot who thinks he's the shit. Which he's not. Last time I checked, he got powned in that Cold War thing with America.

After that humiliating experience, the meeting continued. And I was stuck grounded to my chair, staring at Hungary.

Eventually, the meeting ended, and I was allowed to stand up and stretch, thank Gott! And, apparently as punishment for my "outburst," I couldn't go two steps away from West until we got to the parking lot outside. I was leaning against his Mercedes as he was talking to Italy and Japan.

And then I saw Hungary. And she was walking by herself. It was just all too perfect.

So, ignoring West yelling at me to get back there, I started running towards her. I yelled at her to get her attention. She turned towards me and smiled her gorgeous smile right at me, saying hello. And I just froze. Two feet in front of her. I could feel my face heating up and stuff, but just looking at her made me go mute.

And that was when I heard West coming up from behind us. He would totally ruin my chances of this happening now. So I took a deep breath. And it took all the strength I could muster to tell her, "Ich liebe dich."

West stopped running then.

Hungary stared at me for a while with wide eyes and I was scared for a second that she didn't like me back. But you know what she did?

She grabbed onto my tie and pulled me forward, into a kiss.


I totally won. The awesome me totally won!

So she's mine now! I don't care about anything else anymore. The girl of my dreams is officially all mine!

I've heard that writing in diaries is kind of a way to help you solve your problems. Kind of like a therapist that doesn't talk back to you and doesn't give a shit. So, I guess that's what I used this for, in a way.

But, now I don't think I'll have very many, if any, problems. They've all been solved.

You know, I've written a lot of diaries about my life. I've written in them all at different times and I can't say I quite care for the other ones.

This one, though, I'll definitely keep. It's not necessarily full of good memories, but they're my best.

Over and Out,
The Awesome Gilbert Weillschmidt/Prussia/East Germany/Hungary's Boyfriend

Dear Diary,

Today was just a regular world meeting. It was supposed to be, anyway. Everyone was fighting, like usual, and so I decided to step out for fresh air. When I came back, Prussia and Russia were practically in a fist fight.

It was funny, though, because America tried to get them to apologize and Prussia refused, like a little kid.

The rest of the meeting, I kept on getting a feeling that someone was staring at me. And then, when I went out to the parking lot, someone called out my name.

I looked around for the source and I saw Prussia running towards me. Naturally I smiled and said hello. I just couldn't help but wonder what he was doing getting his attention. Mysteriously, he stopped right in front of me. He was making eye contact, but he looked odd. I had never seen him like this. And it looked like he was shaking.

And then he spoke, but his voice was oddly quiet. "I…I-Ich…liebe dich…" He didn't sound so sure of himself like he usually does. He sounded scared, to be honest. I had never seen this side of him before.

Now, I've never been the best at German. Austria tried to teach me some, but I never quite got it. I do, however, know those three words. He just told me that loved me. And I could tell me meant it because he was actually working hard to push the words out. He was terrified to say them and he never acted like this. This actually mattered to him, and he was telling it to me.

I was so happy, I didn't know what to do. So, I just simply grabbed onto his tie, and pulled him in to a kiss. One of the best kisses I've had in my life, to be honest.

So, I guess this means that we're together now?

To be honest, I do like him better than Austria.

I've always like the ring of Gilbert and Elizaveta more than Roderich and Elizaveta.

I'm thinking that maybe he'll last for a while. Just because it's him.

Elizaveta…with Gilbert

Ta-da! The end! All good, yeah? We all finally got that PruHun here at the end and ain't it cute?

Anywho...thanks all who read this and did me the amazing favor of reviewing! I love you all and thank you very much!

For the last time here... I do not own Hetalia.