Thanks for all of the reviews and huge apologies for not updating! I know I said I would update earlier and I'm sorry for updating, and the worst part is I don't even have an excuse for not updating. I am truly ashamed. My only real excuse is that the Olympics are SO captivating! If you support Team USA review for me! (This is random but I also support France, Canada, Great Britain, Italy, and Germany along with many others… but mainly the USA!). Anyway, on with the story. Oh and the part in italics is directly from the Red Pyramid. All of that writing goes to Mr. Riordan seeing as though he wrote it as well ad PJO.

~~~~~~~~~ "Men Ask for Directions (and Other Signs of the Apocalypse) chapter 35 TCK book one~~~~

Thoth Pov




After rushing through the university in a rather undignified matter and crashing through the door to my office I sighed as I surveyed my office. *the celling rose at least ten meters, with one side of the office all windows, looking out over the Memphis skyline. Metal stairs led up to a loft dominated by an enormous telescope. The other walls of the office were crammed with bookshelves. Work tables over flowed with random odds and ends- chemistry sets, half-assembled computers, stuffed animals with electrical wires sticking out of their heads. The room smelled strongly of cooked beef with a very smoky, tangy scent. (I'd been practicing my barbequing skills a lot lately.) Half a dozen long necked birds- ibises- sat behind desks typing on laptop computers with their beaks.* They were helping me complete some of mypapers. There was also a group of hollering baboons passing around a basketball. (I always kept them inside when I wasn't in my office.)

I groaned in horror as I realized I'd have to clean all of this before four! Then, after a sudden realization, I slapped myself on the forehead. I was a god, and an Egyptian one at that, I could just use magic to clean most of it. So I went around muttering spells and commanding things to tuck themselves away in drawers or closets. My books straitened themselves on their shelves and the smell of barbeque was taken out of the room. Once every single thing was straightened up I turned to my last challenge, the ibises and baboons. After a moment's thought

I decided to turn them all into pictures and hang them on the wall; I would turn them back later. I grinned as I glanced around my office again, this time to see a clean office! But my smile soon vanished as I was faced with one last problem: what to do on my date, an um, meeting with Viola. I plopped down on a random chair to ponder my options.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A Demon with Free Samples- chapter 27 TKC book one ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Athena Pov

I was utterly and completely confused, to say the least. Thunder continued to rumble and boom around us and lightening was still flashing outside. The rest of the gods and goddesses had started whispering amongst them and looking in my direction. I stumbled back and gasped, "What are you talking about father?"

"That… man… he is an Egyptian! What were YOU doing with him?!" father growled leaning forward in his throne to look me in the eye.

I stuttered, which was also very unlike me, "I-I didn't know he was e-even Egyptian, father. We just me at a café and got along so well."

Father turned toward the picture and roared in anger as "Theodore" cast magic spells to clean up his office, even turning baboons and ibises into pictures! But the straw that broke the camel's back was when we all glimpsed the name written on the door. DR. THOTH. Everyone gasped including me as the realization dawned on us all. Theodore was Thoth, Egyptian god of wisdom and learning! I was falling for and Egyptian god, and Thoth at that.

That much must have been evident on my face when father looked at me because he boomed, "you are falling in love with an Egyptian! I CAN SEE IT IN YOUR EXSPRESSION!"

Poseidon began to make disapproving noises and most of the other gods and goddesses looked at each other completely shocked. "Well, well. Who would have guesses that goody too shoes Athena would be the one to finally break the rules!" teased Poseidon.

"You're one to talk barnacle brain! I didn't even know I was breaking the rules! I THOUGHT he was a normal mortal!" I defended myself.

"An Egyptian God; Athena. Is. In. love. With. An. Egyptian. God." Muttered Hera.

I was so angry that my irrational side got the better of me (yes, even I, Athena goddess of wisdom and battle strategy, has a teeny tiny irrational side. But it's miniscule really!) I yelled, "So what if I like him? Just because he's an Egyptian and I'm Greek doesn't mean we can't be together! Just- please- give us a chance! Please, I beg of you father! Let me just see what will happen."

Father stiffened and looked around the room looking at each god in particular and stopping when his eyes landed on Aphrodite. I saw a pleading, yet serious look in her eyes. She knew something I didn't (which made me even angrier.) as she pleaded silently with Zeus to let Thoth and I be, to let us be together; at least for a while. Father glared off into space for a moment before meeting my eyes and muttering, almost inaudibly, "you may be with Thoth, at least for a while. But if he does anything wrong you are never to see him again. I will have the authority to end this… whatever you have that is going on between you too. In the meantime, do not let Thoth know you know his identity and do not let him know yours," then he whispered to me so that no one else could hear, "I will be watching."

I sighed with relief and smiled genuinely, "thank you father. You have made a fair choice." I bowed courteously and my father waved his hand, dismissing me.

I rushed from the throne room sending a grateful look towards Aphrodite before I was out of sight. I hurried to the elevator before remembering that I could flash out transport myself out; it would be much quicker than the elevator. Shut my eyes tight and when I opened them I was back in my hotel room faced with the challenge of what to wear.

I went into my room to go through the clothes I had brought when I noticed something out of place on my bed out of the corner of my eye. I looked over to see a beautiful lacy grey dress that matched my eye color. There was a sticky note lying on top of it that read:


Since you chose to turn to me with your love life problem I have decided to help you out tonight. I looked through your wardrobe and there was absolutely nothing that would be fit for this evening. I thought this would go perfectly. Have fun tonight!


I blushed a little at the thought of the goddess of love and beauty going through my clothes. But it was still nice of her to help me out; maybe it wasn't such a terrible idea to get to her for help. I decided to shower first before leaving and when I stepped out I felt new a clean, even though I hadn't done anything to get dirty that day. I grinned as I stepped into the dress (that did happen to look quite amazing on me, not to brag!) and brushed my long hair out and left it down hanging around my shoulders. I only but on the tiniest bit of makeup and commanded my satchel to change into a white purse that went well with my dress. Finally I slipped on a pair of white flats with a small grey and white flower on the toe (also curtsey of Aphrodite.) I was finally ready to go, and I all I had to do was wait for Theodore (I still wasn't sure how to address him- as Thoth or Theodore- so I stuck with Theodore.)

~~~~~~eh, I don't feel like adding a quote in here right now soo….yeah…~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I know it's short but I'm in a terrible mood right now so, yeah. I won't update for a long while I'm very sorry. Just bear with me and when I find time I'll update.

A special thanks to GreekMusicCatLover117 for helping me out with Athena's clothes. I wouldn't have finished this without you!